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A/N: Yes, yes, this took forever. Sorry, I've been stressed and busy with school. I'm trying to keep up with this, so I'll do my best to update~ Thank you for reminding me to update those of you who did. Anyway... Enjoy!)

Allie's POV
Her red eyes stared at the sun that slowly dipped below the horizon. It cast pretty colors across the sky. Pink, orange, red, and purple mixed in with each other. Allie twirled a lock of her black hair around her finger with a distant expression on her face. She was deep in her own thoughts, trying to figure out something that was missing. Aliyah ... the name sounded familiar. It brought a sense of nostalgia, and she wasn't sure what it was about. The girl sat on the roof of her home and tried to think about it. She'd found a box full of pictures under the bed to an empty room. It held pictures of a girl she couldn't remember. Blue eyes and black hair. The pictures seemed to have been taken down from various shelves and walls. Allie pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them. Thinking about the girl made her sad. She felt a bunch of mixed emotions, but the main one was a sense of rage. Something wet slid down her cheek, and she blinked in surprise. Allie touched her cheek and stared at her damp fingers.

"Why am I ... crying?"

She couldn't find an answer to the question. More tears came down her face, and she felt a soft sob escape her. The girl buried her face in her knees to quiet her crying. She didn't want anyone to hear her. She just wanted to be left alone, and for some reason, she missed someone.

What a strange thing emotions were.


Allie watched her shoes step across the sidewalk without making noise. She was starting to near the school, and people were visible around her. Suddenly, a girl ran toward her, stopping in front of her with an expectant look. Her blue eyes shimmered with life, but it didn't match the frown on her face. She was considerably short with purple hair pulled into two pigtails. It kind of reminded Allie of Nagisa and Kayano.

"You're Allie, right?" she asked. "I'm Okura Kira, we've met once. I have a question to ask you. Do you mind if I ask? It's just something quick, so I won't take up much of your time!"

Allie remembered the small girl. They'd spoken once, and she seemed like a friendly person. She hadn't looked down upon Class E, so Allie considered her to be an ally of a sort. She tilted her head at Kira, "Sure. Shoot the question."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nagisa trudging up from his walk to school. He spotted her and began to head over, but she kept her attention on Kira. The girl scratched her cheek sheepishly.

"U-um ... do you know if something happened to Aliyah? I mean, she disappeared, and I was a bit worried. Did she get hurt? You are her sister, so I thought if anyone would know, it would be you. Of course, if you haven't seen her recently either, then that's okay! Or if it's private information, I don't need to know! I'm just curious," Kira spoke at a fast speed, but Allie managed to catch all of it.

Something about it irritated her. There it was again. That name. Aliyah? And why did people keep saying that Allie was her sister?! She didn't even know who the female was. She narrowed her eyes at Kira and thought about an answer for her. The hopeful look in the smaller girl's eyes seemed sincere. She wasn't joking with her. Perhaps Allie had just forgotten the person? Nagisa seemed to pop up quickly. His blue eyes closed as he tilted his head at Kira and chuckled nervously, "Sorry, but we really need to be getting to class! Could she talk to you about this later? Please?"

He grabbed Allie's wrist and smiled at her. She missed the hint completely, but she could feel that he wanted to avoid the topic of Aliyah. Kira looked ashamed as she apologized and told them to get going. She waved at the two, watching them walk away. Allie allowed Nagisa to pull her along without complaint. He didn't seem to be angry, but he did seem to be troubled. A frown tilted Allie's mouth downward, "You seem upset. Why?"

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