Bad Memories

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Allie's POV
She couldn't believe it. Karma had actually been helpful. Was the world ending? He left right after they had shared a meal, but it still left Allie dumbfounded. The sound of the door swinging open made her perk up.

"Allie, I'm home!"

She ran toward the door excitedly, smiling brightly when she saw her sister standing there.

"Aliyah! Why'd you take so long? I mean, you told me you weren't going to be home until later, but why?" Allie demanded almost as soon as she reached her.

Aliyah had a happy sparkle in her eyes, which surprised Allie just a little bit. She never seemed this happy.

"Sorry!" Aliyah laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head. "I was out with a friend of mine."

"What kind of 'friend'?" Allie asked suspiciously.

Her sister waved her off, stepping past her, "you know, Kira! You remember her, right? She invited me out, and I couldn't say no."

Allie watched her leave with a raised eyebrow. Really? There was something suspicious about that. She didn't press though. At least it was better than being out with Asano or something.


"I can't believe you're going to class with me today," Allie sweatdropped as they hurried on their way to the school building. "And we're late."

"Don't worry!" Aliyah giggled, "we'll be fine! The octopus can't do much to us anyway."

"You'd be surprised," Allie sighed. "I mean, he does write down every little thing about us, so who knows what he could embarrass us with."

"You think that lowly of him? Come on, Allie, cheer up!"

And that was that. Allie and Aliyah reached the building just after class had started. Allie tried to hold in a sigh, but it didn't work. The girls hurried to the classroom only to find....

"Korosensei.... Why... Why are you dressed like Tadaomi?" Aliyah had a completely straight face on when she asked the question.

Attention went over to her. After a surprisingly quick explanation on how Nagisa's mother wanted to pull him out of E Class and how she was going to have a parent-teacher conference with Korosensei in the place of Karasuma, Allie almost freaked.

"How in the blazes did you get the idea to dress up like him?! You don't look anything like what he does!" She snapped, making the poorly costumed teacher sulk.

"Sensei is trying his best for Nagisa's sake!"

She rubbed her temple in exasperation.

"I shouldn't have come to school today."

"Well I think it's a great idea!" Aliyah clapped her hands together cheerfully.

An irk mark appeared on Allie, "you think everything is a great idea! Besides, how are you in a good mood right now?!"

There were practically sparkles floating around her sister, which made no sense at all. Allie had an urge to turn and walk straight out the door, but she refrained.

"Hey, Nagisa," she moved over to him while the rest of the class spoke to Korosensei. "I hope things go well."

He turned to her with a troubled look, "so do I...."

When Nagisa's mother arrived, Allie examined her with a watchful eye. This was the woman that was trying to take the little bluenette away? She did look as if she would do something like that, especially with that grim look and sense of purpose around her. It kind of reminded Allie of someone, but she couldn't remember who. Maybe later. While she joined some of her classmates in watching the meeting through the classmates, Allie tried to remember it. The fake smile, the way she seemed to have complete control.... It was familiar. Nagisa's mother spoke about his hair with a strong passion, making Allie want to shiver. There was something being held back here.

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