Kidnapped Sister

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(From here till whenever I say, the original plot of Assassination Classroom will be paused. This will be more focused on the twins, but I will indicate when we will resume the original plot)
Allie's POV
As she was walking home from school with Nagisa and Karma beside her, Allie couldn't stop the feeling of dread in her chest. It was picking at her, and even though she was trying to ignore it, it wasn't working well. Her heart was threatening to pound itself right out of her chest and down the road. This caused her to have a hard time focusing on the conversation she was trying to participate in.

"Allie, are you okay?" Nagisa's concerned voice split her thoughts.

She shook her head before smiling, "sorry Nagisa, I was just thinking about something."

"Is Allie having dirty thoughts again?" Karma asked teasingly.

"N-No! Baka!" She growled as she attempted to smack him.

Of course, he easily dodged. When Allie returned her gaze ahead, she saw that she was nearing the house. But her eyes widened as she realized the door was wide open. Dropping her bag, she took off toward the house, ignoring the worried calls sent after her. Something was definitely wrong. Aliyah would never leave the door open. Allie burst into the house worriedly and called her sister's name. She received no answer. The red eyed girl investigated the house finding several things that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. One, there were scratch marks on the wall. These weren't animal or human however. It was like a knife or sword. The second thing was the envelope with Allie's name on it that was sitting on the table. The last was the bullet holes in the wall. So obviously, Aliyah had been there.

"Allie!" Nagisa stepped through the doorway, giving her a worried look. "What happened?"

Allie didn't answer; she was too distracted by the envelope. Her hands trembled as she reached to pick it up. The bluenette came to stand beside her, and right after, Karma. She ignored them and opened up the envelope, pulling out a note inside.

Dear Allie,
I'm sure you have a few (unwanted) questions, but all is well. Aliyah is now in my possession, seeing as how I need her for a few things. You're welcome to come and retrieve her, of course! Just don't expect it to be so easy. And since you're there, be useful and pass along a message to the octopus for me. I want to speak to him personally. Just give him the address on this note please!

Thank you!
Love Your Dear Mother

Allie's hands trembled in anger as she gripped the note tightly. Her eyes weren't visible because they were shaded. The paper ripped a little, so she let go of it, whirling around.

"This is bad," Karma pointed out.

Allie growled, "no really? I couldn't tell."

Her tone was filled with anger that made Nagisa flinch. She took a deep breath, ".... I guess I've got no choice.... Korosensei needs to be informed. Besides, I need to tell him that I might be gone for awhile."

"You can't seriously be thinking about going!" Nagisa looked worried.

Allie didn't look at him. What could she say to make him understand? Probably nothing. But there was no harm in trying.

"Nagisa.... She's my sister.... I can't leave her with Mom. You were able to become closer to your mother, but my situation isn't so simple. Please, try to understand. When I say I'm scared for Aliyah's life, I really mean it now. There is seriously a large risk."

Allie was surprised when the redhead beside her pinched her cheek. It hurt, so she let that be known by whining, "ow!"

"You're stupid, you know that? This seems very dangerous, so going off alone is a stupid decision," Karma scolded with a harsh tone.

Allie couldn't help but notice the hint of concern in his voice. No.... He couldn't be worried for her, right? Pfft, probably not. The Great Demon Lord Karma didn't worry for anyone. She shook her head, shrugging.

"I'll go the distance if it means keeping my sister safe. She'd done so much for me. I need to return the favor," Allie sounded stubborn, which was a small problem.

She received a smack on the head. Allie's red eyes widened in shock as she felt Karma grip her shoulders tightly, giving her a hard stare.

"This isn't returning a favor. It's being stupid! You can't just rush into places and expect to come out alive. We both know your sister wouldn't want you to get hurt," he growled with a commanding tone.

Allie shoved him away from her, now letting off an aura of anger. She clenched her fists tightly, "shut up! You don't know how much she's went through to keep me safe! The least I can do is share the pain!"

She faintly heard Nagisa attempting to interrupt, but she didn't care. Karma gave her a cold glare. He opened up his mouth to speak, but someone else spoke instead.

"Now, now children. Let's not get riled up. Sensei will help you figure this out."

Of course, the silly octopus teacher stood there with his usual smile, but his tone betrayed the concern. Allie stared at him, and beside her, Nagisa let out a relieved sigh. She collected herself quickly. Behind Korosensei, there was one other. Kayano. She had a worried expression on her face as she came in.

"It seems we do have a problem. Allie, your sister is gone, and it seems that your mother has taken her. Very well then, you and I will go together," he said simply.

Nagisa freaked, "you can't do that! What if they-"

"Kill me?" Korosensei asked.

"We'll be fine," Allie cut in simply. "Don't worry, Nagisa. Everything will go fine."

She was 100% sure that everything would, in fact, not be okay. But in order to calm her blue haired friend, she let the lie slip out without thinking. He didn't look too convinced, but he let out a sigh of defeat. Karma was silent, and there was an unreadable look on his face. Kayano frowned, "are you sure everything will-"

"We'll be careful."

Allie wasn't trying to be rude. She didn't want Kayano to voice the warnings her brain was attempting to send to her. The green haired girl met her eyes and nodded slowly, not speaking another word.


"Allie, you do understand that it wasn't very kind of you to be so forceful towards Karma, right? He only seemed concerned about your fate."

Allie's face was blank as she spoke, "there's no need for him to be so worried. I can take care of myself, Sensei."

The octopus looked at her for a long moment. He set one of his tentacles on her head softly.

"You are a very independent person. You always want to do things alone, and you believe that no one else should be involved in your troubles. It's good to be independent most of the time, but even you have your limits. You can't shoulder the weight of everything by yourself. Your dear sister understands that as well. She doesn't want you to end up hurting yourself with the burdens you bear. Some things you can live through by yourself, but others.... You need the strength of more than one person to get through. Do not take everything upon yourself," Korosensei reminded pointedly.

Allie's eyes were shaded. She didn't speak for a few seconds. When she did, her voice was laced with hundreds of pounds of sadness.

"Does anyone ever stop to think that I know that? .... It's so hard for me to trust someone else to help me shoulder the weight of my world. Everyone tells me this as if it's so easy. It's not.... At least for me.... I'm not.... I'm not strong enough. I can't-" Her voice faded as she put her face in her hands.

She knew. She knew she needed to learn to rely on others. But it was so hard to do.... Allie wouldn't admit it to anyone; she couldn't hold herself together a lot of the times. Her smile was painted on. But every once and awhile, it would break. When a pair of tentacles pulled her in for a hug, she tried to keep back the tears threatening to fall.
She failed.

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