24- Spontaneously.

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A month after.

When I sat behind my desk Monica entered with a bunch of papers in hands.

"Here. I checked them all and they're fraud free. You can recheck them and then sign them. That I'd highly recommend, just in case I missed something, I doubt it, but check it anyway and then sign." I nodded. "and this, someone sent a package for you, it arrived early this morning" She handed me a box, not too big.

"Oh, okay thank you" I smiled as she stared at me with a crazy smile. I glared around and then looked at her confused, "What?" "You and -" "Oh god you too?" I chuckled. They've been like that since they knew about Gino and I. It's been a month and they're still all weird about it, not over it.

"You guys are so cute I can't even" she said walking out of my office. I laughed hard.

I found myself in such a happy mood. Like not even Hannah could kill it.

I was happy.
I felt safe.
I felt loved.
I felt desired.

And for the first time in a long time I felt like things were actually going to work.

I unwrapped the box. It had a little card and it had a sign that I immediately recognized.


I got excited. I started reading the card.

"I know we haven't been too close these passed years, but I just want to let you know that I think about you a lot. You're basically always in my head. I'm sorry I haven't called or emailed. I'm sorry I've been absent for so long. Believe me it's not easy for me. A lot has changed. Right now I'm all over work. I think I'm trying to fill my shitty life with tons of work so I can survive. But yes as I said, things have changed. Anyways, I hope you had an amazing birthday (I know this may be arriving super late, I'm not good calculating time and stuff, sorry if it did) I know you have something going on (mom). I hope you're happy. I wish I could've been there. I miss you guys so beyond much. I saw dad a while ago. I really wish I could see you and the others. When you get the chance please call me or just surprise me coming here, I'd love to have you over for a few days. I know how much you love jewelry so...I sent you something.

With love, Kate."

Oh my god. Did she actually...? I opened the box and there were three bracelets, a yellow gold, a pink gold and a white gold. God, these were so beautiful.

Jewelry is my thing.

I called her immediately thanking her for the gift and promising her I'd go there really soon. A quick trip there just to check on the company and on her of course. Maybe I'd bring Gino with me. I didn't know what I was thinking, just crazy thoughts of a spontaneous trip.

"How's your day going?" I heard a voice and it was Gino.

"Hmm -I got jewelry so let's say it's going pretty great" "Who other than me would give you that?" he joked. "Remember my sister the one that lives in Germany?"
"Yes, that one. She sent this" I showed him.
"Beautiful, just like you" he said leaning down for a kiss.
"Let's go out for dinner tonight"
"What about getting some fast food and eating naked in bed?"
"Okay your idea is way better" I bit my nail, "I've been craving hot dogs for a really long time"
"Then we are getting it" he said kissing me again. "You are so beautiful, I'm so lucky to have you" he always catches me off of guard. "I never knew this could happen....you and me...I still can't believe it happened. I love you" I whispered being inches apart from his face. "I love you too" he said now kissing me. "I have to go to my dad's office. I'm doing some stuff there and I'll be back after lunch I think" "Alright, baby" I pecked his lips one more time and he walked away.

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