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"It's too hot for me to be outside," Allie complained to Karma as she walked beside him, following Korosensei through the trees.

The rest of the class were also following him, and she wondered where he could be leading them. Karma chuckled at her complaint and looked at Nagisa, "so Nagisa, I heard you were a real badass the other day. Sorry I wasn't around. It would've been nice to see his face."

"That's your fault for missing," Allie muttered.

She wasn't sure if he had heard, nor did she care. Korosensei suddenly stopped before revealing a makeshift pool that he had made himself. Everyone immediately leaped in, but Allie stayed back.

"Wow Nagisa, you really are a guy!"

"You didn't know that?!"

Allie started to laugh as she heard a conversation about a certain bluenette. She allowed herself to take off her shirt and skirt, revealing a swimsuit underneath. Allie carefully submerged herself in the water, enjoying the coolness. Her long black hair began to float around in the water around her, spreading out. She glared at Okajima when she noticed he was facing her with a camera. A dark aura surrounded her, and he yelped before immediately turning away. Korosensei began blowing the whistle over and over again for small things. Allie was just starting to get annoyed when Kurahashi suddenly splashed Korosensei, who let out a girly scream. Getting an idea, Allie ran up to the stand her teacher was standing on and grabbed it, only to find Karma on the other side. He grinned at her, and together, they began to shake the stand. Korosensei started to scold the two of them.

"You can't swim, can you, Korosensei?" Allie asked after letting it go.

He started to ramble about how the water totally didn't make his tentacles swell up, and the class concluded that he couldn't swim. Allie glanced around, feeling someone watching. Her eyes landed on Terasaka, who was standing off to the side, watching scornfully. She hummed to herself while wondering what he was up to.


Allie was heading to class after skipping for a bit when she heard voices.

"Are you kidding? You're happy your grades are up?! I don't think I heard you right, say it again!"

She searched the yard to see Terasaka gripping one of his friends' collars.

"Oh come on, these are the highest grades I've ever gotten!" His friend said.

Before they noticed her, Allie hurried inside, trying to forget about it for now. She sighed to herself. She walked in to see Korosensei sitting on a motorcycle model thing. Another one of Terasaka's friends was fawning over it, "that is so awesome!"

Allie suddenly felt something behind her, and she turned to see Terasaka. She yelped in surprise and stumbled back, causing him to scoff and look at Korosensei.

"What are you so stoked about?" He asked his friend, Yoshida.

Yoshida answered with some words about how he wasn't the only thing into bikes and other stuff. Terasaka, suddenly angry, kicked the model over. Korosensei was sent into tears.

"Hey, apologize to Korosensei!"

There were other complaints, but Allie ignored them, eyeing Terasaka with annoyance. He made a remark of hearing bugs instead of them talking and threw a bottle of pesticide to the ground. When the smoke from it cleared, Terasaka cut off Korosensei, who tried to speak, "you're a monster, you hear? Anyone who falls for your nice-guy act is stupid!"

Allie stomped one of her feet angrily, drawing attention from everyone. Her eyes seemed to glow as she spoke, "the only one here that is stupid is you. You're the one who thinks everything should be your way. You're nothing but a bully who doesn't deserve what he got!"

At that, she kicked him in the stomach, making the bigger boy stumble back against the wall. Her eyes leaked bloodlust as she moved closer, grabbing his collar.

"So the next time you call someone stupid in front of me, I'll make sure you realize how stupid you are," She grinned at him.

Allie suddenly let go and gave him a closed eye smile, "until then, I want to see you try killing him."

"You're crazy!" Terasaka said. "All of you are just a bunch of freaks!"

He turned and stormed out of the building, making Allie smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," She muttered aloud.

The red eyed girl pulled out a real knife and flipped it in her hand, "I guess you pick up a few crazy perks when you live with Aliyah."

Aliyah's POV
"So you really think he'll be able to beat Korosensei?" Aliyah's question sounded unsure.

She looked at the man in white in front of her and then at the white haired boy beside her.

"There's a high possibility, yes," Shiro answered cheerfully.

The sounds of footsteps made the blue eyed girl turn to see Terasaka walking their way. He turned and kicked something she couldn't see well, especially since it was night. Aliyah froze, stopping her dangling legs from moving as she sat on the branch of a tree. Shiro moved up to him, "Nicely done. Take this. You've earned it."

The man handed Terasaka some money, making Aliyah narrow her eyes. What was he up to now? Terasaka had a smirk on as he took it.

"The octopus has a great sense of smell. Because of this, we cannot prepare the ground where Itona is to return ourselves. The game would've been spoiled if he had picked up just a trace of our scent. Soon, the freak of nature will be dead, and E Class will be restored to its former insignificance," Shiro told him slyly.

Aliyah wrinkled her nose. Why would anyone want to be insignificant again? She watched as Itona leaped from their spot and landed behind Terasaka, making the boy turn around.

"I know you. You're weaker than the red headed one by far. Your eyes are a giveaway. You have sight but no vision. You only see the path with least resistance. The wolf has eyes for prey, the cow has eyes for hay. One of them's a killer, the other his buffet," Itona spoke calmly, inspecting Terasaka's eyes.

The boy turned away, and Terasaka started toward him, "what the hell is that supposed to mea-"

He was stopped by a hand to his chest. Aliyah had moved silently, and now she stood in his way. Her eyes were not visible, as she stared at the ground, but they showed when she looked up.

"I would strongly advise you not to make any threatening moves," She said softly. "It won't end well."

"You're that red eyed freak's sister! What are you doing here?!" Terasaka demanded.

Choosing to ignore the comment about her sister for his sake, Aliyah shrugged and backed away from him.

"What? I can't visit old friends? You'll figure things out soon enough, though it might be hard with that small brain of yours. For now, goodbye!" She glanced over her shoulder at him as she started to walk away, her eyes glowing a new amber for a moment before returning to their normal blue.

The illusion that a black panther was eyeing him came over Terasaka before he blinked a few times in confusion.

Twin Assassins - An Assassination Classroom FanficWhere stories live. Discover now