"Things Are So Much Better If You Share Them With Others"

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Allie's POV
Allie stared at the paper in her hands. The Future Planning Survey. What did she want to be when she got older?

"What kind of question is this?" Allie's soft voice sounded bored.

"Is something wrong, Allie?" Nagisa looked at her with a curious expression.

The red eyed girl shrugged, sitting on the top of Nakamura's desk.

"I already have an occupation. That's what an assassin is, right?"

Rio looked up at her, "you've got nothing else you want to be?"

"Not really. Ever since I was born, I was pretty much destined to be alone in a job that causes bloodshed. It's hard to escape fate like that," Allie sighed.

"What? No husband, no children?" Rio looked surprised. "And here I was getting excited...."

"About what exactly?" Allie tilted her head at the blonde, "and besides, having a family and being an assassin is hard. People will target the ones close to you, and that's a risk I wouldn't be willing to take. Even if it costs me my happiness. Plus I can't really have chil-.... Nevermind."

"What were you going to say?" Nagisa asked.

"It's nothing," Allie waved him off. "I'd be more worried about what's on your paper now."

Of course, Rio had tampered with it, and it had a bunch of girly things on it. Allie giggled as Nagisa freaked out. Karma also had some kind of input too. In a joking manner, Allie walked over and pulled Nagisa close to her as if she were protectively hugging a teddy bear.

"Oh, why don't you leave my little Nagisa alone? We don't want him to get too mad, or you'll regret it!" She smiled softly.

Nagisa's face got really red.


"Oh look at you, seducing boys left and right," Karma teased, smirking.

Allie crossed her arms and turned away. She felt happy again. After the Reaper incident, she was glad when the class easily forgave her for her actions. But she still didn't manage to avoid the seven million questions about what had happened with her hair. It always grew longer when she changed, and that was how it had always been. No matter how many times she cut it, it would simply come back when the time came. Allie had given up on cutting it this time. She simply put it in a ponytail so that it wasn't as long.

"Why are we talking about this stuff when the Earth's on the verge of being destroyed?"

Allie shrugged, "there's still the chance that we'll survive. Besides, you always need a plan for life."

She smiled softly.

"Allie," the sound of Korosensei calling her made her freeze up.

Allie stared at the blank paper in her hands with a sigh, "well, here comes some lecturing...."

She wasn't wrong. The moment Korosensei saw her empty paper, he freaked.

"Don't you have a plan for what you want to do in the future?!"

Allie shrugged, "don't know, sir.... I'm already an assassin, and it's not like my mom is gonna let me go anytime soon."

"Ah, that reminds me. I would like to have a talk with your mother one of the upcoming days," Korosensei's words sent a shiver down her spine.

"Why is that?"

"There's something I want to confirm," He answered, setting a tentacle on her head. "But anyway, you should really think about doing something else. Answer me this: Do you really want to be an assassin?"

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