Sisters Fight

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Allie's POV
"Now, show me what entitled looks like!" Korosensei demanded.

Allie watched in amusement when her classmates started making scary and stupid faces. She sighed in disappointment.

"Alright guys, just stop!" She said immediately after.

The students stared at her as she giggled softly. Allie then sighed and reached down to her skirt, ripping a piece of it off so that it was shorter. She unbuttoned her shirt so that it looked slightly too flashy and then ran a hand through her hair, ruffling it up.

"Making it look as if you're proud of your looks is one way to show that you're a stuck up teenager from a rich family. You also have to make it look as if you're looking down on everyone, and make it look like you think you're better than everyone!" Allie explained, glancing at Karma and smirking, "the looking down on everyone is something Karma has down well. And if you want to talk about stuck up, Asano Gakushuu is a perfect role model."

This caused giggles to erupt from her classmates. Korosensei chuckled too, "good job, Allie."

The class headed down the hallway with Karasuma in lead. The people who passed didn't even make eye contact, but that was all the better for Allie. Suddenly, Terasaka and one of his friends started to run ahead, but Allie recognized the person who was approaching. He was the one who put the virus in the drinks. But before she could move, Karasuma ran forward and pulled the two boys back before a purple smoke exploded from something the man had.

"Oh? What gave me away?" The man asked.

"You gave us those drinks back at the hotel!"

"So it was you who got everyone sick!" Kayano accused, looking angry.

Allie was quiet due to a new sense. Karasuma suddenly fell to the ground after the unidentified man started laughing.

"This is a poisoner, children," Korosensei said.

The man rambled on about something, and when he turned around, Terasaka and a few others were standing in his way. All exits were blocked, but Allie stood rigid where she was. The man's eyes fell on her, and confusion spread onto his face.

"You look just like the other one! The woman said she would be helping us.... Wait, your eyes are different colors!" He frowned.

Allie allowed her mouth to fall open, "A-Aliyah....?"

Before anything else was said, Karasuma got back to his feet. He kicked the man to the ground. But Karasuma was still weakened by the air the man had blown, so he was down again. Allie just stood there with her eyes wide. Isogai began to support him, and they trudged on after the class hid the man under a table.

Aliyah's POV
Aliyah watched the class make progress from her spot. She waited behind when they continued on, and a hand appeared on her head.

"Now, go and make Mother proud," The voice came close to her ear. "This is an order."
Aliyah's blue eyes were blank and filled with no emotion as she replied, "of course, Mother."

She started in the direction of her sister's class. She found that they had encounter Grip, one of the assassins her mother's partner had acquired. Aliyah allowed a smile on her face as Karma pointed out the man's weird speech. She walked into view, allowing her footsteps to be heard as she brushed past the class. Once she got to Grip's side, she whirled around, gaining several gasps.

"Oooh boy, Grip," A giggle escaped her mouth. "Have you found us some new playmates? I think I've seen these toys before."

Aliyah's blue eyes focused on Allie, who stood there frozen.

"Allie? Did you know about this?" Beside her, Nagisa was holding a bagged Korosensei who was in a ball shape.

Allie stuttered as she spoke, "n-no.... Sorry K-Korosensei.... It seems s-she had some plans for us."

"I was expecting someone that could be a challenge, but I see there's no one interesting here-nu.... I think I'll just call in reinforcements-nu," Grip said.

Before he could do anything, Karma took a potted plant and smashed his walkie talkie into the window, cracking the glass.

"You seem pretty average for a pro. As for breaking glass, is that supposed to be intimidating? Even I can do that. But what I think you shouldn't do is call in reinforcements for the first move. It makes it seem as if you're threatened by just us," He smirked.

Aliyah felt a smile pass over her face. She pranced over to Allie, pulling her sister out from her class.

"I think I can see why you like him, Allie! But I must say, even he's not as bad as me," She smiled.

The smile was obviously humorless, and there was still no emotion in her eyes. There was one thing everyone in the room knew; this wasn't the normal Aliyah. This one seemed to have a cruel way of doing things. Aliyah noticed that Karma and Grip seemed to have engaged in a fight. She watched as Karma avoided each blow attempted. But when the fight seemed to get serious, Grip sprayed gas into the redhead's face. Allie cried out in surprise, but before she could move, Aliyah grabbed her arm and pulled her close, punching the girl in the stomach. Allie sunk to her knees with a groan. Karma seemed to be limp until Grip lifted him. That was when he instead blew the gas into the man's face, making it easy for him to pin down the older male. Aliyah watched in amusement as they tied him up.

"Now, now, class," She started. "You may have gotten rid of dear old Grip, but what about me?"

E Class looked shifty. They didn't know much about the girl and her style of fighting. Allie was a different story. The red eyed girl on the ground suddenly stood, rubbing her stomach. A chuckle escaped her, "you still punch pretty hard. I guess that won't change much. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to harm my classmates, soooo...."

Allie lunged forward and caught her sister in the stomach with her fist, "that's payback."
Aliyah gritted her teeth, but instead of groaning, she giggled, "I knew it would come to this. To be honest, Mother warned me."

The girl pulled out a knife, a real one, and touched the tip of it.

"Though I would prefer guns, Mother just wouldn't allow me have one," She sighed, "But oh well."

The girl ran forward and tried to strike. Luckily, Allie had her own knife, and the two girls engaged in a tight fight of striking and blocking. Eventually, Allie felt herself get shoved against the glass of the window. Aliyah's eyes were hidden as she smirked. The knife was raised up, and Allie had a moment of fear. She raised her arm as if she could block it, but though she felt it slice the air around her, the knife landed somewhere else. The sound of glass cracking was heard. Allie blinked a few times before noticing that Aliyah was on her knees, and the knife was stuck into the glass a half an inch beside her head.

"Aliyah?" She asked softly.

Her twin sister looked up, her blue eyes sparkling with tears. The emotion had returned to her eyes, and her cheeks were wet.

"I-I'm so sorry.... I don't want to hurt you.... I don't want to hurt anyone at all! I don't want to have to make people sad!" Aliyah said.

She felt herself get pulled to her feet, and arms wrapped around her.

"Mom is being unfair to you," Allie told her quietly, "but we need to hurry before anything else happens. We'll talk about this later."

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