49- Help Him.

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"Just don't move, I'll try to be as gentle as possible" he said holding a small cotton near my wound, it was hard for him to see me suffer as I did every time he needed to help me do this. He was cleaning my wounds, obviously. "It itches...oh my god- ahhhh" I gasped in frustration. I couldn't do anything about it. "Damn it...just....just blow some air there, fuck" I bit my lip hard trying to hold the pain, more than pain it was itchiness. he did so. "It's alright, it's alright...It's done, please cover yourself. I can't control myself any longer" "I'm a sexy pregnant chick, with lot of bruises" I joked. I couldn't even laugh properly without feeling any pain. "You definitely are...damn...if you weren't all injured I swear to god, Jennifer I'd be-" "No!! Please, don't do it, don't say it. I'm so sensitive right now, even the smallest thing could turn me on and I'm not in the position right now...fuck" I made a sad face. "Let's just...I don't know I have no idea what else to do." I said. He walked close and pecked my lips. "It's alright" he whispered. "Let's just get you in bed, I'll talk to you about a few things"

"What is it?" "Well, my plans weren't to live here, in Germany, in fact, those are not my plans at all, but things happened and we are here, temporary but still...I would like to ask you if you wanted any special place to live? I was thinking about maybe just go ahead and move to Los Angeles...or maybe just go back to New York, sell both of our penthouses and buy a nice house somewhere there..." he finally finished, I thought at least. "What do you think?" He asked.

"Well, that was a lot of information right there"

Then I thought...maybe we could actually move to Los Angeles. Leah could move there too. My parents were there. Too many things to think about.

"I'd have to think about it..." I said. "Okay? Take your time, when you decide something we will do it, it has to be quickly, it's dangerous to take flights when you're about to give birth." He said surprising me. "How do you know that?" I smirked. "I read it on Internet" he said with the cutest face. I smiled. "You're so freaking cute" I said kissing him tenderly. He pulled away and then looked at me straight into my eyes, without saying anything. I had my head on the top of the pillow and I was looking down at him with a sweet grin on my face. "What?" I whispered. "You have no idea how happy I feel to have you here with me, and to see you smiling and- just being here with me" he said almost whispering, that got me and I felt tears threatening to come out. He reached for my hand and kissed it, I moved it to his cheek and stroke it with my thumb. "I love you so much, Gino" I said and my tears started falling. "I love you too, Jennifer...like you have no idea" he said and went up to my face to kiss me.

I was so lucky to have him by my side. I couldn't have asked for someone better.


I was going through my purse looking for my Chapstick when I felt a piece of paper and when I took it out I saw it was a letter.

"Jennifer, if you're reading this is because yeah, you're alive and not living with me as it was planned. You somehow tried and succeed at leaving me again. So by reading this I wanted to remind you that you left me and took my life with you. if I'm not dead I'm probably needing you. I need you just like air. I need you. please. If I happen to be alive don't doubt I'll never stop trying to make you mine again. I need you. That's why I do what I do. You need to be mine. Perhaps I might be in prison now but I'll find my way to you and this time I won't fail. I might have failed once but believe me it won't happen again.


What? This was the first time I've seen Ryan's handwriting like this. It's just messy and looks like if he was shaking. I felt like crying. But I didn't. I was actually concerned about whatever was happening with him. This was more than just a simply obsession. He was sick. God. Then a terrible idea passed by my head. I gotta help him. It was like all of the thoughts about hating him left my body. It wasn't his fault. He might be critically.

"Gino" I yelled and he rushed to me. "What? What is it?" he asked worried. "Read this" I handed him the letter.

"This son of a bitch! I have to tell the police about this" "Gino, you don't get it, he's sick. He needs help." He laughed. "I'm serious" "What??? Jennifer, are you listening to what you're saying right now? You're like this because of him" he said narrowing his eyes. "I know, but he's not on his mind. He's sick. We have to help him" I insisted. "What? Are you fucking crazy? He almost killed you and not to let alone, he almost killed my children" he was yelling by then. It scared me and I just looked at him. Usually these screams led to me being hit or something.

He was right. But Ryan was sick. He needed help. We needed to do something. I needed to help him.

"I won't help him. You're not helping him either. Look at yourself. You can barely move" "Gino, please" I got up walking over to him. God, it still hurt so badly. I placed my hand on his chest and looked at him. "I can give you the whole world, ask me for anything, but I'm sorry I can't do that. I'm not going to do it" "Then if you don't do it, I will" I said. "Are you out of your fucking mind? I can't believe you right now" he yelled. He was so mad. I could understand him. His point of view was right, but I was not that kind of person, I knew he hurt me and I wanted to kill him, but he was not in his mind, he needed help. I didn't want to go through what happened to me ever again, but I needed to help him.

He needed professional help. It might sound crazy but I had to do it before he could actually do something we all would regret.

"Okay fine. Don't help him then"

I couldn't do those dramatics scenes of walking out furious shooting the door because I couldn't walk that quickly. My body was still recovering plus my baby bump.

I walked outside and sat on the guest room that was not too far from our room. I fell asleep there.

"Hey...wake up" I heard him. "You didn't have to sleep here or anything else. You more than anyone know how to convince me, and always get your way. For as much as I would love to just kill him with my own damn hands...I will do what's necessary to help him, I'm doing this because if I don't do it, you will do it by yourself and I've had enough, you've had enough. So let's...let's see what I can do, I'll make a call and I'll let you know" he said and I was still sleepy. I smiled. "Come over here" I said as he carefully got in bed. "I know I'm asking for the world right now but-" "hush, I'm willing to do whatever you want, as long as it's in my power, I'm gonna do it" I sighed. "Thank you" he just moved his hand to my tummy and started stroking it. "I still can't believe I'm going to be a father." Every time I remember it, I smiled to myself, he was so happy about it, I regretted so much worrying about everything I did. Believing he'd leave me or something.

"I love you, Gino. It's mad love the one I got for you. We've literally gone through everything, I'm so thankful I meet you in that elevator, or well, the night before" I said and I got teary. "I'm proud of you, and how strong you are" he said. I closed my eyes letting the tears fall down by the sides of my eyes. I was so sensitive. "I love you too." He said and kissed my head. "Don't you ever get tired of me, please...I know it's the hardest thing but please don't you ever get tired of me" I whispered. "I won't" he kissed my head again and then moved to my lips kissing me tenderly.


I'm emotional 😭

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