Right Before

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Allie's POV
Allie swayed her body as she ran the brush through her black hair. She hummed a quiet tune as she did so, smiling into the mirror. At the moment, there was nothing for her to do, but she was actually waiting for some of her friends to arrive. They'd planned an after school study session, and she'd offered to have them come over to her house. Allie tossed her brush onto her bed and began fiddling with the straps on her black tank-top. She had yet to pick an actual shirt to put on, but oh well. Suddenly, she heard a voice come from downstairs.

"Allie, please tell me you're dressed! Your gang of misfits is here," Aliyah sounded amused as she spoke.

Allie popped up, realizing that she was lagging behind. She quickly crossed the room, pulling her long dark hair into a ponytail. She opened her closet and pulled a random shirt out of it before heading down the stairs. As she approached the front door, she huffed at Aliyah, who was indeed standing with her friends.

Upon seeing her Kayano, waved with a grin, and Allie had a strange feeling. Recently, as she paid more attention to Kayano, she felt as if she could feel a hidden bloodlust. That wasn't necessarily a good thought. Nagisa sweatdropped when he saw that she wasn't wearing a decent shirt. Oh! That reminded her to pull the purple shirt on and smooth it out over her body.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Nakamura smirked at her, closing one of her pretty blue eyes in a wink. She slipped past the two shorter people and stopped in front of Allie. Her hands moved to sit upon her hips as she spoke, "Thanks for inviting us. I'm sure it'll be fun."

There was one more person who'd agreed to come, but he wasn't here yet. Allie didn't really expect much from him, but if he wanted to come, he would. Dang that Karma. Leaving her to actually wonder if he was coming was cruel. She ushered her three friends into the sitting room.

The coffee table had been shifted aside so that there was a good spot to sit on the floor. The previous damages to the house had already been fixed, so that caused both of the twins to be relieved. Allie retrieved her school bag and took out some papers, and that began their study session. It was a lighthearted time, where they were cracking a few jokes and giggling together. Nagisa, though he was the only boy, even seemed more comfortable than normal. Of course, Nakamura put it in her agenda to tease him just a tad.

After a bit, the doorbell rang. Everyone fell silent when they heard the noise sound. Allie pulled herself to her feet and bounced over, cheerful because she felt so relaxed. When she swung open the door, she felt surprised by who was standing on the other side.

"Karma? You actually came?"

The redhead laughed at her shock and didn't hesitate to slip right past her, "Sorry I'm late. I had something to do before I came here."

Allie raised an eyebrow, almost curious enough to ask what he was talking about. She didn't though. Instead, she pushed him into the living room where her other friends were waiting. Friends .... Speaking of that, she felt as if she had a rocky relationship with Karma. It wasn't always the playful teasing. It had even gotten a bit bad at some points. Perhaps things were more awkward than she liked to admit. She found herself wanting to fix that at some point. Karma took a seat beside Nagisa, greeting Kayano and Nakamura with his usual smirk. Allie stood in her place for a moment before lighting up with an idea, "I'll get a snack! I also kinda maybe want to check on Aliyah, so I'll be right back. Do whatever you want as long as it's not weird."

With that simple instruction, she disappeared into the kitchen. Aliyah was actually sitting on the counter, typing away on her phone. She glanced up when Allie entered the room, a cheerful smile on her face. She seemed to be brimming with a newfound happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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