Crazy Teacher

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Allie's POV
"Hey Nagisa, are you okay?" Allie extended her hand to the bluenette on the ground.
He nodded, "yeah, I'm fine."

She smiled as he took her hand, and she pulled him up. Nagisa had come up behind Karasuma, and the man had flipped him over, making the boy land on the ground. As some of the other students made comments to him, Allie thought for a moment. She wondered if she had really saw a snakelike presence instead of Nagisa. Maybe Aliyah's lack of sanity had started to rub off on her. Karasuma had started walking away when Allie ran up to him.

"Hey, Karasuma-sensei! Did you feel the presenc-" She was cut off by someone calling Karasuma's name.

Allie's irritation sparked as she turned to look at a man standing there with a friendly smile on. He looked to the class and spoke, "hey! The name's Akira Takaoka, and I'm here to help your gym teacher! Pleased to meet you!"

Allie's suspicions had already started to form. She didn't trust this man. Something about him made her want to run. Takaoka proceeded to give the class a bunch of sweets. Allie still stayed off to the side, having declined Karma's offer to join him in skipping class. Takaoka said something about him being the 'dad of a family made up of Class E. This only made Allie dislike him more. Takaoka provided a new schedule that seemed to have large amounts of training. It was too much. Maehara decided to speak up, saying how ridiculous the schedule was. He was concerned about grades. Allie could see it coming a mile away. Takaoka put his hand on the orange-brown haired boy's head and kneed him in the stomach. Allie was quick to rush over and kneel beside him, checking to see that he was alright. She started to tremble in anger.

"We don't do can't! We're a family, and I'm the dad. Show me a family where Dad ain't in charge, and I'll show you a family in crisis," Takaoka now had a creepy look to him.

Allie cursed under her breath, mad at herself for not realizing his true nature, something she was usually good at. Kanzaki stood up and told Takaoka that she preferred Karasuma's classes. Sensing it coming, Allie lunged forward as he went to slap the girl. She felt herself fly to the side as she took the hit, and a stinging pain was on her cheek. A few classmates called her name, and Kanzaki reached her first.

"Why did you take that?!" She asked worriedly.

Allie ignored her and stood up, meeting Takaoka's amused look. She rubbed her cheek, not really thinking much about the pain.

"I find it really ridiculous that you think you're our dad. A real dad wouldn't hit his children. A real dad would be more worried about his child's grades, and he wouldn't overwork them. You say you're my dad, huh? Well then, I guess you should be six feet under back in America! Because I only have one dad, and he's dead!" Allie snapped at the man.

It got quiet. He grinned at her, "looks like you need to be taught a good lesson about dads."

The man went to strike her again, but Allie moved with surprising speed. She dodged the attempt and kicked him in the stomach. He stumbled backwards in surprise.

"Stop it!" Karasuma ran out, putting himself between Allie and Takaoka.

Knowing he would take care of things, Allie looked at Maehara, "are you okay?"

He looked at her with one eye closed and smiled, "I'll survive."

She felt her mouth twitch as she glanced back at the two men.

"Are you okay, Allie-san?" Kayano looked worried. "That left a pretty nasty mark."

Allie averted her eyes from the green haired girl, "I've had worse."

When she turned back to Takaoka, Korosensei was there. He was red and angry. But after provoking him, Takaoka was still able to continue his training. Allie sat out with an icepack to her cheek, glaring angrily at the man. Kurahashi suddenly started to plead for Karasuma to help, and just as Takaoka was about to punch her, Karasuma actually stepped in and stopped him. Laughing, Takaoka told Karasuma to pick his best student and have him go against Takaoka. If the student managed to win, Takaoka would leave. Allie tensed when he pulled out a real knife. Her eyes scanned the students carefully. He needed to pick someone skilled. She thought about the scary aura coming from Nagisa earlier that day and smiled. Allie knew who the man would pick. She was proved correct when Karasuma walked up to Nagisa and offered him the knife. Nagisa took it. Allie stood and made her way over, and some backed out of her way as she moved toward Nagisa. She stopped when she was right next to him, facing where his back was, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's a strong opponent, so think carefully on this one."

Her voice was a whisper, and only Nagisa heard. He flashed a smile before standing up to face Takaoka. Instead of full on attacking, the boy calmly walked toward the larger man with an innocent smile on his face. He stopped for a few seconds before swinging the knife at the man's face, making his opponent stumble back. Allie understood the way Nagisa went about this. She had used the innocent act many times to get her way. Nagisa fell on top of the man and snaked himself around him, putting the knife to his opponent's neck from behind. Again, Allie saw a flash of a snake in his place, and she was sure of it this time. The boy had bloodlust that was now obvious to her.

"Looks like I win," Nagisa said casually.

Everyone, excluding Korosensei and Allie, was shocked. Instead, the red eyed girl grinned widely at her classmate's accomplishment. But could he actually kill another human? Allie lingered on the thought. Korosensei suddenly grabbed the knife from Nagisa's hand and scolded Karasuma about it. Allie smiled, knowing he had seen the same thing she had. She stayed behind as others began to congratulate him. She eventually went over, coming up behind Nagisa. Allie snaked her arm around his shoulders, startling him. A chuckle erupted from her.

"Nice job.... But.... Promise that you'll try to contain your bloodlust," Allie became serious.

Nagisa gave her a confused look, so she continued, "if you lose control, you can cross over into insanity rather quickly.... Trust me.... I've spent my entire life with someone who crosses over frequently."

That's when she noticed a raging Takaoka. He stood in front of them with crazed eyes.

"To prove my point, look at him," Allie whispered to Nagisa while taking a step back.

Nagisa calmly insisted that he preferred Karasuma over Takaoka and told the man in front of him that Karasuma was the class dad, and he treated them as equals. Takaoka tried to attack Nagisa, but Karasuma saved the day yet again.

"You'll get this job over my dead body!" Takaoka snapped at Karasuma, but another voice cut in.

"That won't be necessary."

Allie looked up to see Principal Asano walking toward them. He did something good, for once, and fired Takaoka. The entire class then managed to get Karasuma to buy them sweets, and they dragged him off, leaving Korosensei complaining. Allie followed happily, excited to get something sweet.

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