56- Baby sh-.

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Few weeks later.

"Baby?" I called him from the bedroom. "Yeah?" "Oh, I just thought you were out, come here" I said and he walked over to me and laid beside me. "I'd have told you...I was just fixing some boxes. They're endless." He said and I giggled. "You should take a shower and just get in bed. You look tired" he nodded, "Why did you call me?" "Oh nothing, it's okay" "What is it?" He insisted...I pouted, "I'm hungry, I want McDonald's." He laughed and then crawled up to my face kissing my lips softly. "Let me take a quick shower and I'll go get it for you" he said and I grabbed him by his nape pulling him for a kiss. "You're so good to me, thank you, baby" I smiled and he walked over the bathroom. I wanted to nap, but it was so hard and uncomfortable, unless I had Gino there to let me cuddle him. It was torture because he was actually starting to work again and so he would leave early in the morning and I'd be sleepless until he came back or if I could actually fall back asleep I would wake up not too long after because I was uncomfortable.


"There you go...and here are the extra fries and the ice cream..." he handed me a lot of things, I could literally feed like 5 more people. I was starving and I needed to eat for two more so, good for me I was great at eating. "Thank you, not all the heroes wear cape" I said and he laughed. "I love you...you look so good pregnant...and hot, really hot" "Yeah sure, the hottest whale ever" I rolled my eyes shoving fries in my mouth. "I'm seriously, you're still hot" I shrugged and continued eating. "Jen?" "What is it baby?" "Remember when I told you I wanted to take you out for dinner?" He said and I nodded. "What about Friday?" "This Friday?" I asked he nodded. "Hmmm- let me check my tight schedule" I joked. "Yeah I think I can make it there" I smiled and he laughed. "Perfect." "I'll get to wear the type of dresses you love, let's see if I'm still as hot as you say" I recently got a tight long sleeve white dress that fit me just perfectly, and to be honest I looked really hot, my boobs were huge and the dress had a great cleavage. My ass looked great and my huge baby bump was cute. I had it all, the outfit was picked. "Perfect then, and I can't wait to see you wearing those. Believe me, you're still hot...plus this is temporary, you're going back to your old you, soon" I laughed. "Right...But I'm not going to look the same, ever" I said, "perhaps I could start working out and maybe, I'll go back to the old hot me, we'll see" I shrugged still eating.

I went to visit Leah a few times. The baby was looking more like her everyday. It was like her mini me. She looked so happy with her little family, and I knew she was. Everything was going amazing. After so many things, everything was finally happening right. It's like everything started making sense and things started working perfectly. I just needed it to stay like that forever.


On Friday I started getting ready by four, I needed the extra time. I did my makeup and hair, and then put my dress on. I looked really hot. "Look" I said walking out of the bathroom. "Woah...You...woah, shit, you look amazing...damn, you're so hot" he said and made me spin over. "That ass" he smirked at me making me laugh, "That baby bump" I said and raised both of my eyebrows playfully holding my belly. "Help me put my heels on, please" "Are you wearing heels?" "Clearly. Now help me put them on" I said and he did. "I can't believe you're pregnant, like seriously you look amazing" he said as we walked out of the house hand in hand. "Thank you baby...so where are you taking me?" "Special place" he said and smiled. "Alright" I smiled back. "I love when you dress up like this, it's so hot and you look extra handsome" I bit my lip softly. He was wearing a suit, a blue one with a white shirt. Blue was his color, it matched his eyes and it made him look extra beautiful. Ugh. He smiled and started driving.

We finally arrived to a place I've never been in. We walked up some stairs and then walked down a hall stopping at some door, the place was fancy, you could easily notice that. But it wasn't a restaurant, it was weird. "I just want you to enjoy tonight" he said and then opened the door reveling a beautiful and super cute decorated room filled with familiar faces. I covered my mouth and then looked at him. "You did not!!!" "I did..." he smiled. "Welcome to your baby shower" Gabriela walked to me, "organized by yours truly" she smirked at me and then walked closer hugging me. "You look beautiful!" She said and I smiled at her. "Thank you, seriously. You look good too" she winked at me and I walked inside greeting them all. My family was there. Leah was there, with Angelo and Sofia. Some friends, my sisters, even Kate. Then someone ran to me and wrapped over my leg. "Jen!!!" I looked down and saw Allyson. "Baby. Oh my god you're here" I covered my face and looked at Gino. He had this beautiful smile, it was huge. He was happy. "I'm so happy to have you here, how are you?" I asked the little girl and we had a little chat.

"Jennifer, baby you look beautiful" my mom said and placed her hand over my baby bump. "I can't wait to be a grandmother again, two at once, that's everything." She said. "I'm having a c section" I said and I bet it surprised her. "Oh- really?" I nodded, "I decided that, and so it's happening" "So you have a due date already?" "Not yet, next week, I'll know, or maybe they want to come out before- who knows" "I thought you would go natural on this, like I did with you all" I cringed. "No thank you, I don't want to go through all the pain- you saw what happened to Leah." "Yeah but you're not her, it doesn't mean you'll go through that too" "Either way, I think it's better if I have the surgery" I said and smiled at her. "Well- I'm not too happy about it but I'll support you and be there that day" she said and smiled at me. "Thank you ma. You have to come over the house, it's beautiful" "I will" she sighed. "What is it?" "My baby is all grown up" she started sniffing. Oh god. I laughed, "Am I...?" She nodded and then hugged me. "I love you and I'm so proud of you Jennifer" she said and my heart smiled. Those words meant everything to me coming from her. "Thank you mom. I love you too, a lot, but like...a lot" I said and hugged her again.

After almost a whole hour of greeting people here and there, I walked to Gino, he was just there, eyeing everyone, looking incredibly hot as usual. "You- you are that thing I never knew I needed, I swear, I love you with my whole heart, you have no idea Gino...you have no idea how happy you make me...how did you plan all this without me noticing it? I don't know but you're incredible. An I love you is not enough anymore" I said and he looked at me smiling, "you changed the whole meaning of happiness for me, you have no idea how incredibly happy and loved you make me feel. I love you- I love you- I love you" I said and placed my arms over his shoulders kissing his lips tenderly. When we pulled away he spoke, "I'm more than happy- you make everything better for me, you just have to smile and that's it, everything makes sense. I love you.... and I just thought you'd like this" "I love it- it's beautiful, and I truly didn't see it coming, I actually thought we were going to have dinner and then back home for some sex" I giggled. "But seriously-" I sighed and I was about to cry, "Don't cry, you're gonna ruin your makeup" he said and pulled me in for a hug, laughing a bit. "I love you" I whispered and hugged him for some seconds. "I'm still not done making you happy" he said and held my hand, "at least not tonight...come here" he said and I was confused but I followed him. He made me sit down near Leah, and I was still so confused...

He grabbed a microphone and then started talking... "Can I have your attention for a moment? Please..." I smiled and Leah held my hand, I looked at her and she just smiled at me, a sweet smile, I couldn't understand what was happening and I was anxious to find it out.

"Okay so first of all thank you for being here and sharing this special moment for Jennifer and myself, the baby shower of our beautiful babies...and well...since I'm talking about her..."

He paused and smiled.

What. Was. Going. On.





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