32- Fun Game.

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I went to Leah's house and checked on her. Her belly is getting big and she seemed to be just fine with that Angelo situation. She told me he apologized through a text message because she didn't actually want to see him. I stayed the night there and early next morning, she let me borrow clothes and I went to work. It went by smoothly as usual.


Days after.

"It's just a little party, he used to be my best friend when we were in high school and I haven't seen him in forever. We still chat from time to time but anything farther" I was convincing Gino why going with me to that 'reunion' was important for me.

"It's a little something to celebrate he's back from Brazil, work" I said and shrugged. "So...are you coming with me?" I asked all excited about it. He nodded having a side smile.

"Yay!! Thank you baby, I'm gonna go pick my outfit" I peeked his lips. It was Friday night. "I need to check some stuff in here, I'll...be here" he smiled and then glanced over looking for his laptop.

I picked a tight black pincel skirt with a sleeveless shirt. Since everything was black, when you put it together it looked like a dress. I placed it there and looked for heels. I had two choices.

"Which one?" I asked Gino. "Hmm...with what dress?" "This" I showed him. "Hmmm...no" he said now standing up and going into my big closet.

"This" he walked out with a red wine long sleeve cotton dress with a V cleavage. "Hmmm" I smirked. "I like this" I nodded. "and you can pick the creamy sandals you have there. The high ones..." "Woah...ok I'm really surprised. You just...picked me an outfit and it's not bad at all, I actually love it. I'm proud of you" I smirked and walked over to take the dress from his hands. I was truly surprised. "I've spent enough time with you" he had a small smile. "That's a fact" I pecked his lips and placed my outfit inside the closet.

"That's what I'm gonna be wearing tomorrow" I smiled. "Do I need to wear a tuxedo or something?" "No, it's not really necessary. It's not that big of a deal. Just do you, you always look handsome." I said.

"Hmm, by the way, they brought you a file, in...Mr. Rodgers' name and I kinda forgot to give it to you" I said not paying attention and getting in bed.

"Oh...where is it? It's really important" "I have it downstairs, with the other bunch of papers I brought from the office today, I'm supposed to read and sign all of that. I wonder why do I even have a secretary." I fixed myself in bed and looked at him.

"Come cuddle me" I pouted and he did so, and kissed my cheek.


The next morning we prepared breakfast and I took the time to actually read and sign most of the papers I brought home. I gave Gino the file and he walked over to his apartment. He told me he needed to be at his studio for a little while. I just let him. And that was because I wasn't feeling clingy that day.

At almost lunch time I started to make us something. I went to the kitchen and decided to, why not, make lasagna. When it was ready...like hour and a half after I think...I went to look for Gino. I hit the doorbell and he answered.

"Come have lunch with me." I said and he didn't hesitate. He held my hand and closed his door behind him and we walked inside my apartment.

Thank god we didn't mention anything else about the moving thing. I knew it wasn't gonna work anyway. It required time.

"Hmm- it smells really good, what did you make?" "Lasagna" I proudly said. He smirked.

"You're gonna love it. This is for you to stop saying I don't cook for you" I told him and we sat down to eat lasagna and alongside a glass of red wine.

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