Losing Focus

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Allie's POV
"Why are you skipping class?" Allie's question was heard by Aliyah as she thrust her anti-Korosensei knife forward.

Aliyah narrowly dodged and swung her own knife.

"Apparently, Mother told Principal Asano that I was to be able to come here whenever I liked, so long as my grades kept up. But studying with you is helping me with all of that. Which leads me to the question, why are you skipping class? You should be studying for finals," She said.

"I know.... It's just.... I can't focus with so much on my mind," Allie slid past Aliyah and attempted to strike her from behind.

"You want to know how I know Itona. You also want to know why Ethan is around town. All the while, you're trying to sort out your own feelings. You're wondering whether you should be making all these friends, and you're also scared to hurt them," Aliyah whipped around and countered it before moved forward and elbowed Allie in the stomach.

Allie fell on her bottom, and Aliyah held the knife to her neck, pushing her back until Allie's back was against the ground. A weight on Allie's stomach told the girl that Aliyah had sat on her.

"Don't worry. Those questions will be answered.... Mother just has me in a knot. I've got to hide somethings. E Class is curious too, but everyone will eventually figure it out," The blue eyed girl said, pulling back the knife.

"Figure what out?" The sound of Korosensei's voice made them both look up. "And Miss Allie, why are you skipping my class?"

Not surprisingly, the yellow octopus was standing there, but so were most of the class. Allie's body tensed up.

"And what kind of things were going on here?" Karma asked with a mischievous look.

The twin girls suddenly realized what kind of position they were in, and both of them scrambled to their feet, looking flustered.

"I-it was nothing," Allie said. "And sorry Korosensei.... I'm having some problems with focusing, and since I met Aliyah right here, we decided to practice...."

"Yes, she's really in a pickle!" Aliyah blurted.

"How do you know?!" Allie glared at her.

"Well.... I'm not too good at using knives, so if I was able to defeat you, you are surely not focused. You're one of the bests!" Her sister explained.

"How are you going to get good grades on the finals if you don't study?" Korosensei asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about that, Korosensei. Aliyah and I study endlessly at home," Allie said. "Trust me, I do put in effort."

"Well.... Alright. And both of you, nice knife work," The yellow octopus complimented with his usual smile.

That's when he went off somewhere, leaving the class to spread out and do their own things. Nagisa walked up to the twins. He explained to Allie what would happen if they placed top of their grade on one of their subjects.

"He's using his tentacles as a motive, huh?" Allie smiled. "This'll be fun."

They went inside for lunch. Allie sat next to Nagisa and Aliyah, reading a book while listening to their conversation. Sugino received a phone call from a friend, and he was given information on the Big Five. Before he could get to the last one, Aliyah snorted. She moved to sit on top of a desk and crossed her legs, setting her hand on her knees as if she were a proper lady.

"Then there's Asano, right?" She said with a smirk while looking off to the side as if there was something there. "I know him."

They received information on his scores and him being the principal's only son and all. Aliyah grinned afterwards and hopped off of her seat.

"I've made a personal goal to try to match Asano in scores!" She announced happily.

"Can you do that?" Allie asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"Of course I can. I'm not stupid. Besides, I have a feeling it'll be pretty easy," Aliyah answered confidently.

"You're only saying that because you got a perfect score on the entrance exam!"

Allie's sister giggled, "I've got to go before I get yelled at, but I'll see you around."

Aliyah made her exit, leaving Allie to glare after her.

"I have made it a personal goal to try and beat her!" Allie told herself.


After school, Allie trailed behind Nagisa, Karma, and Kayano, deep in thought. She stopped when someone called, "hey guys!"

It was Isogai. Allie turned to look at him.

"What's up?" Nagisa asked.

"Want to hit the books at the library after school tomorrow? I reserved us a spot!" Isogai looked happy.

Allie smiled, pondering whether or not she would go. She noticed Karma walking off as if he didn't care and sighed. He's only going to wish he'd studied.

"Ummm.... Sorry Isogai, but I'm going to pass," Allie said. "I promised Aliyah that I'd study with her. And since it'll make it harder for her if I invited her along, I want to stay at home to study."

"Oh, that's okay then," Isogai nodded.

"Well, I'll be off! See ya!" Allie waved as she ran in the direction of the way home.

She was surprised when she almost crashed into Karma.

"Hey Karma!" She said energetically.

The redhead smirked at her, "I've been meaning to ask you about Aliyah's little encounter with that boy. It seemed pretty important."

Allie froze immediately, "w-well.... It's a really, really long story that I can't tell you right now."

"Oh really?"


"Then I guess you won't mind me having this," Karma held up her phone.

Allie growled, "how'd you get that?!"

"None of your business. Now, are you going to explain?" He teased happily.

The red eyed girl lunged for the phone as they walked, missing as he held it out of her reach. Allie decided to do something that would probably embarrass her, but she needed her phone. She put on a sweet smile and stretched out her words as she spoke, "may I pleeeease have it back?"

Karma shook his head, and Allie went to step two. She leaned in closer and planted a kiss on his cheek. The boy turned red, and his hand lowered subconsciously. Allie plucked her phone from his hand and grinned, "thank you!"

With that, she skipped off hurriedly, hiding the red tint that had appeared on her cheeks.

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