40- Perhaps.

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We were sitting while the meeting was happening. He was sitting across me. I was so bored I was about to fall asleep and we've been here for like, I don't know maybe an hour? It felt like an eternity. I looked up and saw Gino paying full attention to the girl that was talking about statics and possibilities, I was done. Not to mention that I was tired from the rough night. The thought of it made me smile while my teeth slowly bit my lip. It got my attention when my phone started vibrating.

It was Gino.

"I'd rather be kissing the way down your boobs than actually paying attention to this" I bit my lip looking down at my cleavage and then back at him. He smiled and looked away.

"Behave. We're in public"


"So you gotta behave"

"Tell me you wouldn't rather be on the top of this table and having my tongue inside of you" I immediately looked up shocked, my eyes were wide open but I tried playing it cool. Even though my face was the evidence of what I was feeling, it reddened and I could feel my blood going up. I didn't reply and I got another text.

"I like you so much better when you're naked." I saw the text showing on my screen but didn't answer, again. So he continued.

"On top of me. Yes, I like that"

"I want you moaning inside my mouth while my fingers work their magic."
He kept on going and I decided to turn my phone facing down pretending I wasn't turned on right there. He coughed to get my attention and moved his finger pointing to the door. I quickly yet so delicate and unsuspiciously moved my head no.

My phone buzzed and I took a look again.

"Come with me outside or I'm stopping this meeting and you know I totally would" fuck! I bit my lip and directed my eyes to him indicating him I wasn't going to go anywhere. So I decided to just text him.

"Don't you dare, Gino"

"I will"

He looked at me and then moved like if he was about to stand up. I tried stopping him but it would be too obvious.

"Susan..." he stood up. fuck! He was actually going to do it. "I'm loving every single piece of this presentation seriously and I'm glad you're done" She was confused, because she wasn't done. "But I think we should all take a second and be back later. Let's take twenty minutes. I'll read this..." he took the papers from the table and brought them closer to him. "You all can go and have a snack or something." I was so ashamed and as usual it all showed in my face so I tried covering with my hand. All this because of me, fuck you Gino.

"I said go!" he raised his voice and everybody stood up, even me. "No, you're staying" he held my arm. I looked at him pissed.

When everybody was out he closed the door locking it.

"Why did you do that?" "You're so damn sexy when you get mad" "Gino, I'm serious" "You just make me want to..." and he walked my way and started kissing me desperately. "I hate you for turning me on with these lot of people around me." I said as we continued kissing. "I just asked you one thing, one little thing" He moved to my neck, "I just... wanted a second outside here, I just wanted to have a word with you" "L-L- Like if you were actually going to...fuck, ah...oh my god" I moaned feeling how he was biting my neck. Then he put me up the table and moved my dress enough to have access to my upper legs, and he started running his hands up and up until he was at the top of my panties. "No-" I whispered. "Relax...it's going to be quick because we have to work" He whispered. "I-I-it's not the righ- Oh my...god!" His hand was underneath my panties, his fingers looking for the right place. "Be...quite" he said and finally got a finger inside of me. "Oh my g-" I moaned but he kissed me mouth open and it ended inside his. "I said, be quite!" He demanded. His fingers started moving in a steady pace and I was going crazy. I grabbed the edge of the table arching my back. My hips pushing his hand. He went down my cleavage and kissed like if that was the only thing he wanted to do. He was watching me being pleased by his fingers and he eased another one. "Ow!" He kept a pace down there and I was so close to give myself on his hands but I needed more. "Baby..." Now grabbing his neck and whispering in his ear, "I-I am so close, p-please" He kissed my neck a few times and then slowly slid his fingers out of me leaving me hopeless. "Wh-what?! Nooo!" I cried out, what was he doing?

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