53- Happy.

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"Oh my god I can't believe this is happening" I was so excited. "Finally...I don't like here anymore" he said. I made a face. "I'm just happy we are going back home" I smiled. I checked my airplane ticket and suddenly realized it didn't say New York, it said LA, but we weren't going to LA...

"Gino? Baby....why does this say LA?" "You're not going to be taking flights everytime...You're pregnant, remember? And I'm not taking any chance, it's dangerous, so...your things are getting packed, and you're going to stay with Leah for a day or two, we are going to check on the house I told you, and if you like it, we are moving right away" I looked at him shocked. "Wh-what?" He smiled. "Too much information, and I'm slightly upset you didn't talk to me about it before" "Baby, there was no way you were going to let me do this, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but if I did, that would've been worse" I sighed, he was right. "Okay so I'm sleeping over Leah's? Have you even talked to her?" "I don't think I'd have to, but yeah, I did and she's happy to have you there" "Mom is gonna be pissed, she's gonna get an attitude real quick" "Oh, so that's where you get it from? Makes sense" he joked and I made a face at him and rolled my eyes, he laughed. "Help her with her baby shower" he said and I frowned, "she was going nuts when I called her, she hasn't done it waiting for you to be back." I smiled. "Aw. My baby is all grown up now" he laughed. "See? You have way too many reasons to go straight to LA." I sighed. "You right, now help me stand up, we are boarding" I said and he held my hand and put the other hand in my back lifting me up. I still had some pain in my body, but I was okay.


"Jennifer!!!" she hugged me tightly...well, kind of, there were three babies in the way of our hug. "I'm so- happy...to have you here" she started sobbing, "Leah don't start crying again" "Let me be happy!" She demanded and I smiled. "Jennifer, how are you? Leah let her come inside already" Angelo said and took the suitcase Gino had in his hand. "Look at this" I said looking at the HUGE belly. She rolled her eyes, "I need her out already"

We walked inside and started talking, we had a lot to catch up, and by the phone is not always the right way, nothing like gossiping face to face. "Come see her room. It's all set up" we walked upstairs and she opened the door showing a white and light pink room. "Aw Leah this is beautiful." "Right?" She smiled proudly, "I did this all by myself because SOMEONE didn't want to help" she said that yelling out of the door, I made a face. "I did help!" Angelo yelled back. She shook her head and closed the door. There was a huge white crib with tons of little pillows and the name "Sofia" in light pink above it. "This is just beautiful" I said and she smiled again and made me sat down in the couch that was at the corner, "Are you okay?" "I am, I am great" I replied back looking into her eyes. "I'm so happy to have you here, you have no idea" she said and I could see how she was about to start crying again. "Leah- stop crying" "I can't help it, I thought I'd lost you and-" "But I'm here now!" "That's why I'm crying, it's happiness! God I love you" "I love you too silly, you really thought I'd leave you?" I said and gave her a look and then smiled, "Never" "You better!"

"What are you guys doing now? Gino didn't want to tell me, he said you'd do it" I sighed, "Well, he's going to take me see some houses, to pick one...Then I guess I'm moving there, we are moving together" "Does Lupe know this?" "I have no idea, I haven't told her, but Gino does things without telling me so maybe he told her about it" "Hm, maybe" "When is your baby shower happening?" "This weekend, it's all planned- ugh I wish you could've helped me, but I hired that girl you hired to plan Richard's wedding..." "Gabriela?" "That one. She's amazing" "it's been a long time since I last knew about her." "She's going to be there this weekend so, you can catch up" she smiled. "Okay I'm hungry...We are...let's go get something" she said and held my hand to help me stand up. But she couldn't. "Nope, it's not that easy for me to stand up from chairs, or anywhere actually, call Gino please" "Okay hold on" a few minutes after Angelo walked in. "Gino went out, he said it was quickly" "Oh okay, well- hold my hand and then-" I grabbed his hand and placed it where Gino usually did. "And then lift me up- carefully please" and he did, I was afraid he would hurt me, or touch something he wasn't supposed, the little scar there for example, it was still sensitive. "Just like that- thank you"

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