Recalling Memories

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Aliyah's POV
When Aliyah allowed her eyes to flutter open, she found herself staring up at a white ceiling. She felt woozy and abnormally tired. Not to mention, weak. Aliyah attempted to sit up, but she realized that she was strapped onto a table. Ah.... She understood where she was now. She struggled to turn her head just a little, finding a machine there. A cord came from it, connected to a needle buried in her arm. Aliyah blinked slowly, trying to sort out her thoughts. When it didn't work too well, she concluded that the machine was making her like this. Dizzy and weak. This restricted her movements. Without it, Aliyah would've been up and about already.

"You're finally awake," an amused voice made her sigh.

"Mother, what are you doing?" She asked hesitantly.

Seylah looked down at her daughter with a nasty smile. She reached down to take a handful of her black hair and slowly let it fall through her fingers. Aliyah flinched away, but unfortunately, she was stuck where she was.

"You know, your sister is coming to save you," Seylah rolled her eyes. "She's bringing that blasted octopus."

Aliyah blinked once as she processed the information. It took a few seconds, as her brain was being sluggish.

"What!? Why? You're going to hurt her, aren't you?"

"Not directly, my dear," her mother answered with a smirk.

Aliyah wanted to move, but her body wouldn't. She gave up with a sigh and closed her eyes. What could she do? She knew that eventually things would've gotten hard, but why did it have to be now? She was starting to enjoy her time. She'd made a friend, managed to find someone to taunt, and she had even gotten to see her sister with a true smile upon her face. So much for all that. Aliyah let a smile paint itself onto her face. She wouldn't be able to help Shuu anymore then, huh? She remembered a small conversation they had had a few days before.

Aliyah skipped down the hallway with her stack of papers, slipping past the few students that were filing out. She reached the empty classroom and went inside. The papers were set on top of a desk in the front, and she sat down there to sort through them. She had dug deep to find information on each of the students of E Class and was now in charge of sorting them. The sound of the door opening signalled the arrival of Asano Gakushuu. The strawberry blonde's quiet footsteps led him to the front of her desk, and she looked up for a split second before returning her gaze to the papers.

"I got what you wanted," Aliyah pointed out without giving him a second glance.

Asano raised an eyebrow, "that you did. May I?"

She scooped up the papers and handed them to him in response. The boy began to scan through them, a smirk on his face.

"You aren't one for lack of details," he commented.

Aliyah rested her head on the desk and looked up at him. Her blue eyes sparkled, and she smiled, "I believe that if you're going to do something, you might as well do it to the best of your ability."

Gakushuu nodded in agreement. A comfortable silence fell between them, but it was broken by Aliyah.

"Hey, Shuu?"


"What would you think if I were to die?"

His eyes snapped over to her, but she didn't seem too fazed. Aliyah watched the boy's expressionless face for a moment before sighing.

"Ah, forget it," she said. "Anyway, I didn't put Allie's information in there, but I figured I could answer any question you needed answered so long as it's not anything dirty. So-"

"I believe I'd miss your presence."

Aliyah stopped in the middle of her sentence, her mouth hanging open. Surprise was evident on her face, and she seemed to struggle to process the boy's words. She now realized how much closer they'd become since they'd met. Her insults had turned into playful teasing, and Asano was only entertained by all of it. He humored her with weird remarks, and he found himself enjoying the girl's personality. Aliyah shut her mouth and looked down to hide the small blush that was there. She hadn't thought that he would've actually answered the question.

".... Then I guess I'll have to make sure not to die."

She opened her eyes to stare at the ceiling. What she would've gave to go back to that moment. Instead, Aliyah was stuck with her mother. She recalled another instance, this one more amusing in her opinion.

"You asked me to meet you, didn't you?"

Aliyah stared at a girl and her friends who cornered her in the alleyway. Of course, she wasn't threatened. Why should she be afraid anyway? A blonde haired girl stepped forward.

"Tell me, are you a thing with Gakushuu?"

This almost made Aliyah start laughing aloud. How ridiculous could these females be? She already knew where this conversation was headed, so she decided to play around a little bit. She needed some amusement anyway.

"Of course I am! You couldn't tell? Isn't he just so great? I love him so much, and I find it highly satisfying that he returns the affection. Were you hoping he was free? I'm really sorry," Aliyah put on the innocent and cheerful girl act.

She could see the blonde's fists clench in anger. She narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment before speaking out venomous words.

"Well then, it seems as if you'll have to be the first to be eliminated," she pulled out a knife as if it were so threatening.

Aliyah hid a smirk. She wanted to laugh in their face just to be an ass. If there was anything more fun than entertaining people to her, it was playing with them. The girl stepped forward, her eyes filled with rage. But before she could even move, Aliyah had slipped behind her. She held the girl's own knife to her neck and chuckled into her ear. The girl's companions all gasped and took a step back.

"You know, if you plan to kill someone, you should attack first and speak later. It's a lot easier that way because your target can't retaliate," Aliyah whispered, her eyes going a deep shade of yellow. "For your information, I have no interests in Gakushuu, no matter what it seems like. Now, don't go assuming things like that. It can get you killed, and we wouldn't want that, would we?"

She drew back from the girl and dropped the knife. Aliyah brushed past the girl's friends before glancing over her shoulder, "don't become a murderer."

Of course, during that time, Aliyah had felt her other side seep out a little. She had reeled her back in immediately though, so there wasn't a problem. Seylah's phone rang and snapped Aliyah out of her small trance.

"Ah, it seems the octopus is here with your excuse of a sister. I'd be prepared. This'll be your moment to shine. I've set up a trap as well. This place will explode if you fail to do your job. Now, good luck!"

The woman reached to turn off the machine connected to Aliyah. The blue eyed girl felt fear flush through her. She knew one thing above all; Allie wasn't going to leave this place unharmed.

And it was Aliyah's job to protect her.

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