45- Meeting him.

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The following morning we drove Sarah to the airport and then went for breakfast. It was a cool day, the temperature was warm and made me feel good. I haven't stopped thinking about Gino. Not even for a second. I needed him so badly. Oh my god.

"Let's go out, let's do something I don't know" Leah said. "How's Angelo?" I asked trying to make conversation and the look on her face let me know that she was bothered. "He's good" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah"

"Why are you lying? What's going on?" she held my hand. "I'm good I promise" "Alright" I knew she was lying but I didn't want to insist, she wouldn't say anything.

"What's that?" she said point at my phone, showing a message on the screen. "It's Gino" "Why aren't you picking it?" "I have a few days without actually replying to him" "Oh god Jennifer, gimme" she said taking my phone from me, "You should reply this one" "What does it say?" "You know, I wish I was in your bed right now, I miss you" She read it out loud, I pressed my lips together looking away. "Call him Jen" Leah softly said. "Please?" she begged. "Fine, give me the phone!" I took the phone from her hands and called him. It was like drinking a glass of water after being thirsty for so long...But it wasn't the same as having him close and hug him and kiss him all over. Ugh.

"Jennifer, baby!"
"Hi there" I whispered.
"God baby, you have no idea how much I need you here" he said making me bite my lip. I was surprised he didn't tell me anything about me not picking his calls for days.

"I miss you too baby!"

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Everything is great. How's the office?" I asked.
"It's good, nothing new" he said, "Why are you taking so long to come back home? You were supposed to be here two days ago" 

He said using a tone I didn't quite like.

"I'll stay here for a little longer"
"What? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm telling you" I softly said. "You know..." he paused, and I was expecting him to go all mad at me...god... "Yes?" "You should just come here and let me kiss you wherever you want" he said and I closed my eyes and bit my lip again, "Hmmm, I'd like that too" "I miss the way your smile forms when I talk to you..." he said making me smile really big, I tried stopping it. "My hand going down your abdomen..." he said almost whispering. "God...Gino -" "And then your moans inside my mouth...Damn it I miss you" "It's been a week and a half" "It feels like years." he said, "I'm going to be back in a blink of an eye"
"Alright. I'm going to be waiting...Please be safe. I love you" he said, "I love you" I hung up.

"God I miss him" I said getting in bed. "I know you do baby, I know you do..." Leah smiled a little.

What was I doing? Sigh. I needed time to think, but I needed him, I was so indecisive. I didn't even know what I wanted. I was lost. I was lost and Gino was the only one who could help me find myself, well...at least part of me thought that. I was so scared to lose him, that I was capable of leaving him so he wouldn't leave me. It doesn't make much sense when you say it about loud...but it made sense when I considered it before going to Germany.


The afternoon of the following day we were supposed to finally meet Kate's lover. Finally, that's all shes been talking about. We were all sitting in a table talking and waiting for our food to arrive.

"I'll be right back" she said excitingly walking out. After some minutes she came back holding hands with someone. He got my attention right away. "This is Daniel Guzman" she said and my eyes widened and I looked at Leah immediately. Trying not to be obvious but I think I failed. "Nice to meet you" he said putting his hand in front of me, I like looked at it for a few seconds and then quickly shook it and tried giving him a side smile. Leah did the same.

This was going to be a long night...

"So...Daniel, what do you do for a living?" Leah started asking. "Well, I work for a company" he said and Leah narrowed her eyes. I couldn't see him. He was so similar to Ryan. I didn't want to ask anything. I never knew he had a brother that's why I thought it was just me panicking. Maybe it was a coincidence. He was handsome. He looked really similar to Ryan.

"Hmmm...I see." Leah said and he smiled. Even his smile looked like Ryan's.

"You?" He asked back. "Same" he nodded slowly. "And what about you...Jennifer- right?" I nodded slowly trying not to make eye contact with him. It was uncomfortable. "Same... I work for my dad's company"

"Yeah, she works for the same company I do, doing basically the same things I do, but in New York" I looked stared at Kate trying not to be too obvious that I wanted to kill her right there. She smiled brightly at me and I gave her a small smile. Thankfully she didn't mention anything about me being pregnant which was good. Even though I didn't know if he was Ryan's brother. I didn't want to risk it.

"Do you have any singling?" Leah asked. "I- N-No, I don't. I'm the only child" he smiled. But he didn't know how to answer that and my mind started putting two and two together. It couldn't be possible. I shook my head and continue eating, I didn't eat it all, I was nervous and I couldn't process god properly.

"What made you come here? I mean, I can notice you're not from here...for obvious reasons" I asked and shrugged a little.

"I'm not from here of course. I was just doing some business and I was supposed to be back to L.A. but then I met Kate-" he said and looked for her hand to squeeze it. They smiled at each other and I rolled my eyes.

"So yeah, now I'm working here, and I pretty much started living here and building a life" he smiled brightly at me. I nodded, "That cool".

We stayed there for over an hour, talking about stuff. It was intimidating and weird. He was so so similar to him. I couldn't believe it. I actually panicked at first I thought it was actually him. Good god.


"I don't believe him" I told Leah. I wasn't feeling any of that. That dinner. His presence. What he said. It was suspicious.

"Yeah he was pretty weird but don't start panicking. He's just some guy. He said he's the only child" "Leah he could have said whatever, he could be lying" i said rubbing my forehead." "Relax! I don't think that anything bad could ever happen to you here. We are literally hours away from home. Like...miles away. It's a lot. You're good here. It's alright" she comforted me. But I had a feeling. And when I have those, I better believe in them. I just...You just know when something is not going right or when something is going to happen.

"Stop" she said. "Stop overthinking. Let's talk about some other stuff. Baby names" she said. "You're gonna name her Jennifer" I said smiling victoriously. "It's not a bad idea though" she shrugged being serious. "No, Leah! I was kidding. Name her something else. Like Marie. Since that's your middle name." "Hmmm...I'll see. I like a few. But I'm not sure. I hope to be back to decide that with him, that's cute, I like that stuff, and buying things and all the process" she smiled. "I'll go to bed now, I'm tired. My back is killing me. You should do the same." She added "I can't sleep" "Jennifer, get under the covers right now, sleepy time" she said and I smiled rolling my eyes. "Silly" I did as she told me and she placed an arm over my waist. "Now sleep" she whispered. "But I can't" "Close your eyes and think about beautiful things. Just try and picture good things, things you like, people you like...your favorite place" she whispered and it kind of gave me a sort of relaxing vibe then my eyes started closing and I eventually fell asleep.



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