"It's Okay To Cry"

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No one's POV
Aliyah was in grave pain when Allie found her. She was lying on the ground in a pool of blood. There were two very noticeable things about her. One was the harpoon-like weapon that stuck out of her stomach. The other was the hole in her chest, very close to her heart. Once she had shot her mother, two traps had been sprung. This caused the blood and pain she was feeling. Allie was trembling at the dreadful sight. Her eyes moved around the room to see her mother slumped against the wall with a bullet wound through her chest. She was dead. Aliyah shifted a little bit, and it caused her to groan quietly.


At that, Allie was pulled from her trance. She ran toward her twin with wide eyes and landed beside her on her knees.

"Well doesn't this look bad," Aliyah rasped out with a smile.

Allie pulled her head into her lap, carefully cradling it. She didn't want to give the girl any more pain than she was already feeling.

"Hey, don't laugh about this! We've got to get you some help.... We need to save you.... M-maybe Korosensei coul-"

Aliyah cut her off with a harsh laugh. She turned her unfocused eyes in Allie's direction.

"There's no better thing to do than to laugh in the face of Death," she answered softly. "So that's what I'm going to do."

Allie felt her heart shatter. Why did those words.... Sound like last ones....? Aliyah couldn't die. She just couldn't.

"You can't.... You can't die! You can't leave me...."

"Things have to happen. My blood loss is going to start taking effect soon. We don't have time. There's no stopping the cycle of life. We're born, we live, we die. Life makes no exceptions. You said so yourself," Aliyah reached up and stroked her sister's cheek. "Don't be so afraid to face Death. It means no harm."

Allie was shaking. She couldn't lose her sister. Not after everything they'd been through. Not after all the deaths that had occurred.

"There was so much I wanted to do. I wanted to live free for once. I wanted to live with you and see that true smile again. I-I wanted to go out for sweets with Shu one more time," Aliyah continued, her voice wavering. "But that'll have to wait for the next time, I suppose."

She retracted her hand, instead touching the harpoon through her stomach. Her body flinched at the touch.

"P-promise me something," Aliyah's breathing was getting heavier. "I want you to be happy.... Go live a long life okay? I know you can't have children, but maybe there's a way for you to have a happy family?"

Allie blinked rapidly at her, trying to hold back the tears.

".... I will if you don't leave me.... Please," she pleaded as a sob threatened to sound.

"I can't.... I'm sorry...."

Aliyah took her sister's hand. The sudden sound of an alarm shattered the moment, and Aliyah's blue eyes filled with tears.

"Y-you have to go.... This place is going to explode. You and Korosensei need to get out of here. Please, I'm begging. Go!"

"I can't leave you here! You have to come with us! There's no way!" Allie argued with a stubborn tone.

"All that movement would only hurt more. I'm done here.... I've done what I wanted to. Go," Aliyah said. "And.... Allie....

It's okay to cry."

Her grip loosened as Korosensei rushed into the room. Allie felt a tentacle wrap around her waist. The conversation that passed between the octopus and Aliyah went straight over her head. She felt empty, and her ears were blocking out the noise. Soon enough, the tentacle lifted her up, and she was pulled away and out of her trance. A tear began to run down her cheek before it was followed by another and another. They became unstoppable after that. Allie's shoulders began to shake, and she finally felt her ears zone back in as a sob escaped her mouth.


Meanwhile, Aliyah was waiting for the sound of explosions. She knew that what her mother had said about it was true. It seemed as if the seconds were hours. Her heart thumped weakly in her chest, and black began to cloud her vision. The blood loss was definitely catching up to her. That's why when she heard footsteps, she didn't believe they were real. As her consciousness faded away, she heard a voice.

"Hold on!"

(Sorry for the shorter part. Next one will be longer, so don't worry.)

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