54- Home.

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Days passed and just as he told me, two days after we arrived to L.A. we were moving to our new house. It was unbelievable.

"Where do you want me to put this?" "What's that?" "Hm...pictures and stuff...decoration" he said. "I'll keep the pictures and I think I'll donate the rest, nothing would actually match" I assured. "Okay so I'll put the frames out and I'll leave this box down the basement" He let me know and walked away. "Knock knock" I heard a very familiar woman voice and looked up. "Gabriela! Come on in" "Hi there...there's a lot of security in this neighborhood, is it that dangerous?" I laughed. "Not really, it's just...wealthy people" "Oh..." she smirked at me and I shook my head. "Not my idea, it was all on Gino, I just really liked the house and he was so excited about it I couldn't say no" "I see...it's actually a beautiful house, it's huge!" She said glancing over and I nodded. "I can't wait to make it feel like home, it's gonna take me some time" "So tell me...what are we doing to the babies' room?" Last weekend was Leah's baby shower and Gabriela was there. We talked and did catch up on almost everything and she offered me her help to decorate my babies' room. "I don't know- I was lowkey expecting them to be both of the same sex so it could be easier but, I got the pair I was asking for" I grinned. "So that makes it harder for me, I mean, I completely dislike the idea of painting half the room blue and the other pink, it's just a no" "What about...White and gold?" She said and made me think a lot about it. "Gold?" "I don't know I'm just talking about colors that can be equity used...I mean...I was thinking about grey but that's not convincing me..." "This is harder than I thought" I said and sat down on the couch. "Oh, Gabriela, hey" Gino walked to us. "Hi" "You're all sweaty, baby" I said and put my arms out and he walked to me sitting next to me and pecked my lips. "I wanna get all the boxes inside and fix them already" he said and smiled. "Maybe get some rest? You've been doing that the whole morning" I said and he leaned back and then moved to rest his head on my shoulder. "Right. Just a few minutes" I giggled, "Are you gonna nap in my shoulder?" "Can I nap on your thighs?" He asked being completely honest. "Sure, come here" I tapped on my thighs and he grabbed a pillow and fixed himself. "But wait- please clean your face, I don't want my pillows to smell gross" I smiled and he laughed a little, "Alright I'll be right back" he said and walked to the bathroom. "Could you hand me my laptop?" I pointed at the other sofa and gaby did. "Thank you. So let's google this" I was going through my laptop and Gino came back and placed the pillow close to my legs laying there. "It's not going to take too long, just a few minutes to rest and then I'll go back to finish that" he said and I laughed. "Just rest...We'll take care of it later- well, you will" I smiled and he closed his eyes.

"Okay so what about this...White everything, and then we could use different colors for the sheets? I think it's perfect. I mean we could hang up some frames on the wall and make it work, plus white makes everything look bigger and peaceful I don't know I think it's a good idea, what do you think?" "I like it" "Me too" Gino muttered. I smiled. "It'll look beautiful with the color of the floor, it's some sort of dark wood, I love it" "Then that's it, now we gotta go shopping" "Right now?" She asked. "I think so, yeah" she looked down at Gino and I smiled. "Baby...I'll go baby shopping and I know you wanted to nap, but..." "Yeah, I'm up, what's napping anyway? I'll go with you" he said and stood up rubbing his eyes. I laughed a little. "I'll go change my clothes, do you mind waiting here?" "Not at all, it's okay" "Help yourself, there's food and drinks in the kitchen...barely, but you can find something" she nodded and I started walking upstairs with Gino. "We gotta do grocery shopping also" I said and he smiled. "Do you wanna do that today too?" "Perhaps" "I'll take a shower, it's going to be quick, wanna join me?" He asked and waiting at the bathroom door for me to reply. I shook my head. "I'll pass, maybe when we are back" I said and walked to the closet to look for something to wear. "Alright, it's not like I have feelings or anything" "Silly" I rolled my eyes. I went for the comfiest thing I found which was a loose jumpsuit and flats. I had never loved flats more than I did when I was pregnant, I would wear heels too but nothing like my comfy clothes and flats. When I was done dressing up he walked out with a towel wrapped around his body. "Hmm...you are hot" I walked to him biting my lip and pulled him closer by his hips. "You're hot" he said and slid a hand down to my ass squeezing it slightly. "Stop" I said still biting my lip and looked at him with a grin on my face. "We gotta go now, but if we wouldn't have to...hmmm" I leaned closer and kissed him tenderly. "Go dress up" I said and he walked pass me. "I wanna take you out to dinner, to a fancy restaurant like we used to do a few months ago" he said out of the blue. "Reason?" "I just wanna take the future mother of my kids out, that's reason enough, I wanna flirt with her like if we are meeting for the first time and tease her and maybe fuck her after it" he said making me laugh, "I love you" I said. "I love you more" he said and blew a kiss my way. "I'd definitely love that".


"So...I'll pick my daughter's sheets, you pick your son's" I said and looked at him, I was just messing around, I knew I'd pick both of them with Gaby's help. "Alright then" "Alright, we are all rooting for you, you better pick some beautiful ones" I said and pointed at him making a face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer kissing me softly. "I can't promise anything" he whispered and then let me go looking for things in between the bunch of baby stuff that were surrounded us. "Look at this!!" I pouted. "I need this" I said and grabbed two, they were onesies with hats, and ears on it. "They're gonna look like little bears, oh my god" I said and Gaby joined me. "Cutest onesie I've ever seen"

"Jen is it alright if I don't wanna pick blue? I like orange...this" he showed it and I loved it. "Well I was expecting it to be blue but this is so beautiful...I like this one" I showed him the covers I picked. They were a light pink. "I was thinking about maybe lilac. But these are so beautiful. I did get her some cute carter's onesies in a bunch of different colors, I got purple, pink, white, more pink, some brown and pink, blue and pink, pink" I said and laughed. "And I got some blue, green, and some other colors for him...This is so much fun" I said and he looked at me. "You look so happy" he said. "That's because I am." "Are you sure?" He questioned me. "Like I've never been in my entire life" I said and walked closer to him kissing him.
"You guys are everything" Gabriela interrupted us and I pulled away biting my lip. I smiled at her. We continued there for some great three hours. I got too many clothes, I got clothes even for like their first day of kindergarten, so you can imagine how many clothes. We got the cribs and the car seats. We got the stroller and all the things we needed for the nursery room. Most of the things were going to arrive a day after. I needed to make room and clean it all so we could actually get things ready.


At almost seven in the afternoon I was finally laying down in bed. "Hmm, I'm so excited to have these babies, the most exciting thing is that you're here with me" I said and he smiled. He moved my shirt up placing an arm over my belly and leaning down to kiss my bare skin. "We got too many things today..." and I thought he was talking to me but... "Your mommy got crazy and bought literally the whole store, you have clothes until you get in college" he said and at first I laughed  but then tears started streaming down my face. That was so cute. "Look, they're moving" I said and pointed at the spot. He smiled again and kissed my skin. "Talk to them a bit more, they seem to like it" I whispered trying not to cry but it was too late, that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced, and I knew there were many more to come.


At almost 3 in the morning I was woken up by my phone being incredible blown up, I slowly opened my eyes and reached for it. When I looked down I finally started reading they were from Leah.

"You better fucking pick your fucking phone jennifer"

"Jennifer I swear to god if you're not here right now I'll kill you"

"Baby time"



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