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Aliyah's POV
Aliyah knocked on the door to the principal's office, ignoring the laughing that came from inside.

"Come in," It was definitely the principal who spoke.

Aliyah opened the door and slid in, immediately noticing the attention of Asano Gakushuu on her. She stopped in front of Principal Asano's desk and sighed, "you asked for me?"

"Ah, yes.... I needed to tell you that you are to stay in Class A until finals are over. Studying with those Class E students will get you nowhere, so you need to be in your own class," The man in front of her had a weird look to his eyes.

Aliyah suddenly wanted to back away, but she stood her ground, making eye contact with him.

"Of course, sir. I'll do so.... For now," A cocky feeling came over her as she turned away.
Aliyah glanced over her shoulder, "but I wouldn't try disobeying Mother's orders for long. She can be a bloodthirsty killing machine if she pleases, so for your sake, I hope you don't make any wrong choices."

Her voice dripped with innocence, but anyone could tell that she meant every word.

"I'll keep that in mind," the principal chuckled darkly.

Aliyah left the room, suddenly feeling someone behind her. Without turning around, she asked, "how do you deal with someone like him for a father?"

"It's actually quite easy," Gakushuu answered with a smirk.

She still didn't look at him, but she nodded, "well, I guess it's better than being smacked around and harmed or something...."

That had just slipped out. Aliyah tried to keep her cool, waiting for his reaction. But luckily, Gakushuu only smiled a bit more.


"Why did you have to drag me along?" Aliyah whined as she was ushered along by none other than four of the Big Five.

"The principal said to keep you in check," Teppei Araki answered.

They were coming to the library. Aliyah sighed. The Five Virtuosos? What kind of name was that? Stupid. But once they opened the doors, Aliyah was saddened to see some of the students of E Class. She didn't want to be in the middle of a fight.

"Would you look at that? It's E Class," Araki said teasingly. "Why even bother? This place is wasted on you."

Aliyah was silent, and she made eye contact with Nagisa, an apologetic look in her eyes. The Class E students looked disappointed at who showed up.

"How cute, they're studying. Look, playtime's over. The older kids need their spots!" Seo waved them off as if he expected them to disappear.

"We're not going anywhere," Isogai said. "We reserved these seats!"

"Oh are they defying their upperclassmen?"

"You're not the only ones who are allowed to have good grades! Everyone can if they work hard enough!" Okuda spoke up, surprising Aliyah.

Ren Sakakibara took a hand full of Kanzaki's hair, "don't be so quick to judge."

He was real close to her face, and Aliyah clenched her fists. She suddenly had the guts to speak, "don't get so close to girls, Ren! Have you heard of personal space?"

The four A Class guys stared at her in surprise. Aliyah's face was slightly red from anger, and she glared at Ren.

"Calm down, Kumaru," He said. "You're nice looking too."

Aliyah's eye twitched, "that's not what I-.... Oh nevermind."

"How about we make a wager?" Araki said. "Whichever class has lower grades on the finals has to do what the other class says."

E Class was quiet, and Seo got close to Nagisa, "where's all that attitude? We'd even put our lives on the line!"

Aliyah wanted to scream 'BAD MOVE', but she had been itching for humor, so she kept quiet. All of the E Class students moved their pencils in a way that could easily stab each of the four guys, and they all looked relatively in a good mood.

"I'd be more careful about betting my life if I were you," Nagisa said.

The four A Class guys quickly took off, leaving threats as they left. Aliyah waited until she couldn't see them to burst out laughing.

"Wimps! They can't even take something like that. I've had a real knife up to my neck, and I managed to not flinch, and look at them!" She giggled. "Weak."

The E Class kids looked at her like she was crazy, which was pretty true, but she ignored it, "well, I'll be off. My sister's waiting at home for me!"

Aliyah skipped off happily.


Watching the four boys confess what they did to Asano was pretty funny. They thought they were in trouble. Oh boy.... Gakushuu only made up a pretty good idea. Not that Aliyah would ever tell him that herself. If it hadn't had been about E Class being forced into servitude, she might've liked it more.

"You came up with those ideas off the top of your head? You're terrifying!" Ren said good heartedly.

"Terrifying? What do you mean by that? I'm a little hurt," Asano gave an innocent smile.

Aliyah sighed loudly, "I get it.... He's awesome. There's no need to flatter him more. I don't know if I can handle seeing that fake smile again."

She hadn't meant to say it aloud. It just.... Happened. Aliyah's face heated up as all attention turned to her. She quickly spoke, "I-I mean.... Just nevermind."

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