What She's Afraid Of

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Allie's POV
"That's.... A very huge pudding," Allie stared up at the towering form that was pudding.

She had only been gone a few days, and it seemed that Class E was doing their best already. Kayano explained how she had came up with the idea of making a giant pudding and putting a bomb in it.

"Geez, I miss a few days, and it's like the world evolved," Allie chuckled as she admired the work of her classmates.

"You could've been helping! Where were you, anyway?" Terasaka asked.

Allie's body went rigid as the curious gazes of everyone fell on her. Panic flickered in her eyes for a moment before she averted them toward the sky.

"Um.... Well, Aliyah had a little accident, and I had to take care of her for awhile," She said slowly.

A few seconds of silence passed.


"Why didn't you tell us?"

Concerned comments made Allie sigh in relief. She had been afraid that her class would have suspected something. The truth was that Aliyah had visited their mother for reasons she wouldn't reveal. The blue eyed girl had come back with tons of scars and bruises, and she seemed weak. But no matter how hard Allie had tried to squeeze the truth out of her, Aliyah kept her mouth shut. Sure, their mother had always been hard, but this was new. Allie smiled at her classmates, trying to push the sadness away from herself. She quickly went to her seat and plopped down, resting her head on the desk.

"I wonder.... Are you really telling the truth?" The mischievous voice of a familiar redhead sounded close to her ear.

Allie only raised her head and stared at him for a moment.

"Maybe," She mumbled, letting her head fall back down.

She was tired, and she also felt sick. Allie didn't know if anything was wrong with her, but she simply allowed herself to fall asleep.


"Allie," Shaking made her wake up.

The red eyed girl snapped awake, her head shooting up at a surprising speed. The person who had shaken her was Korosensei himself. Allie fell backwards in her chair, feeling pain shoot up her back as she connected with the ground.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep!" She immediately said.

There was a snicker as a hand was held out to her. Allie looked up to see Karma with an amused smirk on his face. She glared at him but accepted the hand, allowing herself to be pulled to her feet.

"Are you sure there's not something wrong with your head?" Karma asked.

Allie shoved him playfully and rolled her eyes, "no, I'm not sure. Anyway, sorry again Korosensei!"

She turned to him only to see the yellow octopus writing frantically in a book. An irk mark appeared on her, and she chucked her knife at him.

"This is the reason I don't have much respect for you!" She snapped angrily, advancing forward in another attempt at stabbing him.

The teacher only dodged each attempt, and Allie gave up.

"I'm guessing everything is over for today?" She asked, receiving a nod.

"You would've known, had you not been sleeping. You also happened to miss the class attempt at assassinating me," Korosensei scolded.

Allie frowned, "I'm sorry about that, but I didn't get too much sleep last night.... Seeing that you're standing here now, I'm assuming you didn't get killed."

She smiled, "we'll get you next time!"

Then, she swiftly left the room, ready to go home. Allie had just reached the main campus when she was stopped by someone grabbing her arm.

"You're in a hurry to get home, aren't you?"

"Go away, Karma," She mumbled. "I've got things to do."

"Allow me to tag along then," Karma let go of her arm and moved to stand beside her.

Losing the will to say no, Allie only shrugged and continued on, feeling the red haired devil's presence beside her the entire time. She kept her eyes on the ground most of the time.

"Why'd you lie earlier?" Karma broke the silence with a simple but hard question.

Allie halted in her place. She couldn't stop herself when she began to speak, "I don't want anyone to worry about us.... Aliyah visited Mom a few days ago, and she came back with a lot of injuries. I wasn't lying when I said that I was taking care of her. Mother has always been abusive, but it wasn't nearly as bad as this. But since she won't tell me anything, I can't tell if she's really okay. I want to help my sister, but I can't find a way to...."

Immediately after she spoke, she covered her mouth with her hand, bewildered by her sudden outburst. Allie looked down, avoiding looking at the boy next to her.

"Allowing people to worry about you isn't so bad," His words were softer than they were before.

"No one's ever done it before. Mother doesn't care about us, and well, we haven't had friends since we were really little. I'm scared," Her voice got lower with every word.

"What are you so afraid of?" Karma asked.

Allie froze. What was she so scared of? It wasn't her mom. Then....

"She's pushing Aliyah to her limit. I don't know if she can control herself for much longer," Allie said. "I'm afraid of what will happen to her."

There was silence after she spoke. Allie cautiously glanced up at him, and she saw a somewhat troubled look on his face. A thunderous boom sounded from the sky, and Allie went into panic mode. She immediately threw herself at Karma, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Allie shut her eyes tightly, trying to ignore the sound. It came again, and this time, droplets of rain began to come down.

"Allie?" Karma sounded surprised.

"..... I'm scared," Allie looked up at him with real fear in her eyes.

Of all things, the red eyed girl was afraid of thunder. She hated the sound for reasons that no one other than Aliyah heard.

"Come on," Karma took her arm gently, to her surprise, and began leading her somewhere.

It took Allie a minute to realize that it was her house. The two stood at the door for a moment, and it suddenly opened to reveal Aliyah.

"Oh great! You're home! I was afraid you'd be hiding somewh-.... Oh, hi Karma!" Aliyah smiled.

Before either of them could say anything, the blue eyed girl dragged them inside, shutting the door behind them.

"I'll go get you some towels since you're both wet!" She waved and disappeared into another room.

Allie felt herself shivering. She turned to Karma, "t-thanks for everything.... And promise me you won't tell anyone what I told you."

He nodded and proceeded to look around, "so this is your house? I wonder what embarrassing things you have here...."

"Oh! She has a bunch of pictures of you!" Aliyah popped back into the room, setting a towel on Allie's head and throwing the other at Karma.

He smirked as he caught the cloth, "oh really?"

"I do not!" Allie turned red. "Aliyah!"

She lunged at her sister, missing and landing on the ground. Laughter erupted from Karma and Aliyah, and Allie growled.

"I hate you both!"

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