12- Fourth Of July.

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A month has gone by since that dinner I had with him. Everything has been going great. Since then we haven't actually gotten on a date. The latest project we completed was the German one, and it went good, they took a little longer that we were expecting but after all it succeeded. We, the whole crew went out to celebrate, nothing special happening there. Just a few drinks and then I went home. The next project we got is this big thing in Los Angeles.

I was getting some copies and I saw him coming. God.

"Hey!" he said, I shyly replied, "Hi..."
"Do you uhm...have any plans for the Fourth of July?"
"No, not really, why?" I quickly replied.
"Well, I was thinking maybe, since we're gonna be in Los Angeles by then, you'd want to come to my parents' house? Their parties are always amazing and I thought you'd want to come with me"

He's so sweet, he was acting like a little boy inviting a girl out for the first time. I knew it's because family tend to embarrass the shit out of us all the time, especially when it comes to bringing a girl home.

I was pretty sure my parents were gonna kill me because I was gonna be there but not with any of them, but I'd like something different and he offered me the opportunity so...

"Sure, I think that'd be nice"
"Really? Great then" he clearly wasn't expecting my answer to be yes.


Alright so we've been working on some presentations for a couple of weeks now, it has been a very professional relationship until now, just a little teasing and he's tried to kiss me in several occasions.

Our flight is on Thursday and we're pretty much done. I was going to be staying at my mom's house. It was a battle between my parents. I was just gonna get a hotel room but they didn't let me and decided to simply just let me stay at my mom's.

Having divorced parents, for me, is the best and the worst. The best because I used to get twice gifts and twice the things that were always just given by both of them, I'd be spoiled by them both in different ways and with different things. The worst because the fight over you like if you're some kind of toy, and sometimes they can even blame you for what happened between them. This time because I'd have to go to get dinner twice, of course not at the same day.

I finished my day and went back home.
I was finishing some paperwork, just getting them set, putting them in some files. I checked my 'to-do list' and I was pretty much done with everything, but then I realized I needed to pack my things "Shit." it was Tuesday so it meant I had like a day to get it all. I finished closing the files and went upstairs to start packing. I packed everything I thought was necessary.

On Thursday morning I woke up at 5 o'clock. Apparently Gino had a driver and he was taking us to the airport. It was too early for me to function but he was as bright as a star.

He wasn't wearing formal clothes which is weird for me not seeing him on them. He was wearing a jacket and some jeans. "Are you ready?" "Huh? I mean, yeah, yes"

I wasn't wearing any makeup and my hair was all in a messy bun. I was wearing sweats, some sneakers, a sweater and some sunglasses to cover up these incredible strong dark circles. I need at least seven hours of sleep to be presentable.

"I told you to go to bed early" he said trying to be funny. Of course it didn't work at all, I was grumpy. "I need coffee, don't talk to me until I get one, thanks" "Rude!" he said chuckling.

When we arrived at the airport he got me a large coffee just as I told him. "Here" he handed me the coffee and I started drinking it like if it was some kind of medicine. Our flight was in time.

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