Nagisa's Fight

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Aliyah's POV (First Person)
I found that surprise was surging through my veins when the man in the chair, the guy my mother worked with and had ordered Class E to come, turned around, scratching his face. Buttons were scattered across the floor, but I lost interest in those quickly. Beside me, Allie gasped, gripping my hand tightly. I squeezed hers to assure her that I wasn't going anywhere.

"So it was you, Akira Takaoka?" I asked slowly.

"Ah, so you are being disobedient. Your mother said it was likely. She also told me to tell you that if you happened to disobey, punishment will be waiting," The man grinned manically at me.

He turned to the rest of the students, leaving me to tremble slightly.

"What naughty children, trying to sneak up on dear old daddy. And I thought that I had raised you better than that," Takaoka sighed in mock disappointment.

"Let's head up to the roof, alright? I've got a little surprise up there for all of you. Oh, and bear in mind that you're only alive because Daddy's feeling generous," He walked past us and began to make his way to the roof with us following.

Once we got up there, Takaoka began a long rant about his plan and the way he had been treated. It was stuff I didn't care about, but I knew something worse was coming up. He demanded that Nagisa come with him to the heliport to settle things. He obeyed, and the class moved to get a good spot to watch. I clenched my teeth, holding back a remark. Nagisa walked up to the knife on the ground and stood in front of it, staring at Takaoka. I leaned onto the railing and narrowed my eyes, brushing my black hair from my face as the wind made it a burden. Takaoka forced Nagisa to apologize down on his knees, and I could feel the anger radiating from Allie's classmates. But despite all of that, he still blew up the antidote to the virus planted in some of the students from Class E. The entire class was shocked, and even Karasuma looked horrified. I felt nothing really. I guess I was just used to disappointment like this. It was something that appeared frequently to me. My eyes travelled back to Nagisa expectantly, finding a shocked look on his face. The bluenette glanced over at Terasaka, who I had noticed was sick, and rage replaced the expression. Nagisa picked up the knife and lifted it up, his eyes glowing with bloodlust and anger.

"I'll kill you!" The boy's voice was dripping with venom, and for the first time, I saw the glimpse of the snake instead of the boy.

A memory came to me suddenly.

I was pushed up against the wall, feeling one of the men beginning to pull up my shirt. I only squirmed a little. Yeah, I was angry, but my memories were flooding back. This had happened once already to me, and it had gone much, much further.

"Get away from her!" The man disappeared from in front of me as someone flew at him.

I looked that way to see Allie sitting atop the man, holding her knife to his chest. Her eyes were glowing with bloodlust.

"I'll kill you!"

I hurried to put my hand on her shoulder.

"Leave it, Allie."

"B-but, why?" Allie turned to me with confusion in her eyes.

"He's not worth it."

My hand tightened around the railing I leaned against. I hesitated before calling out, my voice echoing, "Nagisa, you need to snap out of it, you stupid!"

Everyone's attention went to me, but my own stayed on the bluenette, who seemed to be listening, though he didn't look at me.

"Think about it! This is a life you're about to take! If you were me, this man would've been dead the first time you had fought him, but you're not me, and so you're not a murderer! It may look like it's defense or whatever, but this is taking a life. Can you really bring yourself to do that? I've realized in my life that everyone seems to have an inner animal, and yours is taking control. Animals are wild, and if you can't learn to work with it, then things will go very bad. So if you think you can kill this man, then be my guest, but I'm encouraging you to not become like me.... You don't want this kind of blood on your hands!" I said loudly so that he could hear me. "Please...."

My hands tightened even more on the railing, and I felt the metal bend. Curse my extra strength. Terasaka added more after throwing a stunning thing at Nagisa. After a moment, Nagisa picked up the stunner and put it on his belt. But I didn't miss the change of the look in his eyes. He had a plan. The boy ended up pulling off something he learned in special training, and Nagisa stunned him. The bluenette had won. I grinned happily, trying to ignore the headache that was appearing to me suddenly.

"Hey Allie? He kinda reminds me of you back when it happened," I said softly.

"Huh? What is 'it'?" Korosensei barged in.

I turned my face away, but words came from my mouth, "I'm not the only one who loses control every once and awhile. About a year ago, a boy named Ethan, who I've noticed has came back around town, used to be my partner. He was someone I trusted, but that trust was violated when he went as far as to sexually abuse me. Let's just say.... There were a lot of times when Allie lost control over certain things, but I managed to keep her calm."

I wrinkled my nose, "that's all I'll say for now."

Without another word or glance at the ones around me, I walked toward Nagisa, where I could hear a helicopter coming to land. I had just spilled one of my many secrets. A small smile graced my lips. Grip and the other two assassins were speaking with the class, telling them that their other classmates would be fine. I had already known that, but it was something I had forgotten. After a few minutes, we all loaded into one of the helicopters. I was quiet, but Allie spoke to a person next to her.

"Aliyah," She had suddenly broke out of conversation to look at me.

I didn't look at her in fear that I would start crying or something. So I simply hummed in response.

"What's going to happen when you return home?" She asked.

I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head.

"Well, you know.... There'll probably be more lashings.... And you should probably just stay out of it," I told her.

Allie's eyes narrowed, "how can you talk about it like that?!"

"It's just how I am.... I'm sorry.... Things are the way they are, and if I could change them, I would," I felt the helicopter lurch as we headed down.

"That's just because you're scared!" Allie's angry words sent shivers down my spine, and though we had been speaking quietly to one another, she had said them loud enough for everyone in the vehicle to hear.

My hand twitched as anger started to flow through my veins. As we landed, I stood up, my bangs covering my eyes.

"Scared? Of course I'm scared. Unlike you, I've been beaten by the same person every day of my life ever since I was six. I've had needles shoved into my skin, and I've been forced to kill people! Can't you understand? You're the lucky one. I've gotten nothing but hell my entire life, and you expect me to pretend like it's not normal for me? That's kind of stupid," I stared at her.

That's when I pulled out my knife and ran the blade down my arm. All I could really feel was just numbness. Allie's eyes widened as she stared at my blood that had started to rise. I had cut through my long sleeved shirt and my skin, so now they could see the scars that lined my arm.

"I can't feel the pain anymore, Allie.... That's how bad it is. So shut up and stop acting like you're surprised," I dropped the knife, turned around, and walked out of the helicopter.

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