10- Bossy.

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The following day, I woke up with no Gino by my side thing I was expecting to happen. He after some minutes came over saying he was just getting coffee holding one for me.

None of us talking about what happened the night before, making me doubt extremely hard whether it actually happened or not, but I wasn't crazy, it did.

About eleven in the morning, they discharged me. I put on the clothes he brought for me and we left. My ass was in pain, my arms were bruised and I had a huge headache but it was normal. I hit my head —I took the pills they gave me and did as they told me, I needed to wait for the shots to work on me.

"I'll drive you home" he said. I nodded. "I see you're really bossy." he smiled and looked at me. "I gotta do what I gotta do. I can't let you go like this. You could get dizzy while driving and cause a major accident" "yeah I'm still dizzy" "See? You can't drive at all, besides, it's still raining."

He helped me going into the car, "Where do you live again?" He asked and I looked at him with my are-you-kidding-me look. I wasn't in to mood for games. He laughed. Once we were there he, again, helped me going inside, he was soaking wet you could tell.

"Do you want to hmm...take a shower? That way you'd give me your clothes and I could dry them for you" let's just think about something, this man, lives a few steps away from my door, so the possibilities of him dropping this offer are many. So if he actually stayed, there's something going on... Besides he's done so much, I just wanted to reward him.

"If that's ok with you" I nodded, I knew it...He started taking his clothes off. Dear lord, sweet baby Jesus. He took his shirt off and I was already having breathing problems. I felt fully dizzy again, his body was perfectly shaped, his abs, oh his abs.

"But..." I was speechless. "What?" he stopped there giving me a teasing look. "Why don't you go inside the bathroom and do it there" "Right, too tempting" he said, I was trying my best not to blush because he knows it's true. "Where's the bathroom?" "Right this way" We went upstairs he helped me there too, I was in some serious pain.

When we got there he went inside. "There's the towel, now take your clothes off and give them to me so I can... you know, dry them" "Then I'm the bossy one" I didn't say anything, I walked outside and closed the door behind me waiting for him to give me the clothes. "Here's it ma'am" hmmm, I took them from his hands. They smell like man cologne. "Don't touch anything that you're not supposed to touch in there, alright?" "Yes ma'am" He shouted.

I put them in the dryer and called Leah.

"Hi baby"
"I got Gino taking a shower in my bathroom"
"THATS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT! Right in the middle of the day, damn Jen, you haven't lost your sparkle not even a bit"
"What are you possibly talking about, Leah? I had a little accident not a big deal and he was there, he helped me driving me to the hospital, he stayed the night with me then he drove me home and I offered him my bathroom while I put his clothes on the dryer"
"Hospital? What? Are you ok?"
"Yeah it was nothing important I am ok, just a little something"
"Oh god, well but you have him there Jen please, at least don't be so closed minded and talk to him, get to know him"
"Leah, I told you I don't wanna be in a relationship!!" 
"You told me you like him!!! Besides...Who's talking about being in one? Meeting new people and hanging out with them doesn't mean having a relationship, just give it a try" "I don't want to get hurt"

"Why would you get hurt?" Gino said behind me. "Oh shit, I'll talk to you later Lee" I turned around and almost felt again. He was standing there, with just a towel wrapped around his waist and he still had water drops on his body and his hair was wet. If we weren't just friend and of course coworkers, I would be taking him right here in this kitchen.

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