Pole Toppling

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Allie's POV
"He's Prince Charming!" Allie held back a giggle as her classmates fawned over Isogai's talents.

"Well, I guess he's pretty impressive," She muttered aloud, eyeing the boy out of the corner of her eyes.

Her classmates kept rambling on, so she zoned out until a familiar voice came out.

"Alas, some things are only cool when done by a cool person, like Isogai."

Allie's attention flew over to her teacher, who, like always, was poorly disguised. He was eating food happily, telling them it was divine. When the bell rang, signalling someone was coming in, Allie couldn't help but glance toward the door. What she saw made her freeze up.

"Looks like the rumors about a student working here are true, after all."

The Five Virtuosos.

"This is your second violation of school policy. I expected better," Asano walked in confidently, making Allie cringe.

This was going to be bad. Allie and her classmates stepped outside to speak with Asano and his little entourage. Allie felt bad watching Isogai ask the strawberry blonde to keep his job a secret for the month. The boy was poor, and yet, no one would give him much mercy.

"Alright, fine. I'll keep your little dirty secret on one condition. That you show me your fighting spirit," Asano concluded with a smirk.

Allie clenched her fists. Not fair. Why was it always a competition for him? He was always trying to show his strength, his superiority. It was getting tiring.

"My what?" Isogai gave him a confused look.

"I think you heard me. Our school has a proud tradition of revering those who can hold their own. In class and life," Asano answered.

In the end, Allie's class was challenged to a match of pole toppling at the school festival. Unfortunately since they had no choice, they agreed to it and went on their way. Or at least, everyone but Allie did. She stayed behind with a sour look, feeling a strong urge to punch Asano through seven walls.

"I'm getting really tired of this place," Allie mumbled as she began to walk in the direction of her home.

She wanted to help, yet she didn't know how. Stopping people from teasing her classmates all the time would be hard, almost impossible. Especially if the principal himself wanted it to be like that. Allie pulled out her phone.

"Hmm.... Isogai's mother is sick, huh? .... Let's see what we can do about that."


Allie stood in the doorway, listening to the boys discuss the agreement between Asano and Isogai. Her thoughts were drifting away from the conversation, but she still attempted to listen.

"Oh wow. Gone for a few days, and you're already causing trouble," A familiar voice muttered right behind her.

Allie whirled around quickly, her red eyes widening in surprise as they met blue ones. The girl in front of her had a playful smirk on.


"No, I'm Sally," The girl answered. "Idiot."

Allie squealed happily and threw her arms around her sister with a giggle. Aliyah chuckled, but something about it seemed forced. Allie pulled away from her and examined her twin's face for a moment, "is everything okay? What happened? What did you do?"

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. Don't worry about it," Aliyah tilted her head and smiled. "Now, I want you to explain everything to me because it's peaked my interest."

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