Mother's Visit

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(This Story Will Be In Third Person From Now On, Unless I Indicate That It's Not)

Aliyah's POV
    "Woah! We just lost to Class E!" Kira bounded up to Aliyah with a new burst of energy.

    "That we did. I'm kinda glad though.... But Allie is a formidable opponent," Aliyah answered, watching her sister from afar.

The basketball tournament went surprisingly well, and the Class A girls had lost by just one point. Either way, Aliyah was glad that Class E had won. It was refreshing to see their happy faces.

"Come on! We have to go watch the baseball game before we miss it!" Kira grabbed Aliyah's hand and began to drag her toward the field.

The game was going well, and to Aliyah's delight, the E Class kids were winning. The tides started to turn when the principal came out. Gakuho's arrival seemed to make everyone on Class A's team more.... Aware. They were in a order that wasn't really fair, but it was played that way anyway. In the end, Class E had their own little plan. Karma and Isogai stood really close to the batter, intimidating him enough to make him fail to hit the ball correctly. Class E managed to out three people and won the game. People cleared out, but Kira and Aliyah stayed behind. Class E was celebrating among themselves, and suddenly, a feeling of longing came over Aliyah. She watched as Allie ran up to the boys excitedly, grinning as if it was the best day of her life. Which it probably was.

"E Class isn't that bad, is it?" Kira smiled at them. "They act like a family. They never leave each other behind, and they're always standing together."

Aliyah smiled, "yeah, you're right. It's kinda like a family."

"Hey, Aliyah! Did you see that? Wasn't it cool?" Aliyah found herself squeezed into an energetic hug from Allie.

She tensed up but quickly relaxed. Class E was making Allie happy, and for that, Aliyah couldn't help but be grateful.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool," Aliyah agreed, and Kira nodded from behind her.

"Hey, Aliyah-san, Kira-san. What are you doing with these guys?" Two boys came up from behind, giving the two girls a suspicious look.

"Oh.... Kira was just teasing them, and I was about to tear her head off!" Aliyah said immediately, smiling with her eyes closed.

It was of course a lie, but Aliyah didn't want Kira getting into any kind of trouble.

"But since you came by, I'm not feeling it anymore! Come on, Kira!" She winked at Allie and dragged Kira off quickly.


Allie's POV
While trying to finish her text to Aliyah, Allie felt her phone get pulled from her hands. She glanced up to see that a certain redhead was staring at the screen. She growled, "Karma, give that back!"

He only smirked at her, "only when you beg for it."

"Like hell I will!" She snapped, lunging for it.

Allie only managed to stumble and gain her balance again. She glared at Karma before letting out a sigh. She heard a chuckle from Nagisa and shot a deadly glare at him, making him immediately shut up. A notification sound came from the phone, and Allie frowned, "what does it say, Karma?"

"It says.... 'Mom is coming to your class, be ready'. It's from your sister," He answered with a curious look.

Allie perked up and tried to grab the phone from him, but he pulled it out of her reach.

"Give it back, Karma! It's important!" She received no mercy.

Allie took a deep breath and sighed, instead grabbing his wrist and pulling it toward her so that she could read the text. What he said was indeed true, and it made Allie tense up. She instantly let go of Karma's wrist and stepped back once.

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