Changing Itona's Mind

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Aliyah's POV
It wasn't hard to figure out where Itona had been, but the problem was finding him personally. Aliyah felt a mixture of annoyance, worry, and anger. All were directed toward different people. She had learned in the past few years that she needed to be patient with things. Itona was certainly one of them. Aliyah had done many things to try and get through to the boy, and it was still hard to understand him sometimes. When she finally found him, she took a deep breath. Signalling for Allie to stay behind, Aliyah approached the boy slowly.

"Itona," her voice was soft, yet commanding.

He looked up at her with a pained expression. Aliyah kneeled in front of the boy and gingerly reached out. Her hand rested itself on Itona's head, and he made no move to attack.

"You're going to go mad if you don't calm yourself," She told him softly.

"So your human side is finally starting to show. That's a good sign," Korosensei's familiar voice filled the room.

The yellow octopus appeared there with the class members that had come, and Aliyah retreated her hand and stayed quiet out of interest.

"Big Brother," Itona's voice cracked slightly.

"I prefer Korosensei, if you please. A much more appropriate name, I believe," Korosensei corrected.

Terasaka spoke up, "promise not to go all nuclear on us, okay? We've already been through a lot of crap tonight because of you."

"Shut up," Itona growled. "We fight, right now."

He meant it toward Korosensei, and the teacher raised a tentacle, "we can fight, if that's what you want. When the dust clears, we can study ways to kill me!"

Karma was the next to speak, "he's a very persistent octopus. Take my word for it, once you're in his class, he'll grow through hell and back to make sure it sticks."

"The instinct to teach them is so powerful, I can't help it!"

Itona looked tense, and Aliyah was about to say something when a bunch of smoke bombs went off. She began to cough, hearing the others doing so too.

"Oh my! This is anti-me powder!" Korosensei's voice rang out.

"This was all part of my plan," Shiro appeared yet again, making Aliyah want to stab or shoot something. "Come along, Itona, you have one last duty to fulfill."

A net was shot at the boy, and he was quickly abducted. Aliyah cursed herself for not doing anything and growled. They watched the vehicle drive off with Itona, and Aliyah suddenly threw a knife, hitting nearby box.

"I'm so tired of crap like this," She mumbled. "But.... I can't leave him, of course...."

She looked tired, and there was a pain coming from the side of her neck, where there were stitches. Aliyah sighed and turned to Korosensei, "please.... Do everything you can.... I'm afraid.... I can't do much in my current state."

The octopus nodded and spoke to his students, "I'll go save your classmate."

He sped off, and that's when Aliyah stumbled, leaning on Allie for support.

"This is what you get for being too active!" The red eyed girl snapped angrily and worriedly.

"Just leave it. I can rest now, and I'll be good in a few minutes. You guys go do whatever you need to.... I know you won't leave him to do that alone," Aliyah grinned.

The E Class kids looked at each other and immediately ran off. Aliyah stopped using her sister as a support and pushed her toward her classmates.

"Go on, I'll be there eventually," She urged.

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