The Underwear Thief

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Allie's POV
"So.... We're accusing Korosensei of being an underwear thief?" Allie tilted her head at the class.

Nagisa nodded, her the paper that spoke of the crimes made. Allie frowned at it, thinking for a moment.

"Not buying it," She suddenly said, turning away.


The entire class gave her a look of shock.

"What if he were being framed?" Allie asked boredly. "But either way, I don't see me on that list of cup sizes there. That's good!"

"That is true," Someone said.

"So, what is your-" Okajima was interrupted by hand that was shoved in his face.

Allie narrowed her eyes, "and here you will see the execution of Okajima."

She sighed and allowed her hand to drop to her side, "one, don't ask me anything about that, or I will pull out the real knives. Two, you guys must really not trust your teacher if you think he'd really do this."

Nonetheless, the class was convinced their poor old teacher was behind the crimes of the underwear thief. Allie sighed and sat in her seat, ignoring most of the lessons Korosensei taught. The underwear stealing had to be some kind of set up. But by who, and why? This was going a little too far. Allie tuned back in after Korosensei left the room, hearing Karma's voice.

"I don't know what I'd do with super speed, but I can tell you that if I stole underwear, I sure as hell wouldn't be sloppy enough to leave evidence behind!" Karma through a basketball with a bra on it at Nagisa, and the bluenette caught it.

"Found that in the equipment shed. Korosensei understands that he'd be dead to us over something like this. His whole life is about being a teacher. Between losing our respect and being assassinated, we all know which one he'd go out of his way to avoid," Karma continued.

Allie, who'd been silent the entire time, sighed, "I told you he wouldn't do it. Korosensei lives to earn our respect. That respect is something he would never put out on the line, no matter how many dirty magazines he was offered."

She had a faraway look to her, "he wants to be here to teach us, and he also wants us to respect and enjoy him. Unlike so many people in the world, he'd never give that up."

The class had a feeling that she was speaking from experience. Allie stood, "and that's why.... I put so much faith in Korosensei when it comes to things like this. Because I know he wouldn't do it if it cost him our respect for him."

She clenched her fists and mumbled something they could hear, "unlike Mom.... And Ethan...."

Knowing it would be like treading on a minefield if they asked, they ignored the topic at the moment. Kayano spoke up, "but what kind of sicko would do something like this?"

"An imposter," Yuzuki Fuwa said. "We're dealing with a fake Sensei! This means, our culprit is familiar with Korosensei! Hey Ritsu, let's play detective."

The animated avatar on the huge box changed into a detective outfit and nodded happily. Allie found herself smiling.

"This'll be fun."


Allie hid with the others as they staked out a house that was certain to be targeted by the underwear thief. She perked up once she heard footsteps and saw a man running across the yard. Allie sighed, already knowing something interesting was about to happen. Ignoring her classmates' comments, she narrowed her eyes. Who? And why? Those questions played over and over again in her head. Luckily, Korosensei pinned down the obvious imposter, and he pulled off the guy's helmet. By the time everyone had gotten a good look at him, Allie was already walking toward them.

"Isn't that guy Karasuma-sensei's underling?" Kayano asked.

Before Korosensei could react, four white cloth walls erupted from the ground and enclosed them in. Allie wasn't at all surprised once she heard a familiar voice.

"The government was kind enough to let me have one of Karasuma's men on loan. I required a decoy to lure you into this pen of anti-sensei sheets."

The familiar man in white was none other than Shiro. The person who was most annoying to Allie. She narrowed her eyes at him, "you again?"

She was ignored, to her annoyance. Shiro spoke again and then snapped, and a figure came into view.


"Itona," Another voice finished her sentence for her.

Aliyah used a hand to push her hair back as she walked over to her sister.

"Yeah, this is gonna end perfectly," She stretched out the last word, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm guessing you only tagged along because it was him," Allie gestured toward the white haired boy.

Aliyah nodded and kept her eyes on Itona as he descended toward Korosensei, speaking, "so strong.... But compared to me, so weak."

Itona began to attack Korosensei quickly, making the teacher squeal in panic for a moment. But he instantly adapted, and it seemed as though he was dodging each blow. Korosensei told Itona that he could quickly adapt to his fighting style. He then released a burst of energy that blew away the sheets surrounding him. Allie watched, clearly impressed, while Aliyah had a look of worry on her face.

"Remember this Itona! Assassination is education, and in an assassination classroom, the teacher grows stronger with every lesson!" Korosensei said.

When the bright light disappeared, Itona was in Korosensei's arms. Allie turned to look at Aliyah, only to find her hurrying over to the white haired boy. Before she got over there, Itona fell from Korosensei's arms, groaning in some kind of pain.

"It hurts!"

Allie's eyes widened, and Aliyah froze in her spot. According to Shiro, it was the tentacles taking effect on his brain. Losing so many times wasn't something Itona could bear. And with that, the King of Jerks who bore the name of Shiro left Itona there, clearly dissatisfied with the boy's effort. Itona went into beast mode and almost attacked the students, but Korosensei protected them easily. Allie watched the boy with white hair take off into the night.

"Dammit!" Aliyah's curse drew their attention. "I knew Shiro was a bastard, but leaving Itona.... And like this?"

She sighed, "all I wanted was a peaceful night, but noo.... I got stuck with this instead. I suppose I've gotta find him now."

"Why are you so worried about him?" Allie asked.

Aliyah smiled up at the sky, "I never told you this, but a few years ago, I was sent to work with Itona. I was also told to try and become close to him so that there could be another person who could potentially calm him down after something like this. When he's around, I tend to keep an eye on him. Especially since Shiro isn't very trustworthy. Now excuse me, but I need to go look for him."

Allie nodded, "well I'm coming too."

Aliyah shrugged and started off in a direction, taking out her phone and looking down at it. Allie quickly followed. They both ignored the calls sent after them and hurried on.

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