5- Adapting.

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What? I stood there, frozen. Looking at him through the restroom mirror. I could tell he was enjoying every single second of what was happening right there. I didn't say anything. I played it cool. I couldn't show him how embarrassed I was. "Are you feeling better? Do you want me to come here tomorrow? We can make that meeting happen tomorrow. I'm fine with it, you should get some rest. You look really pale" he said with his hands on his pockets. "I am, thank you. And no, let's do it now" I firmly said. I fixed my outfit, put my hair in a ponytail and fixed my makeup, "Follow me please" I guided him to my office. Since it was, apparently, just me and him I was going to take it there.

When we got there Monica, my secretary, was holding a cup of tea and a pill, "Are you ok, ma'am?" "Yes. Thank you" I grabbed the things from her hands "I'm gonna take Mr. Pesi in my office Don't pass any call unless it's an emergency and please, make the service people come here to check on that elevator. Things like this can't never ever happen again" "Yes ma'am".

We went inside and I couldn't process that was actually happening to me, what a great way to meet someone. "You're gonna take me here, hmmm, it sounded kind of compromising" he smirked looking around.
I didn't add any comment about it. We started talking about business and what was he doing here. He told me my dad started working with his and he ordered him to move in here and that he was now going to be working from here "at least for a while" he said, oh great. He's handsome and a gentleman. Deep blue eyes and a dark brown hair. But...I'm not into that right now anyway, I don't believe I could ever be with someone who's seen me almost dying as he did, no, too embarrassing, besides from everything else. But it could be a funny memory though. My inner me showed her sweet side.

We were done with the meeting after almost half an hour. We set everything up and I went to show him his place. He was literally at the door in front of mine, just like at home, he's everywhere now. When he was all settled and I was about to leave, I stopped and turned around.
"Look... I- I just wanted to thank you, for taking care of me in that elevator. They freak me out, and I lost it completely, I'm sorry. And oh, welcome here, I hope you feel great, I'm here if you need anything." My inner sweet Jennifer made an appearance.
He smiled nodding "It's all good, no problem." I nodded back.
When I was about to leave he stopped me by saying "You know...Jennifer, I don't know you so well, yet... but at first sight, you're worth taking care of. Every inch of you is" I started to get sweaty again. I'm one hundred percent sure I got blushed. His deep blue eyes were looking straight into mine, I froze once again. I didn't know how to take that, not at all, I could feel how my cheeks were getting hot and my neck started itching. It got hot in here. "I-I have to go now, I guess I'll see you around" he was just smiling. Damn stop it already. Okay I have to admit he has a gorgeous smile, and eyes, and strong arms. What was I thinking? No! I shoved all the thoughts out of my mind and went to my desk to finish work for the day.

When I was almost ready, Leah texted me, as she said, an address. It was near here so I just turned everything off, picked my things and went to my car. I needed to go in that elevator, again. Ugh. I said my goodbyes and took a look at Gino's office which was closed, but I could see he was there, he was on the phone when I was heading out. He looked up at me. I nodded and went in the elevator, then got in my car and started retouching my makeup and put my hair out of the ponytail.

When I was ready to go, I saw Gino going out looking for something more than just his car. I stayed for a second to see what he was going to do. He doesn't know what's my car so I was good. He looked at his watch and then started using his phone. After like five minutes a girl arrived there and they greeted and walked together to his car... hmmm.

I started my car and went out of the building. I didn't even see if he noticed I was there, maybe he did. I went to the bar Leah told me, it was also a restaurant, and it was just me and her. We ordered food and I told her about my shitty day, and about this handsome gentleman who helped me.

"No way! Did you get his number or something " "Leah, he basically works for me, I mean, with me...besides, I recently found out he lives next door and I think he has a girlfriend" I took a sip of my drink. "HOLY SHIT JEN! ...the way you've described him to me seems like he's a good man" She said, also sipping her drink not paying attention to the girlfriend part. "Well I don't know, I can't judge him just because he helped me in an elevator. I mean of course I did, he seems nice and sweet but you know, my last relationship-" "Ugh don't! Just don't...Don't pretend to predict what's gonna happen next because of what happened last, which you haven't told me all about it yet"
"Okay so" I started telling her what happened, "it's not that hard to get, he played me. I was just another one on his list, too bad I actually fell in love, but I didn't have someone to catch me and got hurt." This is literally, not mentioning he used to beat me. "He told me I was the one that I was different from the others, I caught him cheating on me several times, he wasn't there having sex with them all or even making out but I know what was happening. I found some conversations on his phone that were compromising, as well as pictures. I didn't even have to see anything else other than that. He used to say things like -it's ok, it's different with you, you're not in the same place they are, you're better than them- and since I loved him so much I believed him and gave him as many chances as he pleased. He just took me for granted, it hurt me, so I decided to drop him and I wouldn't let any other as I did with Ryan. He didn't love me, not even a bit, I was just another one. I decided it was better for us to just leave it there. He had a drinking habit and he would get rude and even tried to physically hurt me sometimes" and he did, but I can't tell her just yet. "For my own good, even though I loved him more than anything, it needed to come to an end, for better or for worse...You know I just don't get why, didn't I give him all he needed from me? Was it my fault? I don't know. I blame myself, I blame myself for being so stupid. I knew what was happening but I didn't want to accept it. After all I was the only one hurt here, at the end when I told him to break up he was just like -whatever, I don't actually care- he did, because he called me after that and looked for me several times... but I was the only one heartbroken anyway" some silly tears started swimming in my eyes, and some of them ran down— I quickly cleaned them up. Damnit.

"Oh Jen, I don't want to say this but I have to... I told you this was gonna happen, I told you. You deserved better than that. As a friend almost your sister I know you so well, that's I why I told you what was best for you, but I know how the heart play us. It's ok baby, the most important thing here is that you've got over it, and you know you're better than all this. I'm glad you took the initiative of leaving him for your own good" she said comforting me. "I've had to do that since the very beginning, but I kinda liked the trail. I liked the way he made me feel" Leah was just staring at me sipping her drink. "I had some awful days, I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't sleep... he called and texted me many many times. I just had to end it" "Oh darling..." she came closer and hugged me. "It's not your fault, let's leave it where it belongs, in the past...Everything's alright now. You got me" "Thank you Leah! I love you. As you said, let me leave that in the past, it changed me, yes, but I will get over it" I said finishing my drink. We stayed there drinking and talking about life and some other topics, until some guy caught my attention, "oh great" I said. "What?" Leah asked. "Don't turn around, but this new guy I talked you about, is right behind you..."I said, then of course Leah did not behave, "Oh shit!" I tried hiding myself. She did exactly what I told her not to. She turned around being as noisy as only she knows how to, and he noticed us. I immediately blurred my face in my arms, but it was too late, he was walking toward us.

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