48- Gonna Get better.

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Leah's POV
Almost a week had passed and she was still there. The injuries were still there, the bruises were still there. She got surgery for her back, thanks to falling down the stairs. The police had come several times, questioning me, even Gino and Kate.

"I have no idea how you found her, I just- I just think what could've happened if you didn't and..." I said and my voice was awfully cracking. "Shh, don't think about it, she's here now, she's safe and she will continue to be" he pulled me into a hug. I have never seen him this...affective. Not with me at least. "What have the doctors said?" "Not much" "Did you see her scar?" He nodded. "Early this morning they came to clean it up, it's not too big" he said and I cringed. I'm not a fan of any of the things that go on in a hospital. I was terrified to have this baby, there were endless possibilities of things going wrong and I'd just die there. I shook my head and walked closer to her grabbing her hand slowly moving my thumb over it. Every time I looked at her I wanted to break down into tears. She was so vulnerable.

"Why don't you go and get some breakfast and clean yourself a bit?" I suggested. He ran his hands through his messy, dirty hair and sighed. "You could go to Kate's apartment" I continued. "I have mine here" he said and I turned to face him, "oh, you do, of course" "I'll go, I promise I'll be quick, please stay here with her." "We'll stay here" I said and he frowned confused. I pointed at my belly. "Oh- right. Call me if anything happens" he said before exiting the room.

I went closer to her and stroke her hand softly. It's useless she wouldn't feel anything or wake up. Some minutes passed and a doctor walked in.

"Good news" she said and smiled. "She's ready to be back, the results of the test we ran early this morning show that she's perfectly ready to be back" I looked up at her in disbelief. I was happy, but I didn't know how to show it. I wanted to cry.

"We are going to take her as soon as possible" "Right now?" She nodded. "Oka-okay" she nodded again and some nurses came in and started moving her outside. "It's not going to take too long, you can wait outside, the waiting room" she smiled and I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. "Okay" "Don't worry, she's going to be okay...She was lucky, I'm surprised she's been doing this great" "What about her babies?" "They're doing okay, we are going to keep an eye on them anyway, see you later" she said and followed the nurses that were moving Jennifer's bed into an elevator.

I sat down and my hands got together, I figured I needed to pray, and that's what I did the whole time. Gino came in and panicked once he didn't see Jennifer in her room.

"She's up in surgery" I said softly and he frowned, "Surgery?" "I mean...they're bringing her back" "Oh, god, okay" "I'm scared..." I said as he sat beside me, "Why?" "I read too many things online...I-" "Shh-she's going to be fine, she's going to be back in a few hours you'll see, being the same Jennifer we've always known" he had a side smile and I sighed laying back. I knew she wouldn't be the same Jennifer...I mean, all she's gone through. She fell from the stairs, and her babies made it, they did a lot and there were tons of difficulties, but they made it, and that gave me hope, hope that she would be better knowing her babies were still there and things were going back to normal. After what felt like years, the doctor that was attending her came to us with a bright smile and it calmed me down immediately. "She's back" I closed my eyes and tears started rolling down. Gino squeezed my hand and then hugged me and I started crying uncontrollably.

"You can see her in a few seconds, she's still asleep, all her organs are functioning, she's still weak, but she's here and she should be waking up at any time now, her brain is responding perfectly, so there's not a risky about that, no brain damage, nothing. They're all okay" she winked and I was so happy to hear all of it.

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