Meeting Itona

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Third Person
    "I was given permission to accompany you to class today!" Aliyah sounded happy as she skipped alongside Allie.

    Allie smiled, "that's great. But why?"

    "I think Mother used the term 'for comfort' to convince Principal Butthead," Aliyah answered with a shrug.

    "Aliyah-san!" Allie's sister turned in the direction of the voice.

    A girl with blue eyes and purple hair skipped up, and little did Allie know, this was Kira, Aliyah's friend.

    "Kira-san! There you are. I meant to tell you that I'll be gone for the day, okay?" Aliyah smiled softly.

    Kira looked at Allie for a second before nodding and bowing to her, "hello, I'm Okura Kira, Aliyah-san's friend! You're Allie, right?"

    "Yes, nice to meet you, Kira-chan!" Allie smiled in a friendly way.

    They bid her farewell and continued their way to the building for Class E. Once they got there, it took a minute to explain the situation to Korosensei, but in the end, Aliyah had a seat to the left of Allie. Aliyah's blue eyes searched the room nervously as she shifted under the gazes of the other students.

    "So now we're going to just allow random students from Class A into our classroom?" Allie realized that Terasaka was glaring at Aliyah angrily.

He advanced toward her, but before Allie could do anything, Aliyah let out a 'tch'.

    "It's only right for someone like you to stereotype all classes higher than you. Unlike the majority of the other classes, there are some who have no problems with Class E. I consider you lucky," Bloodlust filled Aliyah's eyes as she moved closer to Terasaka, who stepped back cautiously. "I mean, who else gets to try killing a teacher! I could just explode from excitement! Just imagine the look on everyone else's face as they realized that you killed a monster who could've destroyed the world!"

    Aliyah grinned manically at her words, and she trembled with excitement. But the mood quickly changed as a dark look came over her.

    "Now, you can keep bothering me with what you think are insults, or I could just kill you right now because there's nothing telling me I can't," Aliyah grabbed the front of Terasaka's shirt and smirked in his face, shoving him back.

    Everyone backed away from Aliyah as she brushed invisible dust off her shirt.

    "Aliyah," Allie's voice was stern. "Threaten another person in here again, and I'll make sure you don't get pancakes for three months."

    Aliyah looked panicked, "Okay okay! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please just don't take my pancakes away!!!!!"

    She started doing endless pleading toward her sister, making the entire class sweatdrop. But there was a small tension over the room. The bloodlust in Aliyah's eyes had scared them, and for a moment, they thought she might've done something bad. The class settled down as Korosensei came in.

    "It seems we have another transfer student that is arriving today," He said calmly, causing the class to look surprised.

    Ritsu said something neither Allie or Aliyah heard, even though they sat really close to her. The sisters exchanged a glance. It was quiet for a moment before a man dressed in white with only his eyes showing walked in. The entire class tensed up, but it was quickly washed away as the man allowed a dove to appear in his hand.

    "I didn't mean to startle you. Seeing your confusion, I must assure you that I am not your new classmate. I'm only his guardian. You can call me Shiro!" He said cheerfully.

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