Summer Festival

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Aliyah's POV
"You want me to come the summer festival too?" Aliyah echoed the words of the yellow octopus who stood inside their house.

Allie smiled, "oh come on! It'll be fun!"

"Oh.... Sure, why not?" Aliyah closed her eyes and smiled, tilting her head slightly.

That was how Aliyah had found herself at the festival with her sister right beside her. She glanced around cautiously, as if she expected someone to jump out of the bushes and attack.

"Calm down, Aliyah," Allie said, squeezing her hand. "Nothing bad is gonna happen here, I promise."

Aliyah couldn't shake off her uneasy feeling, but she forced herself to relax. It worried her that her mother hadn't decided to 'punish' her for the actions she made while on the island. Aliyah had flat out betrayed her mother. That was a bad thing to do, and disobedience was never tolerated by her mother. That spelled out danger. Aliyah sighed and looked around in interest, spotting many of Allie's classmates. A nudge made her look at her sister questioningly.

"Look," Allie gestured toward Karma, who was having fun by blackmailing one of the people at a game booth.

Aliyah sweatdropped and searched Allie's face. There was a happiness she hadn't seen in ages there. Aliyah smiled to herself and tugged on her sister's hand.

"Come on, let's go do something," She urged softly.

They went to play a game that had to do with throwing darts.

"I'll leave this one to you, Allie," Aliyah said with a smirk, "I expect the best."

Allie smiled and took all three of the darts she was handed with one hand. People around seemed to become interested in her actions, and they moved to watch. Allie stared at the balloons she was supposed to hit with the darts for a long moment. She took a deep breath and let it out before bringing her arm across the air with surprising speed. The darts flew from her hand, and three pops were heard. She had hit the three smallest balloons, which was a huge win. The small group of people around the two girls seemed to be in awe. Allie smiled, putting her hands on her hips, "that was pretty easy."

She quickly picked out a brown stuffed bear for a prize and began to walk off. Aliyah followed with a proud aura.

"Good job," She praised happily.

Allie grinned, putting the bear so that she held it around its waist and squeezed it.

"I think I'm going to call him Chip!"

Aliyah giggled softly, "whatever you say."

"Well, well, look what we have here," A sly voice spoke out, and an unfamiliar man stepped out of the shadows.

He walked up to the twins and bent down slightly, "how pretty. Two innocent girls. This'll be fun."

"I suggest you just keep walking," Aliyah said softly.

"Or what?" The man grinned in her face.

His breath smelled strongly of cigarettes, and Aliyah flinched away. He chuckled, reaching out to lift her chin with his finger.

"Don't touch her!" Allie snapped.

Before she could move, two hand appeared on her shoulders as another man seemed to appear.

"Calm down, Miss. We're just admiring," The first guy said.

He smirked, and Allie growled. She turned around and punched the guy behind her in the stomach, causing him to groan. Guy #1 grumbled something, and Guy #2 recovered quickly, only to grab Allie's hair and pull her toward him.

"Now, now girls. We don't mean any harm," Guy #1 said in a friendly tone. "But you obviously mean business, so it seems we'll have to take you by force."

That's when Aliyah's eyes widened, "M-mother hired you...."

"She wants you back right now," He answered.

"No! She's not going to go!" Allie growled, trying to seem as if she wasn't in pain. "She can't go back."

Aliyah glanced at her sister. Their eyes met, and she could see the pure determination (Undertale, anyone?) in Allie's eyes. By this time, people had noticed and were pointing towards the two girls and the men, whispering to each other.

"Hey, leave them alone!" Kayano appeared with Nagisa and Karma.

Other E Class kids seemed to appear. Aliyah lowered her head, her black hair hiding her eyes. Then, she let out a giggle.

"People never learn, do they?" She looked up with a crazed smile. "I tell them again and again, but they still don't listen."

"What are you on about?" Guy #1 asked with a confused look.

Aliyah heard another yelp of pain from her sister, and that set her off. The blue eyed girl kicked the first guy in the stomach, smiling. She whirled around, racing toward the second. Aliyah knocked the man away from her sister and ducked under an attempted punch. She continued to dodge the punches.

"You're pretty fast," Aliyah said, "but I'm easily faster."

Before he could react, the girl had swung a punch at his face and it connected. A satisfying crack was heard, and the man fell to the ground. The first one attempted to get up, but there was a gun to his forehead. Aliyah's blue eyes were full of bloodlust, and her smile was almost empty.

"You can hit me, punch me, hurt me in any way possible.... But never touch my sister, do you hear that?" She leaned close to the man's face. "Or else.... I will kill you."

A hand on her shoulder broke her out of her slightly crazed state. Allie had a warm smile, "don't be like that. Don't make this night bad just yet. We haven't seen the fireworks yet."

Aliyah put away her gun and sighed, "I'll have to explain this to the police, won't I....?"


"Then let's hurry up and not miss the fireworks," She smiled, grabbing Allie's hand and pulling her away.

The small crowd around her parted for them, looks of amazement and fear on their faces.


The two girls quickly found a place to watch the already appearing fireworks. Aliyah's eyes reflected the lights as she stared at them in amazement. Once they ended, she felt her mood darken once more. She had already defied her mother once, and now ignoring her orders to come could possibly mean danger. Aliyah sighed, turning to her sister.

"I'm going to head home, alright? You can take your time if you would like," She said softly.

Allie glanced over at her classmates for a moment, "I'll be there in a little bit."

Aliyah nodded, beginning to walk away. She pulled out her phone and began to text a number, successfully clearing everything that had happened in the last hour up. She felt a slight stab of loneliness. Her only true friend, Allie, was expanding her borders and moving on. Without Aliyah. She sighed.

"I expected this for a long time, so there's no need to be sad....."

She smiled to herself, feeling a single tear roll down her cheek.

"But I still wish she would've stayed a little longer."

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