The Reaper Part 1

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Allie's POV
"Wait, Irina's birthday passed already?" Allie groaned. "Dangit, I was gonna hide a snake in her bag."

Nagisa sweatdropped, "that's not something you should be doing...."

"Too bad!" She smiled, leaning back in her chair.

"Well are you coming to get the flowers with us?" He continued on to ask, not ready to deal with whatever Allie was thinking.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure!"


"What are you supposed to get someone who already has two of everything?" Sugino stared at his phone questioningly.

Allie twisted a piece of her black hair around her finger slowly, "to be honest, I wouldn't know...."

"Well, it's not gonna be easy," Kayano pointed out.

Nagisa sighed, "everyone pitched in. Not a whole lot, but it's better than nothing. The question is, will it be enough to buy a proper grown-up-"

"Hey, over here!"

A young man waved to the group from his spot beside a van that read 'Flower Angel'. True to the name, there were bunches of flowers set up on the side. The man had a blue cap and an apron on, and he looked friendly enough. And that meant that he sent danger signals through Allie's brain. The man suggested flowers as a present for Irina, and he also gave Kanzaki a rose. Allie raised her eyebrows, "hmm.... Flowers seem nice.... Though, I've never once gotten any."

"Why not?" Nagisa asked curiously.

"That's a story for another time. I'm trying not to make this day depressing, so if we're buying the flowers, let's hurry," Those words had a different meaning.

She simply wanted to get away from this man. Something about him unsettled her.


"Why me?" Karasuma stared up at Nagisa, who was holding the boquet of flowers.

Nagisa seemed like he couldn't believe the teacher's dimness. Well Allie couldn't either. How could he not see that Irina was definitely interested in him? How dumb could a man be?

"Mr. K, please. Look at it this way, B*tch-sensei is a vital asset to the mission. All in a day's work, sir. Winning over your colleague can only help things, right?" Karma said with a smile. "Just let her think they're from you, okay?"

When did he become so dang convincing? Allie tilted her head, but she didn't say anything at all.

"I see your point. Very well then, I'll do it," Karasuma took the flowers from Nagisa.

Allie was cheering inside, but there was still a small sense of danger coming from the situation. Just how wrong could things go?

When Irina came back to the class, she stormed into the office, stopping short when she saw Karasuma holding the flowers. He gave them to her kindly, and it seemed like everything was going fine.

That was, until he mentioned the mission and how everything would be over in a half of a year, so it would be the last birthday they'd be celebrating together. Allie felt so angry, she seriously wanted to storm in there and punch Karasuma through seven, no thirteen, walls. Irina then decided to open the window to look down at the students. She smiled and shot a bullet in the air, causing Korosensei to fall to the ground.

"You enjoying yourselves? Leading me along, so you can watch a pro assassin get her pathetic hopes up?"

Korosensei's head popped up, "that's not it at all! The children's intentions were utterly pure!"

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