29- Mi familia.

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On Friday morning we took a flight to Los Angeles. Leah stayed on my house until Thursday, her mom came over and picked her up, she told her everything about her pregnancy. Angelo called her, but she told him she needed time, she would be ready to talk to him really soon. She just needed to think about things and get her mind set.

I was pretty excited for my family to meet Gino, but worried at the same time.

I know them, and I know how embarrassing it can be, really, you have no idea. My aunts were gonna be there, and my uncles...oh god, I needed to be ready and I needed to prepare him for such a thing.

"Listen, it's not easy to deal with my family, I've been trying to do it for ... My whole life. I still don't fully know how to. But I'm sure I'll get there, someday." I said thinking about every possible thing he needed to know before arriving there. He laughed. "It's gonna be fine."

"Yeah well, you have to know that they all joke a lot, everything is a joke, and sometimes it can be offensive, but it's not on purpose, it's just...how they are" I tried making sense. "Got it" "Oh... and they're really embarrassing, I mean, they're gonna embarrass me, and ...I swear if you laugh of anything I will kill you...and they're probably going to embarrass you too...God this was a bad idea now that I think about it." I was so worried.

Introducing someone as important as Gino to my family members was, obviously, important to me but it was a big thing to deal with.

They're all, kind of, crazy as fuck. I love them but I just can let that fact pass.

"Well, and no sex, no sexual interaction, at all" I said. "Oh no, no no no, you gotta stop being so loud, hold your orgasms or something." He said making me roll my eyes. "I'm serious!!" I pouted. "Me too!!" "I said no sex, Gino" "That...we'll see" he winked at me.

"We are having dinner tonight, and the party is tomorrow. So ...god, I'm sorry in advance, I'm apologizing for everything that might need an apology" I said laying back on the airplane seat. "Baby, it's alright, relax, come here" he said and I moved my head to his shoulder and he kissed my head. "It's going to be fine. Don't worry" he comforted me.

I was trying not to, but I remembered the first time I brought Ryan to meet my parents, it was the worst thing I could've ever done. We fought over it, that night was just awful. He of course felt offended by the things my family said, it's not that they're the worst, it's just how they're joke around between themselves, and they expect people to take it just as any other of them would, they fool around and it's actually pretty funny but when it's to my sisters or someone else, but when it's about me...Typical.

Ryan didn't know how to take a joke, he would get mad at every single thing, I had to explain myself most of the time, absolutely always.

At least I knew Gino's personality and he's not the one to be getting mad over this. But still, I was anxious.

After some hours we finally arrived to LA.

"Ok here we go" I said standing up from the seat and grabbing my bag. "it's gonna be fine" he whispered. I sighed and walked out to get our luggage.

On the way there he held my hand tightly. "You're freezing" he said. "I'm nervous" he shot me a look and then shook his head smiling. "Please, relax. I should be the one being nervous" I looked up at him with a sad face. "I know, I can't help it. I mean, I know they're gonna love you, just as much as I do, because you're amazing...but, I don't know...this is really important for me" I said and he smiled and then leaned down held my chin up kissing me tenderly. "I love you" he whispered now holding my face. I bit my lip and pecked his lips again. He knew how to calm me, it took him a second to make me feel better. Every time he said he loved me, I got goosebumps everywhere and butterflies in my stomach, the whole zoo actually. He was something else.

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