Second Blades

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Allie's POV
    I watched Aliyah say something to Nagisa from afar, and he looked quite confused afterwards. As she left, I walked up, waving to my friend.

    "Hey Nagisa! What did Aliyah say to you?" I asked.

    "She said.... Good luck with the assassination.... How does she- Did you tell her?!" Nagisa gave me a curious look.

    "Huh? Oh, no.... She knew before we came," I said simply.

    "Then why isn't she-"

    "In Class E too? Because the person who sent us on this mission told her to come and supervise me," I answered before he could finish his sentence. "I'd rather not talk about it."

    With that, I walked away quickly.


    Exams made me want to punch a wall. It got even worse when I saw the principal walking up to the building through the window. That man's presence was enough to make me wish I wasn't born. I yawned tiredly, leaning back in my seat. After the principal left, Korosensei walked in, saying something about the midterm exams. I sighed and listened to the comments.

    "But if we assassinate him, we get 10 billion yen."

    "That should be enough so that we don't need good grades!"

    Korosensei sounded surprised, "that's what you think?"

    "We are the End Class after all."

    I found myself disturbed by their lack of faith in their abilities.

    "That's not really the point," I said quietly, making the room become strangely silent. "Just because you have money doesn't mean you'll get far in life...."

    "Allie-san's right! I see how it is. You don't have what it takes to be assassins. All of you, out into the schoolyard!" Korosensei sounded more angry than before.

    Once we reached the outside world, Korosensei did this weird spinny thing. He said something about Class E being discriminated. But I was brought to attention by a sudden question.

    "Allie, what do you think is a good thing to have as an assassin?"

    I thought for a moment, feeling all eyes on me. Mother had always said that it was money and strength, but Aliyah had always said something else. What was it...?

    "Oh right! You always want to make sure to have a backup weapon, or even plan! It can save your life!" I blurted out, to the surprise of those around me.

    "Correct! Irina-sensei let me ask you a question as a professional assassin. When you're on a job, do you have a single plan prepared?"

    "No. It's not often that the main plan goes as planned, so making more detailed back up plans will help give you possible routes," Jelavic answered calmly.

    "Karasuma-sensei! When you attack someone, is the first blow the only important attack?"

    "Of course it's the most important, but the next few movements are just as important. If you're against a formidable opponent, your first attack is most likely to be dodged. That's where your second and third strike are crucial. They can assure either defeat or victory," Karasuma said.

    I nodded along with that as Korosensei slowed his spinning. He said other words that I paid no attention to, but I got what he was trying to say, along with the fact that he wanted us all to place in the top 50 on the midterm exams. We have to be able to wield a second blade.


    My scores didn't turn out too bad when it came to the exams. For English, I got 100, which was no surprise to me. In math, I was surprised to find that I got 90. It was never my strongest subject, but Aliyah was always there to help. In Japanese, I got another 90. Science was a horrible 75, and history was a 89. And a overall 444. As for the rest of the class.... I can't say they got really good grades. Korosensei was too ashamed to even look at us, but Karma decided to threaten him. He revealed that he had scored high in math, saying that Korosensei had went above and beyond in teaching him. I found myself smiling at the newfound determination within the classroom,. As Korosensei said that we'd turn things around soon, I was thinking to myself..... These kids will become great assassins.

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