A Monster

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Aliyah's POV
"Do you understand your objective?" Seylah smiled as she fingered a few strands of Aliyah's hair.

"Exterminate anyone who attacks me," Aliyah said nonchalantly. "How come you sacrifice all of your men for this?"

"Oh dear, you don't understand," Seylah tutted. "These people are only pawns in the big game. I will sacrifice and use them to their extent, and not one of them will protest because they're loyal. Besides, it was you who killed the ones that are dead now."

Aliyah's blue eyes dulled, "I know."

"Now, on with the test!" Her mother laughed. "Make me proud!"

The girl stepped into the room. She eyed her surroundings curiously, taking in the boxes and other doorways that were notable hiding spots for a person. Aliyah then found herself staring into a mirror. She examined herself for a moment. She was wearing jean shorts and a belt which held dual pistols. She wore a black tank top too.

"Let's get this overwith," Aliyah mumbled to herself.

She focused on her sense of hearing and allowed it to start picking up noises around. Breathing from behind a tall pyramid of boxes. Footsteps of moving men. Aliyah sighed as two men stood up, pointing guns at her. Her eyes went gold, and she smiled, "how boring."

In a quick movement, two gunshots were heard. The two men fell to the ground, bleeding from the head. Aliyah was holding her two pistols out as she licked her lips. That's when a bunch of attacks were pulled on her. Bullets came flying at her, but she zipped between them easily with an unatural speed. She fired her own guns while flipping in mid air. Everything seemed as if it were going in slow motion, but in reality, it was going pretty fast. Aliyah began to laugh as she shot at the people attacking her. Her golden eyes seemed to glow in excitement, and bloodlust radiated from her in large waves. She eventually killed everyone in the room. Aliyah stood in the middle of a bunch of fallen bodies and sighed.

"Dangit.... They broke...."


"Looks like the tests are working. Your strength is at good levels, and your sense of hearing is as good as it's gonna get. Now, what about the 'other' thing?" Seylah smiled at her daughter.

They sat across from each other at a table.

"They're doing fine. I find it interesting. How in the world did you manage to get it so that they don't consume you?" Aliyah asked, her newly golden eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I was there throughout the tests on the boy. It was easy. But luckily, I was able to tweak it especially for you, so only you can withstand them," Seylah pulled off her white gloves. "Though, I suppose the toll it takes is a little hard for you."

Aliyah giggled, "well one, it's created a split personality within me.... And two, well, it's consuming my emotions. Recently, the only time I've been able to feel anything at all was around Allie. And that's only anger, fondness, and a few other slight things. Other than that, I can feel mischievous, but it doesn't do much."

"That really just comes from the split personlity," Her mother chuckled. "The mischievous part at least. The original Aliyah is a soft person, and you aren't. But eventually, you'll be one and the same. A killing machine. A human weapon. That's what I'm reaching for here."

Aliyah stood up, placing her hands on the table and leaning across it a little bit, "don't worry, Mother Dear.... In the end, you'll be dead."

She smirked and turned away, walking off. Aliyah left the building without any thought. Her golden eyes slowly faded back to blue, and she put a hand to her head, feeling pain there. That was the only kind of pain she could feel anymore. The one that came from her changing personality. The night sky was decorated in stars, and they lit up the sky. Aliyah smiled up at them, the stars reflecting in her eyes.

"I'm afraid that soon, I won't be able to be so close to you, Allie...."

The smile became empty and almost cold.

"And that's why I'm glad you're making friends."

Aliyah closed her eyes and looked down.

"Because soon, they're going to have to protect you from something that is none other than me.... A monster."

Something came from behind her, and then there were a few more. Aliyah reached out to stroke one of the tentacles with a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry."

(I know it's a little short, but I needed to turn the point of view on Aliyah for a minute because her little secret is gonna be important!)

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