31- Too Pushy.

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"That was hot" he said as he sat down, I saw he frowned a little carefully touching his shoulder. I came closer.

"Does it hurt?" I was worried.
"A tiny bit" he gave me a side smile. "Should we go upsta-"

I was cut off by a girl yelling. When I turned around I spotted Richard's girlfriend...Well, ex girlfriend. She was there yelling at him.

"Don't fucking talk to me that way!It's not my fault I don't wanna get married. I don't wanna get married just now, but it's too hard for you to get it! I don't want-" her voice cracked until the point she couldn't speak.

She took a deep breath and it gave him the chance to talk.

"Me?? You ran away! You didn't answer any of my calls or messages."

"I was freaking out!!!!" She yelled again.

I was shocked. We all were.

"I should...I'll go there" I said to Gino and he stood up walking behind me.

"Guys, let's take this inside? People are watching" I said and they looked around.

"Lexie..." I said and she nodded walking pass me. "You stupid head, when I told you to talk to her, I didn't actually mean you should make a scene, walk inside already" I said and kind of pushed him when he walked pass me.

I looked over the music guy and nodded indicating him to play the music again.

I walked inside and Gino was behind me the whole time.

"So what? Richard you don't get it" she was literally crying the words. Oh god, these kids.

Richard was two years younger which means he was 28. Lexie was probably...twenty four? Or maybe twenty five? I don't know, she looked young, like, really young. But when she spoke you knew she wasn't whatever, she was smart and beautiful.

She was kind of red headed, it was a deep red tone it was more like brownish, terra-cotta kind of tone, yeah, that one. Her skin was so white, she had freckles all over and a nice body.  She looked innocent and small, somehow.

She was frustrated, you could easily tell by how she was talking and acting. And Richard was just too pushy.

"I'm sorry, I truly am, it's not that I don't wanna marry you-"
"So what is it? Tell me because I can't understand it" he said and looked straight into her face, desperately looking for her eyes.

She shook her head crying rivers. I walked closer to her and stroked her back.

"It's ok..." I faced Gino, "Can you get me a glass of water?" I asked him and he nodded walking to the kitchen.

"I just...-I'm scared okay. This is a big deal and I didn't know how to react, I don't know what to do or say, I'm freaking scared. It's not that I don't love you or anything"

She cleaned her face and continued.

"Because I do, I do love you so freaking much, like you have no idea and I do wanna spend the rest of my life with you but-"

He cut her off.

"But what??? Tell me what is it?! Just tell me, Lexie, please"

"Well if you fucking let her, she may do it" I shot him a look and Gino walked with the glass of water and I handed it to Lexie.

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