Fighting For Happiness

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Aliyah's POV
"They'll be in soon enough. This is the room you'll be in," Seylah grinned as her boots made clicks across the hard flooring.

Aliyah didn't speak, but she gazed around the almost empty room. She noticed that there were suspicious openings in the walls, but she didn't really take it as a threat. Seylah glanced at her daughter for a moment before saying something. Aliyah's eyes widened, and she clenched her fists. The woman turned and left the room, leaving her in there. Aliyah waited in silence. She was tired of being a puppet. She didn't want to do it anymore. She simply wanted to live a normal life. This moment would be the one to seize. She needed to make a choice, and it could either ruin her life or save it.

That was the problem.


Her ears picked up the sounds of footsteps through the door on the opposite side of the room. Aliyah took a deep breath before running toward the door and throwing it open. This was the time. On the other side, she saw the person that she was about to hurt. Allie's red eyes widened.

"Aliyah! You're okay!"

She hugged her twin with excitement. Aliyah didn't move a muscle, nor did she speak. She made no sign of emotion at all. Allie's face fell.

"Are you okay?"

"We need to get you to a safe area," Aliyah said suddenly. "Where's Korosensei?"

Allie rolled her eyes and looked to the side. Aliyah finally noticed the suspicious-looking yellow blob on the wall. She sighed in exasperation. He was an idiot sometimes. She growled, "just come on. Mother thinks you're coming. I know somewhere you can hide."

She wasn't lying about it. Aliyah led the two to a hallway without going through the room she was originally stationed in. She found a storage room door and opened it before pointing inside.

"You can go in right now. I want you to hide until I give the word, okay? I'll take care of Mother," She instructed.

Allie was strangely cooperative, and even Korosensei seemed the same. As Allie passed, Aliyah manage to slip her hand into her pocket and grab her phone. She apologized to her while saying it was an accident. Korosensei went inside as well, and Aliyah shut the door. She looked beside the closed door at the electronic pad. She punched something into it, and the door was locked. During that time, she bit her lip. She mentally apologized once for what she was planning to do. She turned and began to walk away. Once she was far enough away, Aliyah looked down at Allie's phone.


The 2D animated girl popped up on the screen almost immediately. She looked serious, and she held up a hand in a sort of salute.

"Yes, Aliyah?"

"You can hack into the security cameras, correct?" She received a nod. "Good. Then I want you to do that please. Once I finish what I'm done, I need you to unlock the storage room door, alright? And then lead them to the room we're going to now."

Ritsu nodded, but she frowned, "what are you planning on doing?"

"You'll see~ Don't worry about me, alright?"

Aliyah smiled a fake smile and then slipped the phone into her pocket. She was wearing her more preferred attire of jean shorts and a blue tank-top. It was comfortable for her, and she felt at home. Every assassination she'd done had been in similar outfits. It freed the arms and legs for movement. Aliyah opened the door to her stationed room only to find her mother standing there with her arms crossed.

"How come you didn't wait for them to come?" 

Aliyah stared into the woman's eyes with a steady gaze, "I don't want them to see this. I won't let them see this monster side of me."

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