Dealing With Little Kids

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Allie's POV
Allie sat on the edge of a roof, watching her classmates leap from roof to roof, practicing their parkour skills. She sighed heavily, pulling herself to her feet. After taking a running start, Allie flipped, thrusting herself off of the roof with her hands and spinning to land on her feet on the next. She began doing her own parkour full of flips and jumps to catch up with her class. But the sound of a bike reached her ears once she got into hearing distance. That's when she saw two students plummeting right toward an old man riding his bike. Allie squeezed her eyes shut as a crashing noise filled her ears.


"....- A hairline fracture of the right femur," Allie tuned back into Karasuma's report as he mentioned the injury of the old man. "The doctor says he should be on his feet in about a week or so...."

She flinched at the mention, knowing full well what that meant. The sound of rushing air signaled that Korosensei had arrived. Allie watched the usually yellow octopus turn black as he shook from anger. Scary. The students began reeling off excuses for injuring the old man, and she shook her head.

"Are you guys that stupid?" Allie's voice was laced with silent anger. "And I thought you were getting smarter.... You're not fit to be assassins if you can't take responsibility for your actions. So what the street was narrow? It's still your fault for being reckless in the first place. I'm not going to settle with dumb excuses just because I'm ashamed of what happened. And neither are you."

She crossed her arms and turned away from the students, who all gave her surprised looks. Korosensei then went around and slapped each of the student of E Class, excluding Allie, though she still flinched away. He asked if that would be reported as harming the students, but Karasuma overlooked it and went inside. Class E began ringing out apologies.

"Perhaps you've grown too strong for your own good....You were drunk on power. You neglected to put yourselves in the shoes of someone weaker. That makes you no better than your counterparts on the main campus," Korosensei's voice was low.

Allie could see the realization come to her classmates. The sound of ripping paper made them all look up. Korosensei had ripped a mathematics book apart.

"We are now exactly two weeks away from midterms. Consider yourselves prohibited from studying for them. This isn't a punishment," He said as the students gasped, "there are simply other more important things to study first. I ought to have included them earlier....."

Allie sighed, "right.... I think I know where you're going with this. All things considered, I think this'll be a fun learning experience...."

She waved off the yellow octopus and began walking away.

"See you tomorrow...."


Allie eyed the young kids cautiously, sizing them up. One, a girl with pink hair, looked older than the rest. Once the lady introducing them had finished, the kids rushed forward excitedly. Allie at first stayed off to the side, happy to not be noticed by any of the little ones. But her attention was caught when the pink haired girl spoke up.

"So... What are you insects planning on doing for us now? You descend on our habitat like a swarm of locust. I figure the least you can do is work off some of the oxygen you're sucking up, you losers."

Allie could tell she had shocked everyone, except for Karma, who had a small smile on. She giggled and walked forward to pat the girl on the head.

"Nice words there, kid. You've got a sharp mouth. Reminds me of a friend I used to know when I was smaller."
The other kids gasped at her actions, and the girl, who Allie figured out was named Sakura, growled at her.

Twin Assassins - An Assassination Classroom FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora