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Bold = The class speaking all at once

Allie's POV
Emptiness. It wasn't an emotion or even a thought. It was simply something people used to refer to places that had nothing in them. Allie felt empty. She felt as if she'd been torn in half, but there was no pain from it. Her thoughts were clouded; she couldn't understand herself. She was lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her long black hair was sprawled out around her, and her red eyes were dull. Without noticing, Allie brought a hand up and clutched her chest. Something hurt.... But she didn't want to think about it. There was no reason to, right? Suddenly, an alarm rang through the room, making her snap out of her trance. She turned her head to see her phone buzzing repeatedly. With a quick movement, she had her phone in her hand. The alarm for school had went off. Allie silenced it with a small press to the screen. She sat there without making a sound. She'd already missed two days of school.... The others were worried. There were plenty of texts from her classmates. Karasuma had informed her that until he could settle things, Aliyah would be named as 'absent' for a while. No one in the main building knew she was.... A wave of pain washed over Allie as she thought about it. Blood flashed across her vision. She sat up and got to her feet. Anything for distraction. Without being fully aware, she pulled her t-shirt off and began to dress for school. Allie descended down the stairs with a sloth's speed. She grabbed her bag and headed out the door. The moment she stepped outside, sun hit her. It burned her eyes at first, but after a few seconds, her vision cleared out. Heavy footsteps sounded across the ground as she walked. Allie felt as if her feet weighed a ton, and she felt horribly dizzy. However, she wanted to at least check in with the others to tell them that she was okay.

"Allie!" The voice was light.

Two males were running toward her. One had brown hair with a familiar antenna sticking up from the back. Shimmering brown eyes were focused on Allie. The other boy had lighter brown hair, and he had similar eyes. Isogai and Maehara. Close friends. Allie stopped to let them get closer. Isogai smiled with the energy of a thousand children, "You're alive!"

After a moment though, the smile faltered. He looked sad, and Allie glanced away. She didn't want to see any type of pity on their faces. She swallowed hard, trying to keep herself from crying. She picked her head back up and shook her head, ".... We should continue, or we'll be late."

The boys nodded in agreement, deciding against speaking more about the topic. Allie simply walked at the same pace as them. She listened to their lighthearted conversation. Maehara was fantasizing about some girl, and Isogai was poking fun at him. She was glad to hear them acting so normal. It felt nice to be in a happy aura. But that feeling of enjoyment only lasted a minute. It reverted back to being empty. Allie trudged through the trees to reach the top of the hill a little bit ahead of them. She watched a snake pass by her feet and heard Maehara complain like a little girl about it. Still, she didn't care about snakes. When the building came into sight, her red eyes fell upon it with a distant look. Her heart ached.

"I'll be accompanying you to school today!"

Allie shook her head and noticed that Isogai was looking back at her in concern. Maehara had disappeared. She realized that the ikemen was waiting for her. She blinked her red eyes and hurried to catch up.

"Sorry," she muttered without a fixed tone.

Isogai smiled kindly, "It's no problem. We're all worried, you know. Besides, I did want to thank you for the donation you gave us."

Oh, right. On the day of the pole toppling, Allie had sent some supplies for food and medicine over to his house. She stared at Isogai for a moment before letting the smallest of smiles cross her face.

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