New Beginnings

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Allie's POV
Allie had no trouble brushing Kayano off her back as the smaller girl tried to hold her away from strangling Kira. In fact, it only took one push to get her away. Kira seemed to have been expecting the sudden attack, so she tried to leap away. Instead, Allie knocked her to the ground and pinned her down. Her eyes were full of rage, and Kira seemed to shrink back a little. Kayano's worried calls attempted to get Allie's attention off of her. Allie's nails dug into the girl's arm.

"You've become hopelessly lost, I'm afraid. How sad. You almost seem exactly how you were then. When you didn't even blink after killing someone," Kira grinned. "Scarlet ... is it because the loss of your dear sister?"

"Shut up! Stop talking about it! I don't understand what you talking about, so just stop! I just don't have the patience for people who say things I can't understand. Or things that are boring!" Allie growled back with a large bit of hostility.

She felt something slide down her cheek. It was wet. The tear slipped down to her chin and dropped onto Kira's face. The girl being held down looked surprised. Allie hesitated where she was, blinking. Why was she crying? That aspect of her was getting annoying. Her hands tightened around Kira's arms. Her chest was hurting, and she felt as if she were holding back a sob. Suddenly, before she could react, someone dragged her off of Kira. Allie's instincts caused her to grab her captor's wrist and twist it. Her attempt failed, though, and the person holding her prevented her by holding her arm back.

"She's pretty strong, you know," a man's voice came from behind her.

Allie tried to turn her head to see who was there. Her red eyes fell upon black hair. She met another pair of red eyes, just like her own. The man's pale face had a gentle smile spread across it, and he tilted his head a little. The man was in a lab coat and looked like he was a scientist. Footsteps made Allie's attention snapped back over to Kira's place. Another girl was crouched beside her, and at her appearance. Black hair spilled over her shoulders and down to her waist, and concerned blue eyes stared down at Kira. She was speaking, but Allie wasn't paying attention to the words. She'd seen that girl before, but the alarming part was that besides the eyes, they looked exactly the same.

"Is it because of the loss of your dear sister?"

"You disappeared after Aliyah's ... death...."

"Who's ... Aliyah?"

"I'm going to accompany you to class today!"

"Allie?" a soft voice filled Allie's ears, and she came back from her flashbacks.

The girl stood in front of her with a worried expression, holding out a hand. Allie felt her tears intensify. How could she have forgotten? What a horrible sister she was. Even though she felt bad, relief filled her.

"Aliyah ... you're alive."

She pushed herself away from the man and toward Aliyah. They wrapped their arms around each other in a tight embrace. Tears began streaming down Allie's cheeks. She hadn't even realized how much she missed. The emptiness she felt slowly started to fade into happiness knowing that her twin was right there. Allie pressed her forehead against Aliyah's, and Aliyah spoke softly, "I'm back. There's no need to worry. I'm not going to leave you ever again, I promise."

Allie closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.

"I love you, Aliyah."

"Love you too, sis."

Aliyah's POV
Aliyah had to have a small talk with Kira after she reunited with Allie. Her friend had seemed to know more than she let on. Kayano and Allie went ahead, and Akihiko stayed behind with Aliyah. She watched Kira with an intense gaze, "You didn't seem to be very scared of Allie, even knowing she attacked you. In fact, you seemed expectant of her reactions."

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