Author's Note

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Iam surprised but proud of the reads this has gotten :). Anyway, I wanted to say thank you! Since I'm in a good mood, I'm going to put down the twins's information below! Again, thanks!

Name: Allie Kumaru

Daniel Kumaru (Father, deceased)

Seylah Kumaru (Mom)

Aliyah Kumaru (Twin Sister)

Age: 14, almost 15

Allie is somewhat pale. She has wavy black hair that goes down to her waist, along with blood red eyes. She wears the normal school uniform when in school with gray knee-length stockings and black boots, but outside, she wears a white short-sleeved shirt with a black skirt that goes down to her mid thighs. (Though she will never willingly admit or speak of it, she is a B Cup size).

Personality: Allie is a pretty sociable person, but that doesn't mean she easily makes friends. She's very friendly upon first meeting, but she tends to be distant and cuts herself off from others. Once provoked or in a serious assassination mood, she will give off an eerie aura, filled with bloodlust. She is usually strangely calm around then. Other than that, she loves joking around with others, and once she makes a friend, she will do a lot for them.

Likes: Korosensei, Karma (friend-wise, I hope), her dad, Aliyah, cats, piano, singing, reading, and English.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, death, most boys (excluding the select few), her mom, feeling useless.

Fears: Losing the ones she cares about and sometimes Aliyah

Preferred Weapon: Knives or even a sword.

Name: Aliyah Kumaru

Daniel Kumaru (Father, deceased)

Seylah Kumaru (Mother)

Allie Kumaru (Twin sister)

Age: 14, almost 15

Appearance: Aliyah is about as pale as her sister. Her semi-curly black hair goes down to her waist, and she has bright blue eyes that are known to go gold from time to time. Inside of school, she wears the usual school uniform and black slip on shoes. Outside of school, she usually wears jean shorts, a blue tank top that shows a strip of her stomach, and a short-sleeved black jacket. She also will occasionally wear a white and black hat. (Also B cup)

Personality: At first glance, Aliyah can seem like the usual kindhearted and caring girl. But in truth, a lot of her smiles are fake, unless she's with her sister. She tries to hide her pain behind a happy mask, and she'll do just about anything to keep Allie safe. She's very strong willed and stubborn. Aliyah is also known to be flirtatious and suductive at points. There's also a dark side to her. She will show signs of insanity at points, results from the pain her mother has placed upon her ever since she was 4. Aliyah had a hard time understanding emotions that are other than sadness, fondness for her sister, and anger. This results in her keeping a calm and cold facade a lot.

Likes: Cats, Math, Korosensei, Allie, her father, singing, playing guitar, and protecting those she loves.

Dislikes: Her mom, science labs, most boys, needles, and small dark closed spaces.

Fears: Her mom

Preferred Weapon: Usually dual pistols or dual hand machine guns. She's also good with hand-to-hand combat.

History for both: To be uncovered!

That's all for now! Thanks again!

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