Perverted Boys

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Aliyah's POV
"Hey Allie, let's go!" Aliyah reached out to her sister.

The moment she touched Allie's shoulder, the girl turned around, revealing a face covered in blood. There was a hole in her chest, and she had a look of fear glued to her face. Aliyah's eyes widened, and she took a step back in fear. Somewhere during that, she was tripped by something. Once she felt the ground on her back, she realized she was now strapped to a lab table. A scientist leaned over her with a sinister smile, holding a needle. Aliyah felt tears roll down her cheek.

"Please don't," She pleaded.

No matter her pleads, the scientist stuck the needle into her arm, and pain seared through her body. Aliyah let out a scream, squeezing her eyes shut.

Suddenly, Aliyah awoke to find herself sweating. She sat up with scary speed. The door to her room swung open, and Allie stood there with a concerned expression. Aliyah examined her sister's face with a relieved look, happy she wasn't covered in blood.

"Are you okay? I heard you scream," She asked quickly.

Aliyah took a shaky breath and nodded slowly, "y-yeah.... I'm okay.... Just a bad dream."

Allie's eyes searched her face for a moment before she shrugged, "alright then.... It's time for school."

Aliyah watched her close the door and let out a breath. She had been shaken by the dream, and she wondered if it had meant something.

"No time to worry about that," She mumbled to herself, hurrying to stand up.

Allie's POV
Allie felt nothing but concern for her sister as she began walking to school with her. There had definitely been something wrong, but Aliyah wouldn't speak a word about her dream. Before either of them had even started to allow the tension to fade, they had reached the main campus. Allie parted ways with Aliyah by waving and heading toward her own school building.


"Well that's just about it, boys and girls!" Korosensei finished with his usual smile. "See you tomorrow!"

He said something else that Allie didn't pay much attention to and then sped off with a gust of wind. Allie leaned back in her seat, glancing around. Her eyes landed on Itona, who was working intently on what looked like a remote control.

"Whatcha working on there?" Nagisa looked intrigued.

Allie decided to pay attention to their conversation because she too was interested. Itona was one of the very few boys that made her want to know what he could do. Perhaps it was because Aliyah had spent a great amount of time with him, or maybe, she was simply interested in him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm building a remote control tank," Itona said, not taking his eyes off of his work.

"How come?" Nagisa pressed quietly.

"The octopus. He made me cram all day yesterday. It stressed me out. I'm pissed," Itona looked up angrily, "so I'm gonna use this to kill him. It's like the idiot said.... Terasaka.... If I fail a hundred times, so be it. Only have to kill him once."

"That's a good way of looking at it," Nagisa agreed.

Maehara was leaning in closely, examining Itona's work. Allie smiled to herself, staring up at the ceiling. She spoke loud enough for the three boys to hear, "you know, I never thought about using a remote controlled vehicle to kill Korosensei.... That's an interesting way of going about it."

Itona looked up just long enough to give her a strange look that she didn't catch.

"You're her sister, aren't you?"

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