School Festival

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Aliyah's POV (First Person because I feel like it)
"I can't wait for the school festival!" I smiled happily while trotting alongside Gakushuu.

We had just finished a meeting with some kind of company. Of course, he went above and beyond to get a corporate sponsor. The other four of the Big Five seemed shocked by it all. I could tell Asano was determined. He wanted to beat E Class after all of his losses. Good luck to him then; he'd need it. The class may have been put at the bottom, but they were quick to reach the top.

"You're quite excited for this, even though it's not too big of a deal," Ren gave me a curious look.

I shrugged, "well, I haven't exactly gone to an actual school ever. So school festivals are new to me."

The boys, excluding Asano, all looked surprised.

"You've been homeschooled your entire life?"

I nodded, "correct. It was a little harder to be homeschooled here though because it was a foreign country. My father was part Japanese, but Mom raised us in America. You have no idea how hard it was to learn Japanese...."

I sighed, thinking about the hours of practice I had to go through. Mostly because Mother had me widen my vocabulary as well. I was glad it had stuck in the end. If it hadn't, I would've been horrible at life. Good thing my learning speed was enhanced.

"I remember my father saying you were from America. Huh, must've slipped my mind," Gakushuu shrugged.

"Oh, Shuu, it's not like you to forget things. How disappointing," I grinned mischievously.

He gave me a stern look, and I simply stuck out my tongue at him. I turned my attention ahead to see a girl and her friend heading our way. She had a friendly look on her face, but I could tell that there was malice there. She trotted happily up to us, her green eyes focusing on me.

"Aliyah, right?" I nodded to confirm her guess. "I was wondering if we could meet up after school. I wanted to ask you something."

I brushed past her without looking back, "sure. It's not like I expect anything bad to come out of this. I'll see you then, okay?"

My instincts were telling me she was going to interrogate me. Probably about my recent tagging along with Asano. He had a lot of fangirls, as I found out quickly. It was quite amusing. Girls seemed to think I had a crush on him, but it was really only because he was interesting. And besides, I had agreed to help him with whatever he requested, so oops.

Allie's POV
"Wow, the main campus is really going crazy over the school festival."

"The hype is insane," Isogai looked troubled. "Probably because they think we're up to something."

"I hear Asano has made a deal with some big restaurant company," Sugino added.

"Aliyah says that's true," Allie said, putting a finger to her chin. "Huh.... Well, at least we know he thinks we could beat him. Why else would he do that if there wasn't a possibility?"

Nakamura rested her cheek in her hand, "well, I wouldn't put it past him."

"Well then," Korosensei raised a tentacle knowingly, "this competition will be decided by skills outside of assassination!"

"I don't want to lose to the A Class jerks," Sugino said, "but what are we supposed to do?"

Allie felt bad just looking at her class. Assassination was their thing. Without it, they felt less secure. She looked at the teacher expectantly, wanting him to cheer them up. Korosensei spoke again, "Asano has the right idea. This is all about providing something unique. Give people a bargain, and you'll draw them in. Even on a shoestring budget."

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