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The man's red eyes sparkled with a strong determination as he strode across the tile flooring. His white lab coat flowed out behind him, flapping in his wake. Black hair was falling into his vision, but he paid it no attention. He was approaching a door on the right, and once he got there, he slipped into the room at the speed of light. A steady beeping noise greeted him as he got inside. The room was small, and the beeping was coming from machines around a hospital-like bed. It was a heart monitor, and the heart it was connected to was beating slowly. The man examined some of the machines and wrote down information, looking toward the bed. There was a person there. Black hair spilled off the sides of the bed, and there was a noticeable rise and fall of the person's chest. It was slow though. The female's face was pale, and her eyes were closed. Her mouth was opened just a few centimeters, but the breaths coming through were ragged and louder than normal. The man's face contorted with a faint concern. He swallowed back sadness before turning away. That's when the heart monitor sped up just a little, but he was alerted right away. His eyes snapped over to the girl to see a more rosy tone creeping back into her face. His red eyes widened in complete surprise. A woman burst into the room, holding a clipboard. Her brown hair was tied up into a bun, and she was also wearing a lab coat. She pushed up the round glasses on her face and began to speak quickly, "Sir, she's waking up."

The man was beside the bed in seconds, carefully studying the young girl's face. A grimace twisted her features, and her breathing became less ragged. She shifted in her sleep. The man flinched, hoping that the wound in her chest wouldn't be torn open once more. It was already so fragile, considering that she'd been impaled. The girl wrinkled her nose before letting out a pained gasp. Her eyes flew open, revealing a cool blue. At first, she seemed to be in some kind of major pain, but it ceased. The girl was attempting to sit up when the man placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Please, relax. You'll reopen the wound," he warned sternly.

She stared up at him in surprise. Opening her mouth, she gave a cracking response, ".... W-who are you?"

"My name is Kumaru Akihiko. A scientist that used to work under your mother," he answered simply. "And right now, I'm working on saving your life. Kumaru Aliyah, you nearly died three days ago."

Aliyah's eyes widened at his name, and she gave an intake of breath at what he said. She tried to shift a little and flinched at the pain. The only thing keeping her wound from reopening was a layer of skin. At the moment, Aliyah's cells were in the process of speeding up. Something had slowed them down before, so it had taken a few days for Akihiko to find a way to restore her quick regeneration.

"K-Kumaru? But that's-"

"Your own surname? That comes with a simple explanation; I'm part of your small family. I'm so glad that I finally get to speak with you after all this time," a smile spread on his face. "I was forced to watch your mother do horrible experiments on you and even your sister once. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to intervene. I was undercover, and seeing as how your mother would've recognized me instantly, I couldn't risk helping until I gained enough information to do so. However, you beat me to doing anything about her. Gomenasai, my dear niece. I was unable to help you in your time of need."

.... Niece? Aliyah's face was full of complete shock. She had an uncle? A blood-related uncle? How?

"U-uh.... H-how come I've never.... Heard of you?"

"Your father, my twin brother, decided against revealing the fact that I existed. Your mother was unable to find any information about his family, so I was protected. We made a promise to each other that I would help you and your sister if he were to be eliminated. I planned to get you out of there, but unfortunately, your mother made that quite hard. In the end however, I'm so very glad that I was able to save your life," Akihiko explained in a relieved tone. "But you still need time to recover. It seems that your mother may have injected some type of serum into you that restricted your accelerated healing. It took me a few days, but I managed to find a solution for that. Even though your cells should be regenerating at their normal pace, those harpoons did a number on you. The wounds have not completely healed yet, so give them some time. I'm trying to speed it up as much as possible. You need to hurry back to your sister or else I fear something bad may happen."

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