51- Take Care.

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I decided to fix myself a little. After all that's all I could do. I didn't do much though, I didn't truly want to cover it all up. I just put some mascara and some sort of translucent powder. I applied gloss and some highlight on the top of my cheeks and my nose. I looked at myself in the mirror and analyzed everything. I had a few patches here and there, they were starting to fade though.

It saddened me every time I remembered how Ryan acted those days he kept me. The fact that he wasn't on his right mind made it even worse. The good thing was, I was actually getting him some help. I wanted to help him regardless of what he did to me, and deep inside I knew I was completely crazy about this whole thing. I loved him way too much, and I kind of still cared for him no matter what.

I was so shocked when I learned Gino was going to help him. I knew it was just to make sure I wouldn't do something he didn't like me doing, like going by myself and trying to help him. He didn't want me near him not even for a second and I got why.

I finished there and put my hair out of the bun I had it, letting it fall down to my shoulders. The easiest thing to wear I found in my closet was a floral loose dress. I carefully placed it on and then went to look for some flat sandals, since heels were going to be much of a trouble.

I gave myself a final look and it wasn't the most beautiful outfit I've ever worn but it was comfy and I felt great on it.

I grabbed my phone walking downstairs slowly.

"You look gorgeous" he said and stood up to help me. "This is so cute" he said referring to me belly, I had a little ting there, it was started to grow. That was exciting. My back was currently killing me and I knew it was because of the accident of falling down the stairs. They said the pain would be there for a long time, plus pregnancy, so I should just take good care of myself and everything was going to be alright. That included tons of pills and basically becoming a granny, I had to take to many things, I couldn't move as I used to, It was stressing.

I looked up at him and sighed smiling and he smiled back at me, and slowly leaned down peeking my lips.

"I love you" he whispered and a smile started forming on my lips. "I love you too" I assured him and his phone started ringing.

"Yes?...yeah, I'll go open"

He had hired a person to be at the door all the time, kind of a security guard. He was doing that so I could feel safe and to be honest, it made me feel better even though Ryan was already in prison. Or something like that.

"They're here!" He said and I smiled looking at how excited he was. His eyes were shining and he was all smiles. It made me feel happy to see him like that I've put him through so much shit in these months we've been together, it was crazy how much of a trouble I caused to him. He didn't accept it as me being a trouble maker, every time I told him that he would just say it wasn't true and that he felt lucky to have me no matter the situations.

I liked to think about him as a guardian angel, god-sent creature, to help me go through tough times. The love and appreciation I had for him was endless.

He finally opened the door and a little person ran over and wrapped over his legs.

"Ally!" He let out leaning down to carry her. She was precious. She was dressed with a blue dress and her caramel hair was in a ponytail with a blue bow on the top of it. It matched with her eyes.

Then her sister walked in with Emma on her arms. She was looking around and then got excited when she saw Gino and immediately let herself fall to his arms.

He kissed them both on their cheeks and they hugged him by his neck. It was so adorable what I was watching. Then her sister stepped inside, she was as gorgeous and beautiful as Gino. Typical, to me, Italian girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect complexion. She was beautiful, then she smiled showing her perfect teeth and joining to hug Gino and the girls.

"We've missed you so much!" She said squeezing him tightly. "I miss you too" he said and she pulled away.

"Hi... you must be Jennifer" she said and I smiled walking to her, slowly. "Hi, yeah, I'm Jennifer" I stuck my hand out for her. "I'm Maya, nice to finally meet you, you're beautiful" she shook my hand and then pulled me closer and I pressed my lips to hold the pain the action caused me.

"Maya, be careful" he said and looked at her nodding. Her eyes got wide and she covered her mouth. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- god I'm sorry" she looked worried. "It's okay, I'm okay..."

"Ally, Emma...this is Jennifer" Gino walked closer with them both. "Hi" Allyson waved at me with her tiny little hand and then she smiled so big, she was precious. "Hi baby" and then Emma started waving too and I waved back. "Hi!" I said to her and she smiled hiding her face into Gino's chest.

"What is that on your face?" Allyson asked pointing at my purple marks on the side of my face.

I looked at Gino and then back at her not knowing how to reply.

"She didn't listen to her mom and she was running all over the house, trip and fell" Maya said and the girl looked shocked. "See why is it important to listen to what mommy tells you?" She nodded at her and Allyson spoke, "I promise I'll be careful...and Jen, you should listen to your mommy next time" she said making me laugh a little. "I will" I winked at her and she smiled.

Minutes later we sat down to eat.

"And so that's what they said. It's been hard to keep it up with the girls, and work...but I'm doing my best and I think I already got it under control" His sister was explaining. "I told you that if you needed anything...you could tell me and we could work something out, you don't have to be here all by yourself" he said and she shrugged shoving food inside her mouth. She chew it and then spoke, "I am alright, baby, no worries, we are doing great- it's not easy, I have to admit that, but I'm doing a pretty good job" Gino nodded.

"And how are you doing in school?" Gino asked Allyson. "I am good. The teacher says I'm smart" "and you think you're smart?" I asked smiling. "Yes!" She replied excited. "I can imagine. What's your favorite subject?" I asked. "Hmm...math, and...German" she said looking down at her food and eating it. I smiled being really impressed by the little girl.

"She goes to an English school, and they teach her German" Maya said. "Does she know something?" Gino asked. "Quite a lot, actually"

We spent the whole time talking and getting to know each other better.

An hour and a half after I was sitting on the couch with Maya and Gino was playing with the girls sitting on the table, some coloring book was getting done.

"Do you feel like talking about what happened?" She asked with this sweet tone that made me feel comfortable. "I- what do you wanna know?" I asked kind of worried. I didn't know what she wanted to ask me, was it going to get me on my feels? It was a sensitive topic.

"How do you feel about...this whole thing that happened?" I frowned slightly. "Well..." I ran my hand over my hair, looking for the right words, or any words at all.

"To be honest I am better. I feel sad from time to time, but ever since I convinced Gino to help him I feel better about it. I feel sorry for him."

She nodded.

"Gino talked to me about it, which I thought was the craziest idea ever but glad he's helping you with it..." she smiled. "Yeah, I know he does it to see me happy, and to keep me safe...I'm okay with it" I smiled back.

And so the conversation began.



SO, I was wondering if you'd like it if I posted a new fic...I mean would you even read it🤔 -I told myself I wouldn't write any other after this but...ha, you fool @ myself. Sooo, I may or may not have one...or two...fics on the way, so tell me what you think. The ship is still undercover but I'm sure you'll like it (I hope) okay I'm done here so ... Vote and comment.

Thanks for reading.

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