42- Decisions.

559 36 8

The following day was one of those days when I just sit in bed and stay there for a while before getting ready to go to work.

I was just moving my neck and trying to breathe in and out slowly. My stomach was playing me once again.

"Are you okay?" Gino asked. I didn't answer, "You've been sitting there for a a while now" he moved closer and placed his hand on my back slowly caressing it.

"I'm fine" I said and kissed him before standing up to a fully dizzy me. I walked quickly to the bathroom and threw up. This time I couldn't hold it.


I'd have to go to the doctor. I've been feeling like shit for too many days it was worrying me already and I thought it was my period but there had to be something else.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay? I think we should go see a doctor already"
"No, I'm fine. I'm telling you it's just my period. I won't go to work today okay, I'll just stay here and rest" I needed him to go so I could go to the doctor and do the thing by myself.

"I'll stay with you"
"No! it's not necessary. Enough with me not going to work. Just go, I'll be fine. I'll let you know if anything happens okay? Or if I need anything." "Alright" he said hugging me and kissing my head.

After he left I got dressed and called a cab. I went to the hospital and got checked in the emergency room. The dizziness wouldn't go away, I had this feeling of throwing up that was killing me. Damn.

"So hmm, Ms. Lopez right?" a blonde blue eyed woman with a dark blue scrub and a white coat walked in.
"Okay so we are gonna run some tests. The IV is because you are dehydrated, you need to stay here for over some hours so we can get it all in. Just lay back and rest a little while get the rest" I nodded.

After like an hour the same lady came in.

"Have you been taking any pills?" She asked filling a chart. "Just something for my dizziness and also some painkillers, my head and back have been hurting really bad lately" "Hmm, I see. So you haven't been taken any medication for the baby, that explains why you've been feeling the way you have. Because there's honestly anything else wrong with you. There's a lot of things the bab-"

"Wait what? A baby?" I laughed nervously, no, that was not possible, I mean it was but, no it couldn't be. "What are you talking about? I'm not pregnant" "Yes, yes you are. I'm sorry, you didn't know? Now everything makes sense" I shook my head.

"You're 4 weeks pregnant" I felt like fainting. Like if they grabbed my world and turned it upside down. Tearing down everything I've been building.

You're four weeks pregnant.
I was pregnant.

"Oh my god" I covered my mouth, tears threatening to come out. She looked at me with a concerned look but didn't really pay attention. I guess this kind of situations were normal for her.

I was shook.

"The baby needs a lot of things that you're not proving him so he's just taking it from you. That's why you've been weak, dizzy, nauseous, and not feeling well. at all. The pain in your back is because your body is adapting to a something growing up inside of you. The pills you took for the dizziness didn't really affect the baby, we should run some more tests but everything looks fine."

"So...I'm p-p- pregnant?" I asked not feeling good at all. "Okay your heartbeat is increasing and you're pale. Let's just try to breathe in and out. By your reaction I can tell you weren't expecting this." I shook my head no, not being able to speak.

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