The Reaper Part 2

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(Not my pic, but I did recolor the eye so that it was red)

Aliyah's POV
When she heard Allie's little speech, Aliyah had been concerned. She knew of Allie's unstable state when it came to people around her being harmed, and she was quick to calm her down. It wasn't like anyone would've been hurt. No.... Allie would have just said some things she would've regretted in the future years.

Aliyah crouched down beside her red eyed sister, eyeing the building ahead. On either side of them, E Class students were also there, readying themselves.

"Okay Ritsu, if we don't make it out by midnight, tell Korosensei what's going on," Hara was talking to the animated avatar in the screen of her phone.

Aliyah could feel the waves of fear coming from Allie. She had had a past with this Reaper, and it wasn't exactly a good one. To put it simply, she came out of it injured a lot. It took all the willpower in Aliyah not to hunt down the man and end his life. Isogai gave the okay, and the students hurried into the building. During that time, Aliyah reached out to grab her sister's hand, smiling reassuringly at her. The moment they entered a large room, a speaker began to play.

"Is that all of you? Good! Watch the doors!" The door swung shut, and Aliyah frowned.

"Ah, you like to keep an eye on us, huh. Kinda kinky! Reaper Peeper, alright sure, why not?" Karma smiled up at the camera.

A shudder went through the room, and the entire place began descending.

"Oh no.... It seems this was easily a trick. But that was expected," Aliyah smiled. "What I'm concerned about is what's actually happening behind the scenes."

The room came to a stop in front of bars that trapped them all in. Aliyah growled when she saw the Reaper standing there with a friendly smile.

"Trap is complete! Ensnaring you as a group is the best way. It saves me a lot of time," He explained happily. "Though, I didn't expect you to be here."

His words were directed toward Aliyah, who simply gave him a blank look. There was a fierce flare in her eyes, and it showed that she was obviously not happy.

"You know, there isn't a word in any language on Earth that can explain how much I hate you," She said nonchalantly as if it was perfectly normal.

Meanwhile, the students were busy attempting to escape the small little prison they were in. With a smoke bomb and an explosion, there was freedom. Aliyah's senses could pick up where the kids were going, so she grabbed Allie's arm and followed. They ended up in a long hallway in which they just walked down.

"Okay, the truth's upon us," Isogai informed.

The speakers screeched, and the Reaper began speaking, "hello, E Class? Can you hear me? Nice work! Honestly, I'm happy you escaped! It'll be a good warm-up for the real game!"

Aliyah bit her lip. Definitely some trouble ahead. Now she could take it, but looking at the others....

"Ritsu's been hacked!" The class broke her thoughts quickly, leaving her to sigh at the sight of Ritsu watching TV on her screen.

Then, she saw the Reaper coming toward them. He was barely visible for the other students, but Aliyah's eyes could make out his figure clearly. Even then, he was still almost invisible. Two kids rushed him and were easily taken down, making Aliyah flinch. He also flashed past to attack Kayano. Allie was tightening her grip on Aliyah's hand progressively more at the sight. Her face was blank, but the concern for her classmates was noted in her grip.

"Stop it," she whispered.

"Guys, stay back. Leave this guy to me," Nagisa looked deadly.

Before the Reaper could attack him, someone kicked into top speed, blocking his attack. Aliyah's eyes were glowing as she stared up at him. Waves of bloodlust emitted from her, stronger than the times before. They could feel the resentment she held.

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