50- Healing.

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"Mhm...yeah, I know it's crazy, but the idea won't leave her mind and I'd rather do it myself knowing it's safer...I know, I know it's crazy, you don't have to tell me, just go and do it...Carlos, just do what I'm asking you, call me back when you have the information or any update on the case" He hung up. I was overhearing him at the top of the stairs I then started walking down, really slowly. It was torture.

"Hey...let me help you" he grabbed my hand. "Here" he sat me down and I looked up at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing...but...I was actually going to grab breakfast...in the kitchen" I said smiling looking at him. "Oh, right...I'll bring it to you"

"Look, the police might come over to question you about what happened. We filed a report for the times he was beating you while in the relationship...so yeah, they may ask about that too"

I nodded sipping my glass of water.

"Here are the pills you need to take" "oh look how cute you got them a box" I smiled. "Yeah, that's the easiest way to control what you're taking" He said. "It's quite a lot, yeah, thank you" "You're welcome."

"And thank you for believing in my weirdness and trying to get Ryan some help" "Don't mention it...- really, don't. Let's just pretend I'm helping any other human being on earth" he said. I looked down. "I'm sorry, I know you don't wanna do this" "It's pretty fucking crazy but- it's okay" He shrugged, I continued eating. "I do it for you, not for him."

I smiled.

"When are we going back home?" "When you decide where home is gonna be" he replied. "Oh...Leah texted me last night, and she told me she had some news about Angelo, I'll be face-timing her later to see what's up, and I'll then decide whether to stay in NYC or move to LA" "So our future is up to Leah?" He asked frowning. I couldn't read him at the moment. "Huh?" I looked at him. "I didn't mean to sound rude or anything, I'm just asking" he said, I smiled. "Silly. No, it's not up to her but I might take a decision after talking to her. She's like a sister to me" "I know, you love her way more than you love any of your siblings" "Fact" I nodded, raising my eyebrows.

"It's alright for me whether you choose here or there, I can work from any" "Alright baby, I'll make sure to be quick picking, I miss home" I told him.

"Oh, talking about home, my sister and nieces are coming over tomorrow night...I miss them like crazy and since I haven't had a moment since I arrived here, I didn't tell her I was here. It was just a few days ago when I could contact her" "Hm, that's so nice. I can't wait to meet them" "you're gonna love them...and they're gonna love you, I'm sure" I smiled chewing my food.

"Should I cook dinner or anything?" "No...Maya knows about what happened-" "Well it was on the news, everywhere..." I grinned ironically, rolling my eyes. He nodded. "Right... well I was thinking about maybe we could eat dinner outside? or we could order it" "Hmmm...it's not that I don't wanna go out, because that'd be nice, but...right now I don't wanna dress up and go out like this...look at my face" I had bruises all over. "I could cover it with makeup and stuff, but I'm tired, I just wanna stay here until we just have to leave home. I'm a mess right now, I don't feel pretty" I said, he frowned. "You still look beautiful...and okay, I'll order food from a restaurant then. It's okay...and listen-" he squatted down in front of me. "Don't, not even for a second, think you're not beautiful." I smiled. "Okay?" He tilted his head, I nodded. "If you continue telling me I'm beautiful I'm sure there will come a point I'll believe it" "Then I'll call you beautiful every time I get the chance...beautiful"

"Does your sister have a husband?" "He -he... died when she was pregnant with Emma, her younger daughter" "Oh my god, I'm sorry..." "It happened not too long ago, almost two years. He had an aneurysm on the aorta" I covered my mouth. "Damn...and why Germany? Why she moved here? Or she's been here since ever?" "No, it was because of my dad, a long ago he associated with some German people and since everything went great he decided to build a business here...so now it's a whole building, we don't have too many floors, but it's a collaboration with the company he was associated with. So now it's tremendous and Maya moved here with Gregory, her husband, like almost ten years ago, but he sadly died." He looked away. "It was devastating for her" "Yeah, oh god I can't imagine"

"So tell me about your nieces" "Well, the little one is Emma, and the other is Allyson, and they're the most precious girls you'll ever see...I think I have a picture here" he pulled his phone out and looked through his camera roll. "Here". Beautiful girls with caramel hair and big blue eyes, they looked like angels.

"Oh my god, they're so beautiful...I really hope these two come with your eyes or else I'm returning them to the fabric." I said pointing at my belly and laughed a little. "Can you imagine? They'll look like you, so beautiful, like angels." He said and moved to touch my belly. "I can't wait for your tummy to grow and stuff..." "I do can wait for it...I'm not ready for my abs to disappear" I smiled and then made a face. "You're gonna be fine"
"We'll see" I finished my glass of water and stood up.

"Can you help me take a shower?" I asked looking down at him. He made a thinking face, the cutest one, and then took his jacket off. "Let's go" he grabbed my hand and helped me with the stairs.

I tried taking my shirt off but I couldn't, I was sore. "I got it" he started unbuttoning my shirt and then carefully pulled it off. "I hate this- I hate not being able to do things by myself " "I know, baby. But I'm more than happy to help you, we are gonna go through this" he kissed my forehead.

He then proceeded to take my pants off and I placed my hands on his shoulder so I wouldn't fall. As he was taking my pants down his fingers traced the way down the sides of my legs. Hmmm... I missed his touch. I had some bruises there but his touch was magical. He looked up and we made eye contact. "Fuck" I had to look away. I couldn't do this. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it" he apologized, he knew what he was doing.

"I'll handle the panties" I tried laughing. "If you could" he said. Well, he was right. "I look forward for the moment I'm capable of ... doing physical activity" I pouted. "That makes two of us" He said. He finally took my panties away. We walked inside the bathroom and he handed me a robe and turned the water of the tub on.

"Oh god- look at this" I was staring at me naked reflection. I turned around to show my purple patch on my lower back. "And here" I then pointed at my arm. "And...here" I moved my face up slowly. "The scar on my back makes me depressed. My body is all screwed" "The doctor said it was going to fade away eventually and that you could go to sessions to make it disappear, after you give birth" "Yeah but-"

"You still look beautiful"

"Yeah sure, whatever. Help me get inside please" I held his hand tightly and he got me inside the warm water.

I closed my eyes trying to avoid the fact that my open wounds were crying out. I sighed hard.

"They itch"

He rolled his sleeves up and got his hand inside the water holding a sponge.

"Let's think about something else, let's ignore they're itching..."

He's so cute. He was trying so hard to help me get over it.

"Alright, what about baby names?" I smiled looking at him.

"I want two girls" he said and I turned to look at him shocked. "Girls?" "Yeah...what is it?" He laughed a little. "Men usually want boys, I don't know, that's the usual" I shrugged. "I've always wanted a girl, it got stronger when Emma was born...but a healthy pair will do" He said and I smiled slowly.

"I want a couple- boy and girl. I have a lot of names in mind, but it gotta be special I don't wanna pick them all of the sudden"

He started washing my skin softly and we continued talking about babies and names, and that stuff. I was excited and happy. I just pushed away all the bad things that happened and I was focusing on what I had right there. Gino and my babies, I was alive and I was going to get better.



This is coming to an enddddddd🌚

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