33- Wedding Planner.

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He was going down on me for the second time and I swear I couldn't hold myself. It was not a comfortable place to do this, but I couldn't wait. We were far from home and I was, literally burning from how hot I felt. My back was arching and my legs were closing trying to make him stop, I couldn't take it. But he pushed them apart.

The music was so loud it actually gave me the confidence I needed to scream as loud as I pleased.

"God- ah...just- fuck" I fell back on my back. I was running out of air as my hands went to the top of his head. He did something with his tongue that me try harder closing my legs. "Goddamit" I whimpered. He looked up at me with one of his fingers doing its thing and just smirked at how I was giving in to him. I could feel how it was all building inside of me and he continued with what he was doing and then, I let it out. But I wasn't satisfied I brought him up to me and pulled his pants down. 

"Well shi-"

We continued there and after I screamed my heart out for some other minutes, we were both there trying to get our breaths even.

"What was that?" He asked sighing hard and running his hand through his head. "That was fucking awesome" I replied looking for my dress and putting it back on.

"Let's go home, I need a shower" I said and jumped out of the car.

I was fixing my dress and I heard a familiar voice.

"Well- seems like someone just had a great time" I looked up immediately meeting Gabriela with a glass of something in her hand and her phone in the other.

"How much did you watch...or hear?" I asked slowly biting my lip. I was kind of...embarrassed? I didn't figure it.

"Enough" she winked letting her teeth bite her bottom lip slowly. "Nice body you have under those clothes" she added and I could feel how my face got hot and she couldn't see it because the lights weren't strong enough, but my face was red, I just knew it. I swallowed hard and then spoke. "Well- I...thank you?" I laughed nervously not really knowing what to say or do...

"I'd like to hang out with you, another time...if that's okay with you? You seem fun to be with" she said and looked at me with this smile kind of inviting.

"Oh- sure. You could text me"

She nodded smirking.

"If I had your number I probably would" "You could ask Harry" "or you could just give it to me"

I nodded.

"Give me your phone" I demanded and she unlocked it and gave it to me.

I saved myself under "Jennifer😛" just to mess around. I got my immature moments too. I smiled at the phone screen and handed it back to her.

"Call me, or text me...so we can plan something...I don't know" I shrugged smiling and then turned to get in the car.

"It was nice meeting you" she said. I opened the door and then faced her. "Same here" I flashed her a smile and then got inside closing the door and placing the seatbelt over my chest locking it.

Gino didn't ask anything he just started the engine and placed his hand on my thigh, driving away.


Two weeks later.

"Jen, she's crazy, I have no idea where that came from, but yeah, I'm pleasing her and we are gonna get married in New York. I can't be there, because I'm working, but she will start preparing things right away, we are hoping we can make it to the end of this month or the first week of the next"

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